Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Behind the scenes at Kingsclere with Clare Balding

Clare Balding gives an exclusive behind the scenes tour of Kingsclere, where she grew up and her brother Andrew now trains 180 thoroughbreds.

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Frank Rehfeld, CEO LEM

Der Boom mit umweltfreundlichen Fahrzeugen lässt in China etwas nach. Trotzdem sieht Frank Rehfeld, CEO von LEM, die Entwicklung noch lange nicht am Ende.

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Frank Rehfeld, CEO LEM

Der Boom mit umweltfreundlichen Fahrzeugen lässt in China etwas nach. Trotzdem sieht Frank Rehfeld, CEO von LEM, die Entwicklung noch lange nicht am Ende.

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Women represented on all top Swiss company boards

For the first time, all of Switzerland’s top 20 companies have at least one woman in the boardroom. The finding by consultancy firm Russell Reynolds shows the slow but steady progress towards gender equality in the management of Swiss firms.

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Michael Pieper, Artemis Group

Michael Pieper muss seine Franke-Gruppe auf mehr Profitabilität trimmen. Bezüglich weiterer Zukäufe für sein Beteiligungssimperium ist der Financier vorsichtig - privat hat er aber eine sehr beachtete Aktie erworben.

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Michael Pieper, Artemis Group

Michael Pieper muss seine Franke-Gruppe auf mehr Profitabilität trimmen. Bezüglich weiterer Zukäufe für sein Beteiligungssimperium ist der Financier vorsichtig – privat hat er aber eine sehr beachtete Aktie erworben.

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Swiss give clear ‘yes’ to corporate tax reform

Swiss voters largely accepted on Sunday a reform of the corporate tax system that will scrap preferential treatment for multinational firms. The result also means a financial boost for the country's ailing pension system. Two years after voters rejected a similar idea to overhaul corporate tax rules, the issue – this time linked controversially to pensions – received a clear thumbs-up.

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Stephanie Kelly, Aberdeen Standard Investments

Donald Trump hält die Börse im Dauerstress. Im Interview mit cash erklärt Analystin Stephanie Kelly, warum ein möglicher demokratischer US-Präsident kaum Hoffnung auf Besserung weckt.

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Stephanie Kelly, Aberdeen Standard Investments

Donald Trump hält die Börse im Dauerstress. Im Interview mit cash erklärt Analystin Stephanie Kelly, warum ein möglicher demokratischer US-Präsident kaum Hoffnung auf Besserung weckt.

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Swiss workers open to the idea of raising retirement age

Employees Switzerland, an organisation representing Swiss workers, is resigned to the idea of raising the retirement age, according to Swiss broadcaster RTS. Speaking to the newspaper NZZ am Sonntag, Stefan Studer, director of the association, said raising the retirement age is inevitable because of the financial difficulties facing Switzerland’s state pension system, known as the first pillar.

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Switzerland blacklisted by ILO

Employees who are active in trade unions are not sufficiently protected from being sacked in Switzerland, according to the International Labour Organization (ILO). The Geneva-based body has added Switzerland to a blacklist – just before a centenary conference in the Swiss city. The list comprises 40 countries that violate ILO conventions. Together with Greece and Belarus, Switzerland is the only European country to feature.

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Government performs fighter jet U-turn

The Federal Council has changed its approach to buying new combat aircraft and anti-aircraft missiles. Swiss voters will now be able to have a say only on the fighter jets, on which the government wants to spend no more than CHF6 billion ($5.95 billion). It has asked the defence ministry to present a planning decision no later than the beginning of September.

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Börsen-Talk vom 17. Mai 2019

Trotz erhöhter Bewertungen und einem volatilen Börsenumfeld rät Marc Possa weiter zu industriellen Small und Mid Caps. Der Fondsmanager diskutiert Favoriten, nennt aber auch eine Aktie, der er mit Vorsicht begegnet.

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Börsen-Talk vom 17. Mai 2019

Trotz erhöhter Bewertungen und einem volatilen Börsenumfeld rät Marc Possa weiter zu industriellen Small und Mid Caps. Der Fondsmanager diskutiert Favoriten, nennt aber auch eine Aktie, der er mit Vorsicht begegnet.

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Older unemployed to get more help from government

The government has announced measures to help Swiss-based workers have better access to the job market. Plans to help older people out of a job are also outlined. The measures, outlined on Wednesday by interior minister Alain Berset and justice minister Karin Keller-Sutter, are part of efforts to adapt to an ageing workforce and to new rules forcing employers to give priority to Swiss-based workers.

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Donald Desax, Leiter Berufliche Vorsorge bei Helvetia

Die obligatorischen Altersrenten der zweiten Säule sind zu hoch, findet Donald Desax, Leiter Berufliche Vorsorge bei Helvetia. Im Interview mit cash sagt er, wo der rentenbestimmende Umwandlungssatz eigentlich liegen müsste.

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Donald Desax, Leiter Berufliche Vorsorge bei Helvetia

Die obligatorischen Altersrenten der zweiten Säule sind zu hoch, findet Donald Desax, Leiter Berufliche Vorsorge bei Helvetia. Im Interview mit cash sagt er, wo der rentenbestimmende Umwandlungssatz eigentlich liegen müsste.

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Secrets of Success | Winning Olympic Gold and beyond

Winning gold at an Olympic Games is no accident. Success is only possible with the right training, mindset and strategies. Four key players from the Rio 2016 squad explain how they continue to perform at the highest level.

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Maddie Hinch and Hollie Pearne-Webb | The penalty shoot-out that changed history

Replicating the pressure and expectation of a penalty shoot-out in an Olympic hockey final is impossible. GB veterans Maddie Hinch and Hollie Pearne-Webb talk about the preparations that led their squad to Olympic gold.

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Anna Toman: Key moments that shaped my hockey career

GB Hockey defender Anna Toman reflects on five major milestones that shaped her inspiring journey from a budding club hockey star to a key member of Great Britain’s national squad.

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