Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

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Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Number of people with debt problems rises in Switzerland

The number of people with debts in default continues to rise in Switzerland. At the end of July 2019, 561,000 people, 6.5% of the population, were unable to service their debts according to the price comparison website The figures, based on data from the credit analysis company CRIF include those who have failed to make repayments and are being pursued by creditors or have declared bankruptcy.

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Ferial Haffajee on exposing #GuptaLeaks, #CR17 and state capture

In the latest edition of Investec Focus Talks, Stephen Koseff talks with the Associate Editor of Daily Maverick and Fin24, Ferial Haffajee. The first female editor of a major newspaper in South Africa, Ferial has played an instrumental role in calling out state capture, defending press freedom and advancing gender equality. Stephen and Ferial tackle …

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No rise is health premiums expected in 10 Swiss cantons in 2020

Every year, Switzerland’s Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) gives projections of compulsory health insurance premiums for the coming year. After years of rising premiums, many will be relieved by the small projected increases for 2020. Across all of Switzerland, the average premium is expected to rise 0.2% to CHF 315.40 a month.

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The rebellion comes to Switzerland

Turning the Limmat river green, organising picnics on bridges, blocking busy roads: climate activists from the Swiss chapter of the Extinction Rebellion group have been ramping up the number of civil disobedience actions undertaken in recent months. Why? Anaïs Tilquin, a member of the group, explains.⁠ Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current …

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Geneva’s 2020 budget 590 million francs short

Next year the canton of Geneva plans to spend CHF 9,143 million. However, forecast revenue is only CHF 8,553 million, leaving a shortfall of CHF 590 million, according to a cantonal government press release. The canton’s finances have been hit hard from both sides.

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Swiss upper house rejects parental leave plan

Switzerland’s government been grappling with the politics of extending universal tax-funded parental leave for a number of years. Some are pushing for paternity leave for fathers and others for a shared pool of parental leave, which mums and dads can apportion.

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Switzerland faces looming shortage of workers

As more baby-boomers – born from 1946 to 1964 – retire, Switzerland will faces a shortage of workers, according to Credit Suisse, a bank. Economists at the bank estimate that 1.1 million people in Switzerland will retire over the next 10 years, a figure which includes nearly 800,000 people currently working.

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Owen Farrell – Winners play a different game

Investec Corporate and Investment Banking is proud to sponsor Owen Farrell #PlayDifferent Find out more about Investec brand ambassador Owen Farrell and the Play Different campaign:

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How Heidi helped us make friends

How Heidi helped us make friends — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos visit or subscribe to our YouTube channel: Website: Channel: Subscribe:...

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Investec Rugby | There’s a craft and story behind every element

Whether your team wins or loses could make or break your day. You’re passionate about rugby! But have you ever considered what it takes to build #bestofthebestrugby ? A ball. The Turf. A Jersey. There’s a craft and story behind every element.

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Are You Smarter Than A Lwando? Buying a home

Maps Maponyane and Lwando are back in the quiz show that entertains and educates. In this episode, little Lwando grills our celebrity on all things home loans. There is much more to buying a property as a young professional than finding the right home in the right location. You must decide how much of your … Continue reading...

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Swiss in New Orleans say 2019 is the year to vote

Should Swiss living abroad have a say on votes and elections back home? — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos visit or subscribe to our YouTube channel: …

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Tobacco consumption costs Switzerland 5 billion francs a year

Health care in Switzerland is funded by a mixture of taxes and health insurance premiums. Much of the insurance premiums paid are compulsory with no discounts offered to non-smokers. According to figures recently published by the Swiss association for smoking, the annual direct medical costs of smoking are CHF 3 billion (2015), or CHF 350 per person.

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A different kind of opportunity: Investec graduate programmes

Take initiative, embrace change, make a difference. Our graduates talk about the unique experience of working at Investec. Learn more:

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Housing vacancies rise in 20 Swiss cantons

Recent figures show an annual 4.2% rise in the number of vacant homes in Switzerland, extending a trend that started 10 years ago, according to the Federal Statistical Office. At the start of June 2019, there were 75,323 vacant homes, representing 1.66% of Switzerland’s total stock of homes.

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The remarkable rise of GDP per capita in Switzerland

In 1998, GDP per person in Switzerland was CHF 59,693. Recently published statistics put the figure at CHF 80,986 in 2018, a rise of 36%. When Swiss GDP per capita is expressed in globally comparable US dollar terms its rise is even greater. In US dollar terms Swiss GDP per capita grew from US$ 41,497 to US$ 82,839 between 1998 and 2018, a rise of 100%.

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Big data threatens anonymity

Researchers from the University of Zurich proved that with publicly available documents and a trained algorithm, it would be possible to breach the anonymity of lawsuits and tribunal decisions. Where does technology end and where does people’s privacy start? Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current affairs and the wider world. Keep up …

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How to test your garden’s health

Researchers from Agroscope, the Swiss competence center for agricultural research, have asked kids to sacrifice a pair of undies to the hidden soil dwellers. The playful experiment was meant to show how alive the ground is. On a larger scale, scientists are testing the impact that different farming methods have on underground biodiversity. Nouvo brings …

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How to prepare your children for a digital future

Sameer Rawjee on what you can do to get your kids ready for Industry 4.0. Rawjee is the founder of the Life Design Lab at Google and the current CEO of O School. He joined an Investec Private Bank roadshow to talk to clients about the skills that the younger generation requires to function in … Continue reading »

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Willem van der Post on developing an exponential mindset

While technology changes at an exponential rate, Willem van der Post of xTech Capital says humans tend to see the world in a linear way. How can exponential thinking help the modern human to thrive? Van Der Post was speaking at the launch of Investec for Intermediaries. Read more:

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