Category Archive: 2) Swiss and European Macro

Main Author George Dorgan
George Dorgan
George Dorgan (penname) predicted the end of the EUR/CHF peg at the CFA Society and at many occasions on and on this blog. Several Swiss and international financial advisors support the site. These firms aim to deliver independent advice from the often misleading mainstream of banks and asset managers. George is FinTech entrepreneur, financial author and alternative economist. He speak seven languages fluently.


Hier anmelden und kostenfrei das E-Book “Richtig investieren” und die Goldaktien-Analyse erhalten: Goldpreis-Explosion? In diesem Video zeige ich euch, warum das GENAU JETZT ein Thema ist und wie ihr davon profitieren könnt. Das solltet ihr auf keinen Fall verpassen! ——– ➤ Hier anmelden und jeden Mittwoch meinen Report erhalten: ► Mein Youtube-Kanal...

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Tourist Accommodation in the Winter Season 2016/2017: Overnight stays Increased by 2.0 percent in Switzerland

The hotel sector registered 15.7 million overnight stays in Switzerland during the winter tourist season (from November 2016 to April 2017). This represents an increase of 2.0% (+314,000 overnight stays) compared with the same period a year earlier. With a total of 8.2 million overnight stays, foreign demand rose by 2.1% (+171,000). Domestic visitors registered a 1.9% increase (+143,000) with 7.5 million units. These are the provisional results...

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Warum ich BITCOIN verkauft habe!

► NEU: Teil 2 vom 4.10.2017 anschauen: ► TIPP1: Sichere Dir wöchentlich meine Tipps zu Bitcoin, Aktien, Gold & Co. – 100% gratis: ► TIPP2: Diesen reinen Krypto-Kanal empfehle ich Dir: Ich sehe diese Kryptowährung nach wie vor als hochspekulatives Investment. Ich habe mir damals Bitcoins gekauft, da diese Währung aus meiner …...

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KOF Economic Barometer May: Decreases Substantially

In May 2017, the KOF Economic Barometer fell by 4.7 points (from revised 106.3 in April) to a new standing of 101.6. After a slight downward correction in the last month, the indicator’s value decreased substantially this month. However, with a standing slightly above its long-term average, the Barometer is signalling solid growth rates for the Swiss economy around its long-term average.

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Switzerland GDP Q1 2017: +0.3 percent QoQ, +1.1 percent YoY

Switzerland’s real gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 0.3 % in the first quarter of 2017*. Private consumption growth expanded only slightly, while government consumption rose moderately. Following the previous quarter’s fall, investment in construction and equipment increased.

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Swiss Retail Sales, April: -1.4 percent Nominal and -1.2 percent Real

Real turnover in the retail sector also adjusted for sales days and holidays fell by 1.2% in April 2017 compared with the previous year. Real growth takes inflation into consideration. Compared with the previous month, real, seasonally adjusted retail trade turnover registered a decline of 2.4%.

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RAUS aus dem EURO?

Hier kannst Du Dir kostenfrei das E-Book “Raus aus dem Euro?” herunterladen: Raus aus dem Euro? JA, werden viele Menschen sagen, denn der Euro ist eine schwache Währung. Aber die Frage bleibt, wohin? Diese und viele weitere interessante Fragen kläre ich heute für euch. ► Mein Youtube-Kanal “Tradermacher”: ➤ Folge mir bei Facebook: …

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Switzerland UBS Consumption Indicator April: Late Easter slows down car sales

The UBS consumption indicator stood at 1.48 points in April, indicating average private consumption growth. The improved mood in the retail sector supported the indicator, while a decline in new car registrations had a negative effect. The index of consumer sentiment measured by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs also fell slightly.

