Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Big firms required to publish gender pay gap in 2021

Large companies in Switzerland will have to analyse wages of men and women starting in 2020 and make the audited results available to staff in 2021. The Federal Council agreed on Wednesday that the equal pay revision to the Gender Equality Act, passed by parliament in December 2018, will come into force on July 1, 2020.

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Heinz Huber, CEO Raiffeisen Schweiz

Der Raiffeisen-CEO über die Halbjahreszahlen, das laufende Effizenzprogramm und die Risiken am Immobilienmarkt.

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Heinz Huber, CEO Raiffeisen Schweiz

Der Raiffeisen-CEO über die Halbjahreszahlen, das laufende Effizenzprogramm und die Risiken am Immobilienmarkt.

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Nine out of ten Swiss are satisfied with their job

The vast majority of Swiss people enjoy going to work. In a survey by consultants EY, 87% said they were satisfied or very satisfied with their job. Although the figure has barely changed since last year, differences between sectors persist. In the construction industry and in mechanical and systems engineering, for example, satisfaction has increased significantly.

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Grand Hotel Locarno

Grand Hotel Locarno --- is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos visit or subscribe to our YouTube channel: Website: Channel: Subscribe:...

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Bringing black cinema to the fore

Bringing black cinema to the fore — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos visit or subscribe to our YouTube channel: Website: Channel: Subscribe:...

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Young directors reflect modern realities in film

Two young directors and the head of the committee that selected their short films, talk about their choices and the importance of cinema for society. Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current affairs and the wider world. Keep up to date and watch the videos wherever you are, whenever you like. — …

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Grand Hotel Locarno

Grand Hotel Locarno — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos visit or subscribe to our YouTube channel: Website: Channel: Subscribe:...

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Swiss groundwater quality threatened by pollution

Pollution from agriculture, former industrial sites and landfills is threatening Switzerland’s groundwater reserves, according to a detailed study of water quality. The water quality study from the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), released on Thursday, said groundwater faces the greatest pressures in areas of high farming activity.

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Swiss pharma executive gets US sanction for insider trading  

The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has fined Lorenz Erne, a former senior executive at Swiss pharmaceutical firm Roche, for insider trading and ordered him to pay back the ill-gotten profits. Erne accepted the accusations and agreed to the terms of a settlement with the SEC, according to an SEC document published on Thursday. He has to pay back $159,228 (CHF156,000) plus a fine of $79,614 within 14 days to the SEC “for transfer to the...

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Börsen-Talk vom 16. August 2019

Ökonomen warnen vor einer Rezession. Mojmir Hlinka vom Vermögensverwalter Agfif sieht das aber anders und nennt im Börsen-Talk Schweizer Aktien, die in den nächsten Jahren «definitiv» zu den Gewinnern gehören werden.

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Börsen-Talk vom 16. August 2019

Ökonomen warnen vor einer Rezession. Mojmir Hlinka vom Vermögensverwalter Agfif sieht das aber anders und nennt im Börsen-Talk Schweizer Aktien, die in den nächsten Jahren «definitiv» zu den Gewinnern gehören werden.

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Swiss taxis Europe’s most expensive

In a recent comparison of taxi fares across Europe, Geneva and Zurich were the most expensive. In the study, which focused on the total cost of a taxi journey from the airport to the centre of town, Geneva (€36 – CHF40) and Zurich (€63 – CHF70) fared better than Milan (€105) and London (€104), which had the highest total journey costs. However, this is only because Zurich and Geneva airports are close to the city centre.

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The New Zealand All Blacks vs. Victor Matfield, Cindy Poluta & Maps Maponyane #BestOfTheBestRugby

It’s the ultimate word scrum as the All Blacks take on Victor Matfield, Cindy Poluta and Maps Maponyane to find out who the best of the best really is! Find out more: #BestOfTheBestRugby

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Why are some films tough to make in Switzerland?

Filmmakers David Vogel and Samir discuss why some topics are received more critically by audiences in Switzerland, and how their childhoods have … — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews …

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The three Rs of the good environmentalist

Recyle – Reduce – Reuse: but be careful how you do it! Green gestures and a sustainable lifestyle can be good for the planet but there are some things to keep in mind. Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current affairs and the wider world. Keep up to date and watch the videos … Continue reading...

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Jeannine Pilloud, Präsidentin und CEO Ascom

Die Zukunft des Kommunikationsspezialisten Ascom liegt irgendwo zwischen Turnaround und Verkauf. Unmittelbar will Konzernchefin Jeannine Pilloud aber beim Marketing ansetzen, wie sie im Interview sagt.

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Jeannine Pilloud, Präsidentin und CEO Ascom

Die Zukunft des Kommunikationsspezialisten Ascom liegt irgendwo zwischen Turnaround und Verkauf. Unmittelbar will Konzernchefin Jeannine Pilloud aber beim Marketing ansetzen, wie sie im Interview sagt.

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UBS Campus | Food & Drinks

Grande fame, mini budget? Approfittare di 1500+ offerte LEGI con UBS Campus.”

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UBS Campus | Things to do

Divertirsi a basso costo: approfittare di 1500+ offerte LEGI con UBS Campus.

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