Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Switzerland slides one place in 2019 press freedom ranking

In 2019, Switzerland lost one place slipping from 5th to 6th place out of 180, according to the latest world ranking of press freedom by the organisation Reporters Without Borders. The change was largely driven by the stronger performance of Denmark, which moved up into 5th place.

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Swiss vote could cause chaos at Zurich and Geneva airports

A referendum on revising gun laws scheduled for 19 May 2019 could cause major disruption at airports in Zurich and Geneva if it succeeds, according to various newspapers.If the vote passes it might eventually lead to the exclusion of Switzerland from the Schengen area.

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The 3 things driving Geneva’s residents to shop in France

A recent study by Geneva’s department of economic development (DDE) looks at the shopping habits of its residents and the residents of neighbouring Vaud and neighbouring France – an area including Nyon and parts of the French Ain and Haute Savoie regions.

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Oldest Swiss school in South America gets ministerial visit

Foreign Affairs Minister Ignazio Cassis, currently visiting Chile, has hailed education ties as he visited the country’s Swiss school abroad, the Colegio Suizo. The school, the oldest Swiss school abroad in South America and the only official Swiss school abroad in Chile, is celebrating its 80th anniversary this year.

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Switzerland’s workforce participation – Swiss versus foreigners

In 2018, 68.5% of the nation’s residents aged 15 or older was working, 1.5% more than in 2010. This rise was largely driven by an increase in the percentage of women in the workforce. In 2010, 60.0% were working. By 2018, 62.9% were, a rise of 2.9%. On the other hand, the overall percentage of men working declined slightly (-0.1%) to reach 74.2% by 2018.

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How good is organic food for nature?

Organic food is booming and it’s good for the environment and biodiversity. However, organic farming requires more space to produce the same quantities as conventional food production. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international …

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Over a third of Swiss jobs are part-time

The number of people working in Switzerland is on the rise. Meanwhile, part-time work is much more widespread in Switzerland than in the rest of Europe. In Switzerland, 84.2% of the population aged 15 to 64 had a job in 2018 – an increase of 2.9 percentage points since 2010. Within the European Union (EU), only Iceland has a higher level of employment.

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Alessandro Bee, Ökonom UBS

Ökonom Alessandro Bee über die Wachstumsperspektiven der Schweiz.

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Twin session musicians step into spotlight

Swiss twin brothers and musicians Peter and Walter Keiser, whose mother is a famous yodeller, have played on some of the world's biggest stages. But they prefer not to be in the spotlight. For their 65th birthday, the pair are releasing a CD of their own songs. (SRF/ --- is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on...

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Alessandro Bee, Ökonom UBS

Ökonom Alessandro Bee über die Wachstumsperspektiven der Schweiz.

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Börsen-Talk vom 21. Dezember 2018

Christian Gattiker nimmt einen Ausblick auf das Jahr 2019 vor.

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Switzerland is being flooded with prohibited weapons

People in Switzerland are buying weapons online, sometimes without even knowing that they’re illegal here. From 2015 to 2017, around 4,000 illegal weapons a year were confiscated by customs. In 2018, this amount almost doubled. The majority of the weapons confiscated has been sent here by post. (SRF/ — is the international branch of …

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Fly me to the moon, via Zurich

On 20 July 1969 – almost 50 years ago – the first astronauts landed on the moon. To mark this event, Zurich’s Kunsthaus is staging an exhibition entitled “Fly me to the moon” with around 200 selected depictions of the moon dating from the 20th century. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the … Continue...

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Explained: The technology behind bitcoin and blockchain

To some, it’s a load of hot air. Others see a revolutionary technology that will transform the way we exchange nearly everything of value. So what is this so-called distributed ledger technology (DLT), how does it work and who will benefit from it? In this animation, we separate fact from fiction and help you look …

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Geneva bans sale of single-use plastic on public land

Starting in 2020, the city of Geneva will prohibit the sale of disposable plastics at events as well as at sales points on public property – a year ahead of a similar EU ban. The new law will apply to kiosks, terraces, vending vans and ice cream parlours, as well as to all city-approved events held on public property. Banned products include plastic straws, cutlery, cups and other disposable containers, which are generally difficult to recycle in...

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Swisscom switches on its 5G mobile network

This week, Swisscom became the first Swiss mobile phone company to switch on its 5G network, according to a press release. Swisscom spokesperson, Esther Hüsler, said that at midnight on Wednesday Swisscom flipped the switch to become the first Swiss operator to put its 5G network into service. It’s 5G network went live across 102 locations across the country, including most of Switzerland’s cities.

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Good Friday, bad Gotthard traffic

Long queues have been reported at the Gotthard tunnel in central Switzerland as holidaymakers head south for the Easter break. The traffic jam at the northern end of the tunnel stands at 12 kilometres, with a wait of almost two hours, the Touring Club of Switzerlandexternal link (TCS) said on Friday morning.

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Rail bosses worried over train punctuality

The national railway operator, Swiss Federal Railways, has set up a taskforce to look into train punctuality - currently 90.1% - after the rate slipped slightly last year. News of the taskforce was broken by CH-Media groupexternal link and confirmed by the Federal Railwaysexternal link to the Swiss public broadcaster SRFexternal link. The group, made up of experienced management members, is to report back in six weeks’ time.

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Syngenta slammed for hazardous pesticide profits

A United Nations representative is demanding action following reports that Swiss crop science company Syngenta is selling highly hazardous pesticides abroad. “There is an urgent need to end this exploitation of lower standards of protection. This is a morally and ethically unjustifiable situation,” Baskut Tuncak, United Nations Special Rapporteur on human rights and toxics, told Swiss NGO Public Eye on Wednesday.

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Börsen-Talk vom 18. April 2019

Zu viel Lärm, zu viel Gerede, zu viel Hektik: Für cash-Guru Alfred Herbert sind die Aktienmärkte klar verunsichert. Im Börsen-Talk sagt er, wie sich Anleger für die nächsten Monate positionieren sollen.

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