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Pictet – Multi-Generational Wealth, Nassau (Full version)

The fourth edition of the Latam Family Office Master Class took place in Nassau from the 3rd to the 5th of April 2017, with more than 65 guests attending. This year the focus was around family governance, geopolitics, technology and alternative investments. Among the speakers, we had the pleasure of welcoming former Governor of Florida, …

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Pictet – Multi-Generational Wealth, Nassau (Abridged version)

The fourth edition of the Latam Family Office Master Class took place in Nassau from the 3rd to the 5th of April 2017, with more than 65 guests attending. This year the focus was around family governance, geopolitics, technology and alternative investments. Among the speakers, we had the pleasure of welcoming former Governor of Florida, …

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Economist Sees Market Questions After June Fed Hike

May.29 — Frederik Ducrozet, senior economist at Banque Pictet & Cie, and Shaun Osborne, chief FX strategist at Scotiabank, talk about the reduction of the Fed’s balance sheet, and what the euro says about European Central Bank policy. They speak on “Bloomberg Markets.”

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Meine Meinung zu Euren Aktien!

In meinem Video “Dax-Aktien Check” habe ich euch gebeten mir Aktienwerte zu nennen, die ich für euch mal unter die Lupe nehmen soll. Die Titel Novo Nordisk, Shimano, Münchener Rück, Bijou Brigitte, Pandora und Visa habe ich mir für euch näher angeschaut. Los geht´s! ——– ➤ Hier anmelden und jeden Mittwoch meinen Report erhalten: …

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Employment barometer in 1st quarter 2017: Slight increase in number of jobs in 1st quarter 2017

In the 1st quarter 2017, total employment (number of jobs) rose by 0.4% in comparison with the same quarter a year earlier (-0.1% with previous quarter). In full-time equivalents, employment in the same period rose by 0.2%. The Swiss economy counted 7,200 more vacancies than in the corresponding quarter of the previous year (+13.7%). These are some of the findings from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Yanis Varoufakis – Jung & Naiv: Folge 309

Subscribe/Abo ► Support/Unterstützt uns ► Yanis war für kurze Zeit Politiker: von Januar bis Juli 2015 versuchte er sein Glück als Griechenlands Finanzminister. Im Jung & Naiv-Interview erzählt er, warum er gescheitert ist, was er vielleicht anders machen würde und was er durchs Scheitern über Politik gelernt hat. Außerdem geht es um seinen …

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Keynote Heiner Flassbeck Teil 1 2

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Swiss Labour Force Survey 1th quarter 2017: Number of employed persons +0.6 percent; unemployment rate (ILO) 5.3 percent

The number of employed persons in Switzerland rose by 0.6% between the 1st quarters of 2016 and 2017. During the same period, the unemployment rate as defined by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) remained stable at 5.3%. The EU's unemployment rate fell from 9.2 % to 8.4 %. These are some of the results of the Swiss Labour Force Survey conducted by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO). The results of the SLFS 2010-2016 have been revised...

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Kaufe ich jetzt noch Aktien?

Kaufe ich jetzt noch Aktien obwohl es genügend Gründe gibt, es nicht zu tun? Aktien sind hoch bewertet und vielleicht steht Donald Trump vor einem Amtsenthebungsverfahren. Es gibt einiges, über das wir uns Sorgen machen könnten. Mehr dazu im heutigen Video. Los geht´s! ➤ Hier anmelden und jeden Mittwoch meinen Report erhalten: ► Mein …

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Yanis Varoufakis, ex-ministro da Grécia, denuncia golpe no Brasil

Ex-ministro de finanças do governo grego, Yanis Varoufaski, manda mensagem às trabalhadoras e trabalhadores brasileiros que resistem ao golpe.

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Swiss Trade Balance April 2017: Exports Stagnate

In April 2017, adjusted exports of working days shrank as imports strengthened by 2.3%. Changes in sales were marked by the reluctance of the chemical and pharmaceutical sector. The trade balance has closed with the smallest surplus in the last two years.

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Yanis Varoufakis denuncia golpe no Brasil e faz chamado à resistência

Ex-ministro das Finanças da Grécia comenta sobre as forças conspiratórias no Brasil e convoca a população a resistir. Declaração dada em Hamburgo (Alemanha) após debate sobre o G20 promovido pelo partido Die Linke (A Esquerda). 22/05/2017 –

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