Category Archive: 2) Swiss and European Macro

Main Author George Dorgan
George Dorgan
George Dorgan (penname) predicted the end of the EUR/CHF peg at the CFA Society and at many occasions on and on this blog. Several Swiss and international financial advisors support the site. These firms aim to deliver independent advice from the often misleading mainstream of banks and asset managers. George is FinTech entrepreneur, financial author and alternative economist. He speak seven languages fluently.

Yanis Varoufakis & Fabio De Masi: “Die Blackbox EZB öffnen” Pressekonferenz 8. 3. 2017

(In Deutscher Simultan-Übersetzung)

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Yanis Varoufakis on power, populism and the future of the EU

Ex-Finance Minister of Greece, Yanis Varoufakis, on power, populism and the future of the EU. This interview preceded the launch of the Dutch chapter of Diem25 in Paradiso, Amsterdam. Interview by Lorenzo Fränkel Design by Ilia ten Böhmer Music by Lars Burgwal

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Ihr fragt, ich antworte!

Ihr fragt, ich antworte! In diesem Video geht es um Eure Fragen, genauer gesagt um die Fragen die Ihr in der Kommentarfunktion hinterlassen habt. Ich bin mir sicher, da ist für jeden etwas dabei. Los geht’s! ——– ➤ GRATIS Geldanlage-Tipps: ➤ Gratis E-Book: 7 goldene Geldanlage-Regeln: ➤ Folge mir bei Facebook: ➤ …...

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Economic Dissonance, Too

Germany is notoriously fickle when it comes to money, speaking as much of discipline in economy or industry as central banking. If ever there is disagreement about monetary arrangements, surely the Germans are behind it. Since ECB policy only ever attains the one direction, so-called accommodation, there never seems to be harmony.

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European Commission Offers 5 Scenarios

EC is committed to the future of Europe. Juncker presented five scenarios. Even if the populist-nationalist do not win the electoral contests, the national identity issues will continue to exert influence.

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Switzerland GDP Q4 2016: +0.1 percent QoQ, +0.6 percent YoY

The Swiss economy relies very much (and probably too much) on exports. In the fourth quarter export of goods fell by 3.8%, while imports remained the same. Investments dipped, too. On the other side, consumption rose by a strong 0.9%. In total, the economy grew by only 0.1% QoQ (+0.6% YoY).

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Swiss Retail Sales, January: Minus 2 percent Nominal and Minus 1.4 percent Real

Turnover in the retail sector fell by 2.0% in nominal terms in January 2017 compared with the previous year. Seasonally adjusted, nominal turnover rose by 0.6% compared with the previous month. These are provisional findings from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Switzerland UBS Consumption Indicator January: Light and shade

The UBS consumption indicator rose from 1.38 to 1.43 points in January and continues to signal solid growth in private consumption. Swiss consumers view the economic and financial situation with considerably more optimism than in the last quarter. New car registrations and domestic tourism have, however, fallen compared with the previous January. Zurich, 1 March 2017 – Following a comprehensive data revision, the UBS consumption indicator climbed...

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Yanis Varoufakis – Brandpunt+ (KRO-NCRV)

Ome Yanis legt uit waarom de EU belangrijk is – en hoe we haar kunnen redden.

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Die Aktien der Super-Reichen: Was kauft Warren Buffett?

Warren Buffett ist die Investmentlegende überhaupt. Was hat der Mann aktuell im Portfolio seiner Beteiligungsgesellschaft Berkshire Hathaway liegen? Das zeige ich euch in diesem Video und sage euch dazu, worauf ihr bitte achten müsst, wenn ihr ein solches Portfolio für euch nachbilden möchtet. ——– ➤ GRATIS Geldanlage-Tipps: ➤ Gratis E-Book: 7 goldene Geldanlage-Regeln:...

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Employment barometer in the 4th quarter 2016: Employment growth remains stable

In the 4th quarter 2016, total employment (number of jobs) rose by 0.3% in comparison with the same quarter a year earlier (+0.2% with previous quarter). In full-time equivalents, employment in the same period grew by 0.1%. The Swiss economy counted 3,800 more vacancies than in the corresponding quarter of the previous year (+7.8%). The other indicators also showed positive growth.

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Yanis Varoufakis on Jobstown

Yanis speaking about the #jobstownnotguilty campaign

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Yanis Varoufakis: A New Deal For Europe vanuit Paradiso

De spraakmakende Griekse ex-minister van Economische zaken Yanis Varoufakis lanceert deze dag de Nederlandse tak van zijn pan-Europese politieke beweging DiEM25 (Democracy in Europe Movement 2025). In het eerste deel van het programma gaan gasten uit de Nederlandse politieke arena met elkaar in gesprek over ‘bouwstenen voor een beter Europa’. Met Alexander Rinnooij Kan (D66), …

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Swiss Industrial Production Q4: Minus 0.8 percent YoY, Construction: Minus 2.1 percent YoY

Secondary sector production declined 0.8% in 4th quarter 2016 in comparison with the same quarter a year earlier. Turnover fell by 2.1%. This is shown by provisional results from the Federal Statistical Office.

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Crescent Arts Centre -Yanis Varoufakis Event

In conversation with William Crawley discussing Democracy on the edge of Europe.

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Yanis Varoufakis speaking in Belfast

Former Greek finance minister and left wing economist Yanis Varoufakis speaking in Belfast ahead of a DiEM25 event

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Statistics on tourist accommodation in December and year 2016: Overnight stays declined by 0.3percent in 2016 in Switzerland

The hotel sector registered 35.5 million overnight stays in Switzerland in 2016, representing a moderate decline of 0.3% (-96,000 overnight stays) compared with 2015. Foreign visitors registered 19.3 million overnight stays, a decline of 1.5% (-288,000). The number of overnight stays by domestic visitors (16.2 million) showed an increase of 1.2% (+192,000) and thus registering a positive result for the fourth consecutive year.

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Dividenden-Aktien: Achtung?

Vorsicht vor Dividenden! Einige von euch werden jetzt die Stirn runzeln, da ich erst kürzlich ein Video zum Thema “Reich werden mit Dividenden” gemacht habe. Das steht aber in keinem Widerspruch zu dem, was ich euch im heutigen Video erklären möchte. Da geht es um den Ausspruch “Dividenden sind der neue Zins”. Das ist so …

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9. Industriekongress 2016 – Prof. Dr. Heiner Flassbeck

WIRTSCHAFT EUROPA versus DEUTSCHLAND Heiner bläst der deutschen Industrie den Marsch. Wer ist eigentlich daran Schuld, dass Europas Wirtschaft nicht funktioniert, aber Deutschlands sehr wohl? Wer glaubt zu wissen, wie Inflation und Deflation definiert sind, wird vielleicht überrascht sein. Kein Warenkorb.

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How to pronounce Heiner Flassbeck in German

Contact : [email protected] German: Wie man Heiner Flassbeck auf Deutsch ausspricht? Turkish: Heiner Flassbeck Almanca dilinde nasıl okunur Bosnian: Kako izgovoriti Heiner Flassbeck u njemački? Arabic: كيف تنطق Heiner Flassbeck باللغة الألمانية؟ Swedish: Hur man uttalar Heiner Flassbeck på tyska? Ukrainian: Як вимовляється Heiner Flassbeck на німецькій мові? Russian: Как произносится Heiner Flassbeck на немецком …

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