Tag Archive: Featured

Drehung der US-Märkte möglich? – US Opening Bell mit Marcus Klebe – 14.06.22

Drehung der US-Märkte möglich? - US Opening Bell mit Marcus Klebe - 14.06.22 Folge uns auf: Telegramm: https://t.me/jfdbank_de LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/jfd... Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JFDGermany/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/JFD_Group Webseite: https://www.jfdbank.com/de #DowJones #Trading #MarcusKlebe ÜBER JFD: WER WIR SIND: JFD ist...

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Should You Sell the Rip?| 3:00 on Markets & Money

(6/14/22) Markets have officially declined more than 20%--the arbitrary measurement that defines a "bear market," but what does that really mean? (It's FELT like a bear market for the past several months!) Markets are not two standard deviations below the 50-DMA, a point from which markets have previously bounced. "Buy the Dip" is no longer in vogue--it's "Sell the Rip." The next level of resistance in the S&P will...

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Prospects of Aggressive Tightening Sends Shock Waves through the Capital Markets

Overview: The markets' evolving expectations of a more aggressive monetary policy is not limited to the Federal Reserve, where the terminal rate is now straddling the 4% area, around 100 bp above late May levels.

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Cash-Flow oder Gewinn? Überraschendes in der Krise

Link zu meinen Onlinekursen: https://thomas-anton-schuster.coachy.net/lp/finanzielle-unabhangigkeit Vortrags- und Seminartermine, sowie kostenlose Anforderung des Aktienbewertungsblatts: https://aktienerfahren.de

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What’s the Best Measure of Inflation: CPI, PPI, or PCE?

(6/14/22) Markets technically enter bear territory, but a longer perspective belies the angst; gauging the markets' response to inflation (which will reverse); what the Fed Whisper says about a 75-bp rate hike; the faster the Fed raises rates, the higher the volatility; CPI, PPI, or PCE: What's the best measure of inflation? When will inflation end? Senior gifts; stock buy-back blackout period; Lance's Narci-drone; the love affair w Cryptocurrency:...

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Markt bricht ein und Binance setzt Auszahlungen mit Bitcoin aus

Der Markt erlebte einen weiteren Einbruch, der den BTC um fast ein Viertel seines Gesamtwertes absacken ließ. Aktuell hält sich Bitcoin nur noch knapp oberhalb von 22.000 US-Dollar. Alle größeren Cryptocoins folgten der Abwärtsbewegung, wodurch eine allgemeine Panik entstand, welche die Gesamtmarktkapitalisierung wieder unter eine Billionen US-Dollar führte. Bitcoin News: Markt bricht ein und Binance setzt Auszahlungen mit Bitcoin ausViele Börsen...

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Öl-Konzerne: Die Not zum Wandel?

In diesem Jahr sind Aktien und Unternehmen in den Fokus der Anleger gerückt, die lange einen schwierigen Stand hatten. Dazu gehören unter anderem Rüstungsunternehmen - aber auch Öl-Konzerne. Letztere sind unser Thema im aktuellen Podcast. Ein boomender Ölpreis bescherte den Unternehmen zuletzt hervorragende Ergebnisse. Doch ist das volle Kurspotenzial damit bereits ausgereizt? Wie sehen die Zukunftspläne der großen Öl-Multis aus und vor welchen...

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Indizes legen vorbörslich Zwischenstopp ein – “DAX Long oder Short?” mit Marcus Klebe – 14.06.22

Indizes legen vorbörslich Zwischenstopp ein - "DAX Long oder Short?" mit Marcus Klebe - 14.06.22 Folge uns auf: Telegramm: https://t.me/jfdbank_de LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/jfd... Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JFDGermany/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/JFD_Group Webseite: https://www.jfdbrokers.com/de #DAX #MarcusKlebe #Trading ÜBER...

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A crack-up boom in the making

The great Ludwig von Mises first described the concept of a crack-up boom as part of the Austrian business cycle theory, based on real life events that to an unsuspecting bystander might have appeared unconnected, or perhaps even quite bizarre and counterintuitive. Indeed, such a bystander might think the same of today’s economy and would likely have trouble making sense of the picture painted by stock markets, by our monetary and fiscal policies...

