Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Overcoming setbacks | Susannah Townsend

GB midfielder Susannah Townsend discusses how her ability to mentally bounce back from adversity has helped her overcome major career setbacks, including missing out on London 2012 and suffering injuries in her prime.

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Voters to decide fate of giant Basel aquarium

Opponents of the CHF100 million Ozeanium project say it is unsustainable. The people of Basel are set to vote on a project for a giant aquarium complex. Supporters believe the “Ozeanium” will contribute to environmental education and nature conservation. But opponents say the project is unsustainable. After the local authorities gave the project the green light and approved the building of the city centre aquarium, opponents collected enough...

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Advice and Key Partnerships | Alex Danson and Anna Toman

GB hockey stars Alex Danson and Anna Toman discuss the vital lessons they’ve learned from the people who inspire them most, including past greats, passionate teammates and each other.

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Leading From the Front | Alex Danson and Hollie Pearne-Webb

In business and sport, people look to their leaders to set an example and provide inspiration. As GB squad captains, Alex Danson and Hollie Pearne-Webb fully understand the weight of this responsibility. How do they cope with the pressure?

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Why there are decorated saints in Swiss churches

Dressed up skeletons abound in Swiss churches – who were they and where do they come from? They are all dressed up with nowhere to go – the saints that are a regular feature of Swiss churches. Dozens of elaborately decorated skeletons of Christian martyrs can be found in Catholic churches around the country. Many …

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Protests against 5G mobile continue in Switzerland

Last week, a crowd assembled in Bern outside Switzerland’s federal parliament building to protest the roll out of 5G mobile technology in Switzerland. Switzerland’s “Stop 5G” movement is demanding a halt to further roll out of the technology in Switzerland, a process already well underway. They are demanding a precautionary approach and further research into the health effects.

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Warmer weather sparks huge hike in Swiss e-bike sales

Unusually warm and dry weather conditions have been credited with boosting bicycle sales last year – with a greater proportion of cyclists opting to ease muscle strain with the assistance of e-bikes in Switzerland’s mountainous terrain. On Tuesday, the cycling enthusiasts group dynaMot added more detail to figures put out by the Swiss Bicycle Suppliers Association in March.

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Not all emerging markets are equal

Investec’s Global Investment Strategy Group on treading carefully when chasing returns in emerging markets. Read more:

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It’s not just about animals

“It is easy to sit at home and say we should do something. Everyone should do something” – Nicholas Pinnock. Find out more:

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A way to save our species

Rhinos will not survive without our help. It’s everybody’s responsibility. There is so much more that still needs to be done to ensure the survival of the species. Find out more:

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Time is running out for the African rhino

Nicholas Pinnock, the British actor in Investec’s new brand campaign, lends his voice to the rhino crisis. Find out more:

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Aidan and Joseph O’Brien | Investec Derby successes

Aidan and Joseph O’Brien reflect on their successes in the Investec Derby. Values and stories like that of this father and son partnership underpin our sponsorship of the world’s greatest flat race.

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Understanding the world’s China syndrome

Escalating US-China trade tensions have contributed to weakened global growth. The global economy is delicately balanced and needs a favourable outcome. Investec’c self-proclaimed China Bull, John Haynes, Chairman of the Global Investment Strategy Group and Head of Research at Investec Wealth & Investment UK, explains why he’s less bullish on China’s future given the recent …

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Graubunden gears up for more forest fires

The canton of Graubunden in southeastern Switzerland is investing around CHF20 million in forest fire prevention. The network of water tanks is to be expanded considerably, especially in the southern part of the canton. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and …

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An 18th century merchant ship resurfaces

A merchant ship from the 18th century has been found on the bottom of Lake Neuchâtel. Buried under a layer of sand, it was spotted in 2017 by an airship that was looking for pile dwelling sites. (RTS/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report …

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Basel’s cathedral celebrates 1,000 years

Basel’s cathedral was built 1,000 years ago – and specialists have been working almost as long to maintain it. The sandstone walls are particularly susceptible to the ravages of time. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss …

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Political (in)correctness lights up Basel carnival

“To the end” is the motto of this year’s Basel carnival, which began on Monday at 4am. As the lights went out in the city centre, colourful satirical lanterns illuminated the 10,000 revellers and musicians. (Keystone SDA, — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report …

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A family apartment in Geneva close to twice the price of one in St. Gallen

On average, renting a 4.5 room apartment of 100 to 110 m2 costs CHF 3,820 a month in Geneva. The same apartment in the Swiss city of St. Gallen costs CHF 2,004, 52% of the price, according to a report on rents in Switzerland’s ten main cities by the price comparison website Comparis. For an apartment of this size, Geneva (3,820) is the most expensive, followed by Zurich (3,073), Lausanne (2,850), Basel (2,660), Bern (2,600), Luzern (2,430),...

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Up to 100 Nestlé jobs in Basel at risk

Nestle is planning to restructure its operations in the Swiss city of Basel. Up to 100 jobs are threatened by cuts or moving production abroad. Some 177 people are employed at Nestlé’s Basel plant, 100 of which could be under threat over the next 18 months, the Swiss food giant announced on Thursday.

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The price of some Swiss trains passes could rise significantly

Some travelers on Swiss trains could be in for a shock. The price of a GA travel card, an annual pass that allows unlimited travel of the Swiss Rail network, might rise 10% in 2021, according to the newspaper Le Matin. Compared to the price of other passes and tickets, the AG pass is relatively good value, according to a leaked internal document written by CH-direct, a pricing association bringing together 250 Swiss public transport companies.

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