Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

UBS Campus | Nightlife

Lots of partying on a low budget: benefit from 1,500+ LEGI savings deals with UBS Campus.

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Does your country do enough to promote cycling?

Going to work on your bike is a great workout, plus it’s good for the environment! Many people think of Switzerland as a country that’s bike-friendly, but when it’s compared to a country like Denmark, it doesn’t look so perfect. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is …

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Swiss financial sector shines in international survey 

Switzerland’s financial centre has a positive reputation abroad, despite a string of scandals in 2018, according to a 19-nation survey conducted by Presence Suisse. The reputation and quality of Swiss banks were rated as “good” to “very good” by most respondents in the international poll of 12,767 people. The ethics and responsibility of the Swiss banking sector are also well regarded.

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Swiss and homeless

A study by the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Northwest Switzerland shines a light on homelessness in Switzerland. Despite a social welfare net, there are still people dropping out of the system. On a stroll around Bern’s public parks, Roger, who’s been homeless for 22 years, tells his story. Nouvo brings you short … Continue...

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Survey shows growing political acceptance for a fuel tax

Analysis of survey questions filled out by Swiss politicians in 2015 and 2019 shows a marked turnaround in attitudes towards the introduction of a carbon tax on fuel. The Smartvote online platform asks politicians various attitudinal questions in an effort to help voters make up their minds in the lead up to national elections.

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Börsen-Talk vom 9. August 2019

Thomas Heller rechnet mit einem länger anhaltenden Handelskrieg und längerfristig sinkenden Zinsen. Im Börsen-Talk erklärt der Anlagechef der Schwyzer Kantonalbank, auf welche Assets sich Anleger jetzt konzentrieren sollten.

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Börsen-Talk vom 9. August 2019

Thomas Heller rechnet mit einem länger anhaltenden Handelskrieg und längerfristig sinkenden Zinsen. Im Börsen-Talk erklärt der Anlagechef der Schwyzer Kantonalbank, auf welche Assets sich Anleger jetzt konzentrieren sollten.

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Novartis rejects suspected data manipulation in US

Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis has dismissed criticism that it allegedly withheld information about animal testing data inaccuracies to United States authorities for a human gene therapy. Novartis said its subsidiary in California began investigating the alleged data manipulation for its gene therapy Zolgensma as soon as it learned about it.

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Mike Allison, CEO VAT Group

VAT hat im ersten Halbjahr deutlich weniger Umsatz und Gewinn erzielt. CEO Mike Allison erwartet eine Steigerung in der zweiten Jahreshälfte und beabsichtigt die Dividende auf Vorjahresniveau zu halten.

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Rewind of The Road to Wellington competition

We’re hitting rewind on The Road To Wellington competition with Victor Matfield, Cindy Poluta and Maps Maponyane! As enablers of international rugby we gave clients an iconic trip that exposed them to the #BestOfTheBestRugby

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Mike Allison, CEO VAT Group

VAT hat im ersten Halbjahr deutlich weniger Umsatz und Gewinn erzielt. CEO Mike Allison erwartet eine Steigerung in der zweiten Jahreshälfte und beabsichtigt die Dividende auf Vorjahresniveau zu halten.

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Swiss in Minnesota call for compromise and e-voting

Finding middle ground in an increasingly polarized political landscape is key, say Swiss voters living in the American Midwest. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos visit …

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Chinese-owned Swissmetal sold to Swiss investors

The cash-strapped Baoshida Swissmetal company has been taken over by a group of Swiss investors six years after it was sold to a Chinese group. The newly-founded Swissmetal Industries, backed by two private investors, said it had acquired the firm, which employs about 160 people at two factories in the small towns of Dornach and Reconvilier.

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Smile for future

Since Greta Thunberg started striking for climate last August, thousands of teenagers have followed her example cutting classes on Fridays to call for system change. Some found their own way to protest while still attending school. Lately criticism has increased towards young climate activists, who are suspected of pushing political agendas. Nouvo brings you short …

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US tourists flocking to Switzerland amid economic boom  

American visitors to Switzerland have increased by over 40% in five years and represent a major growth motor for the tourism industry, annual statistics show. Chinese and Indian tourists are often seen as the future of Swiss tourism, the SonntagsZeitung and Le Matin Dimanche newspapers reported at the weekend. However, they say, “North America is the real growth engine when it comes to overseas visitors”.

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Swiss in Boston discuss value of being heard in Bern

For the mobile Swiss community, should official voting materials be issued in English, too? — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos visit or subscribe to our YouTube …

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Swiss voices from Germany and Brazil

Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current affairs and the wider world. Keep up to date and watch the videos wherever you are, whenever you like. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international …

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Switzerland has highest underemployment in Europe

In 2018, 830,000 people in Switzerland were unable to find the work they wanted, according the Federal Statistical Office. While 243,000 were looking but not immediately available and 231,000 were unemployed, most (356,000) were underemployed – working but unable to find as many hours of work as they’d like.

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Swiss apprenticeships – too many places, not enough takers

Figures on unfilled apprenticeship places show the difficulty of matching supply and demand in the labour market. This year there were 12,000 unfilled apprenticeship positions in Switzerland. Switzerland’s apprenticeship model, which helps match workers’ skills with employer demand, is one driver of Switzerland’s low unemployment (4.9%) – 2018 ILO basis.

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Swiss prices under scrutiny

Stefan Meierhans has a job that doesn't exist elsewhere. For more than 10 years he has been keeping an eye on Swiss prices, to make sure they're fair and honest. One of his big fights is making public transport more attractive than individual transport by car. All in all, young people are one of his main focus groups, because they're more vulnerable when it comes to debts. Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current affairs and...

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