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24 hours inside a new Swiss prison

Over 800 people volunteered to be locked up in a Zurich prison last month to test the new facility. SWI swissinfo.ch reporter May Elmahdi-Lichtsteiner was one of the lucky inmates selected for the trial. The Zurich cantonal authorities recently came up with the unusual idea to give the detention facility and staff a test run before the prison starts taking real inmates. The pilot project was intended as a good way of “ensuring the proper...

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Increase in the number of hours worked in Switzerland in 2021

The total number of hours worked in Switzerland reached 7.798 billion in 2021, representing an increase of 2.5% compared with the previous year. The pre-pandemic level has not yet been regained, however. According to the latest results from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO) and the Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat), the volume of work among 20-64 year olds in Switzerland increased slightly more than in the EU.

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Interest Rates Are Rising, but the Fed Continues to Be Reckless

The crushing issue of high inflation caused by central banks can no longer be downplayed. Public displeasure at the increasing currency devaluation has now forced monetary policy makers to act. The US Federal Reserve (Fed) has raised its key interest rate to 1 percentage point.

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Prices As Curative Punishment

It wasn’t exactly a secret, though the raw data doesn’t ever tell you why something might’ve changed in it. According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, confirmed by industry sources, US new car sales absolutely tanked in May 2022.

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Market Success Is about Giving People What They Want

Economists are often examining the variables that lead to prosperity, but surprisingly, intelligence is rarely featured in this literature, despite its high replicability in research. Intelligence is a robust predictor of well-being, job performance, and other social outcomes.

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Trafigura posts record half-year profit as commodities volatility intensifies

Geneva-based Trafigura reported record half-year profits as volatility and disruption in commodity markets, exacerbated by the war in Ukraine, supercharged earnings for the world’s biggest traders.

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Can Gold Return to the Center of the Monetary System?

Forget about digital gold. The only truth is the yellow metal. As Keith Weiner notes, real gold “is the one financial asset that is nobody else’s liability.” Weiner, the founder, and CEO of Monetary Metals explains to Mike Green how his company boosts gold’s value proposition by paying interest on bullion holdings. He also talks about the inevitable debasement of fiat currencies and the inherent volatility of #Bitcoin. Weiner believes it won’t be...

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I wanted to pass along the things I’ve learned to others.

I wanted to pass along the things I’ve learned to others. I’m glad you found it helpful. #principles #raydalio #shorts

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What Is Your Reason To NOT Own Silver ? DO NOT DO THIS MISTAKE | Alasdair MacLeod

In this video Alasdair MacLeod explains why the banking system is in the state of collapse. #Silver #Silverprice #Gold Learn (For FREE) how to make MONEY on youtube WITHOUT showing your face or without even making your own videos: https://www.ytautomationsecrets.com/ Other interesting videos: Watch this before buying Ethereum | Michael Saylor Explains Ethereum : The Real Truth Of $1 Dogecoin | Graham Stephan : Silver And Gold In 2021 |...

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Bitcoin: Kauf-Chance des Jahrzehnts?

► Schaue dir meine IGTVs auf Instagram an: https://www.instagram.com/erichsenlars ► Höre Dir meinen Podcast an! Hier findest Du ihn bei: https://lars-erichsen.de/podcasts.html Die Bitcoin-Notierungen fallen und fallen und ich glaube, es geht noch weiter abwärts. Wie weit, wo also aus meiner Sicht eine potenzielle Kaufzone liegt, möchte ich euch heute gerne erläutern. Das wird dann meines Erachtens auch zu DER Kaufchance schlechthin. Schaut es euch...

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9 € Ticket: 3 schöne Orte in Bayern #shorts

Depot eröffnen & loslegen: ⭐ Flatex (in Österreich keine Depotgebühr): *https://www.minimalfrugal.com/flatex.at ⭐DADAT (Dividendendepot für Österreicher/Innen): *https://minimalfrugal.com/dadatdepot ► Trade Republic: (um 1€ Aktien kaufen): *https://www.minimalfrugal.com/traderepublic ► Smartbroker: *https://www.minimalfrugal.com/smartbroker ► Comdirect: *http://www.minimalfrugal.com/comdirect ► Onvista:...

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