Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Uninterrupted Eskom supply to boost Q2 growth

Eskom has managed to keep the lights on in South Africa over the winter period. This is expected to translate into a bounce in South Africa’s second quarter growth. Read more:

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Educating rural communities

Investment in education is a critical focus for any economic growth strategy. With the advent of the fourth industrial revolution, digital education has taken centre stage. Through the Good Work Foundation (GWF) in partnership with Investec, rural youth in the Hazyview area, in Mpumalanga, have been introduced to digital learning and English. Read more:

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Would you have beef with in vitro meat?

Is in vitro meat healthier? How is it produced? How will in vitro meat affect other industries in the supply chain? Mosa Meat chief scientific officer and professor at Maastricht University in the Netherlands, Mark Post, answers some of the key questions about the rise of in vitro meat. Read more:

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Prévoyance UBS

Le temps nous rattrape plus vite qu’on ne le croit. C’était quand la dernière fois que vous vous êtes senti «vieux»?

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UBS Retirement

Because age catches up with you faster than you think. And what was your senior moment? Plan your pension:

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UBS Vorsorge

Weil Älterwerden früher anfängt, als man meint. Und was war Ihr Älterwerden-Moment? Vorsorge planen:

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Previdenza UBS

Si inizia a invecchiare prima di quanto si pensi. Voi quando ve ne siete resi conto? Pianificare la previdenza:

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Most Swiss Election Candidates Favour Raising Retirement age to 67

A majority of the candidates putting themselves forward for election as federal parliamentarians on 20 October 2019 favour raising Switzerland’s retirement age to 67, according to a survey done by Smartvote and reported in the newspaper NZZ am Sonntag.

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Swiss Research Leads to Cancer Break Through

Researchers at the Paul Scherrer Institute recently deciphered the structure of the CC chemokine receptor 7 (CCR7), a signaling protein. Cancer cells use CCR7 to guide themselves into the lymphatic system, spreading cancer throughout the body. The resulting secondary tumors, called metastases, are responsible for most cancer deaths.

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Philipp Bärtschi, CIO Privatbank J. Safra Sarasin

Philipp Bärtschi, CIO Privatbank J. Safra Sarasin über die Unsicherheiten am Schweizer Aktienmarkt und über die Bedeutung der inversen Zinskurve in den USA. Link to the full project:

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Swiss Trade with Much of South America should Soon be Tarif Free

A deal agreed between EFTA and the South American Mercosur bloc, which includes Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay, with a combined population of 260 million, is close to signing. EFTA includes Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland. Under the deal, 95% of Switzerland’s CHF 3.6 million annual exports to the bloc would be tarif free.

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Philipp Bärtschi, CIO Privatbank J. Safra Sarasin

Philipp Bärtschi, CIO Privatbank J. Safra Sarasin über die Unsicherheiten am Schweizer Aktienmarkt und über die Bedeutung der inversen Zinskurve in den USA. Link to the full project:

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Rewarding climate offenders – for being the worst

Every year the Alpine Initiativeexternal link awards the ‘Devil’s Stone’ to the most absurd transport of goods. People can vote for one of the three candidates until September 15. A ‘Mountain crystal’ for a local and transparent project will also be awarded after the public vote. Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current …

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Werner Rutsch, Axa Investment Managers

Vorsorgelücken schliessen Schweizerinnen und Schweizer am ehesten mit der dritten Säule. Werner Rutsch von Axa Investment Managers glaubt, dass dabei auch Aktiensparen an Bedeutung gewinnt.

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Politics, j’adore! – episode 6

The relationship between young people and politics? It’s complicated. But for some the passion still burns. In our new series ‘Politics, j’adore!’ we’ll introduce you to two young politicians, who want to blaze a trail through Swiss politics. In this fourth episode we meet Gianfranco Cavalli. Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current …

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Meat in Switzerland costs 2.3 times the EU average

You might think twice before overcooking a load of steak, chops and sausages on the barbecue: meat costs 2.3 times more in Switzerland than the European Union average. The priciest EU country for meat, Austria, is 1.46 times the average.

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UBS eBill

Mit UBS eBill begleichen Sie Rechnungen automatisch, ohne dabei die Kontrolle zu verlieren. UBS eBill entdecken und Rechnungen bequem begleichen:

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Werner Rutsch, Axa Investment Managers

Vorsorgelücken schliessen Schweizerinnen und Schweizer am ehesten mit der dritten Säule. Werner Rutsch von Axa Investment Managers glaubt, dass dabei auch Aktiensparen an Bedeutung gewinnt.

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Swiss in Denver worry about changes at home

For Swiss abroad thinking about returning home someday, Swiss sovereignty remains important. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos visit or subscribe to our YouTube channel: Website: …

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Swiss Banks Slow on the Digital Uptake

Swiss banks are turning their attention to providing more digital services for customers, but their progress has been slow. This may have something to do with new technology upstarts struggling to gain significant traction thus far in Switzerland, according to a new study.

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