Category Archive: 6a) Gold & Monetary Metals

Zero 2015-11-12

EvilSpeculator is dedicated to identifying trends in the financial markets. To that end, we post market updates several times a week and engage in pertinent discussions. Risk Disclosure: Zero indicator running against the ES futures - more details at

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Zero 2015-11-12

EvilSpeculator is dedicated to identifying trends in the financial markets. To that end, we post market updates several times a week and engage in pertinent discussions. Risk Disclosure: Zero indicator running against the ES futures – more details at

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Gold Price Drop of 6 Nov: Drilling Down

The price of gold dropped abruptly Friday morning (Arizona time). How much of a drop? $10.30, as measured by the bid on the December future. How abruptly? That move happened in under a second. At first, the price of gold in the spot market did not react. This caused what looks like a massive backwardation...

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A 14 Handle on Silver. Again. 8 Nov, 2015

What’s the difference between the Supply and Demand Report 1 November and the Supply and Demand Report 8 November? Just a minor punctuation change. Last week, we asked (rhetorically) if silver would have a 14 handle again. This week, the ...

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Bron Suchecki @bronsuchecki Perth Mint: All that Glitters

Bron says , “The mint produces collectables like the Star Wars coins to attract collectors and people with an interest in the films. I don’t buy into the paper gold conspiracy to drive prices down. Of course there is manipulation, but not just on declines it happens during advances too. I don’t believe Chinese gold …

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Live Analysis Room Show 554th + interview Bron Suchecki

Join us for a unique Forex experience in the FXStreet Live Analysis Room. The #FXroom is being hosted by Dale Pinkert, long time and popular contributor on FXStreet. Trading in community. Know our Mastermind concept as we all edify each other 1+1=11 at and chat with experts and traders. Don’t miss the interview with …

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Marc Faber: Markets Are Manipulated by Clowns in Central Banks

Thanks for watching/listening. Subscribe, Share, Like Please visit Dr. Mrac Faber Please visit Rory

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Constipated Look Marc Faber With Random China Conspiracy Theories

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A 14 Handle On Silver Again?! 1 Nov, 2015

The prices of the metals dropped by 20 bucks and 20 pennies this week. In other words, the dollar went up ½ milligram gold or 30 mg silver. It wasn’t the euro, which ended the week unchanged. It wasn’t the US stock market, which ended up seven bucks. What was it? ...

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Marc Faber : Réserves d’or des banques centrales et le dollar américain

Interview de Marc Faber sur le prix de l’or, les réserves des banques centrales, la hausse du dollar US, et l’initiative sur l’or de la Suisse (référendum du 30 novembre 2014). Transcription:

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Marc Faber: China Has Credit Bubble of Epic Proportions

Oct. 26 — Marc Faber, publisher of the “Gloom, Boom and Doom” Report, examines China’s economic slowdown and what he sees as an “epic” credit bubble in the nation. He speaks on “Bloomberg ‹GO›.”

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Little Change to Supply and Demand Report 25 Oct, 2015

At the risk of being boring, there’s not a lot to say about the markets for gold and silver this week (and frankly being on a challenging travel itinerary, flying from Vienna to Sydney to give a keynote at the Gold Symposium this week, is part of it). There was a modest drop in the prices of the metals, $13 in ....

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CoCo Shelburne Real Estate RADIO: Keith Weiner, Solar Energy, Save $; & Transfer buying real estate

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CoCo Shelburne Real Estate RADIO: Keith Weiner, Solar Energy, Save $; & Transfer buying real estate

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Hedging in the Gold Miners

There are two ways to run a gold mining company. One respects the simple fact that it is producing money. It is not eager to trade its the money it produces for government paper, legal tender laws be damned. It keeps its books in gold, and produces and trades to earn more money (i.e. gold). This article is about the...

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And Then There Was None (Backwardation) 18 Oct, 2015

The dollar dropped about half a milligram gold, and 50mg silver. But who wants to read about the universal currency falling, failing? Few people are so barbarous as to think of the dollar’s value as being priced in terms a monetary metal. As all right thinking folks know, the value of these commodities ...

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Gold Bullion’s Outlook, Currency Reset & Asset Allocation with John Butler

Register Now for Webinar next Thursday and have your question answered by John Butler: Gold’s Outlook For Year End 2015 and In 2016 Gold’s Performance in the Coming Years: 2016-2020 Coming Global Currency Reset Asset Allocation – How Much Gold? Owning Gold – How and Where?

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Gold – Currency Reset and Asset Allocation Today

Register Now for Webinar next Thursday and have your question answered by John Butler: Gold's Outlook For Year End 2015 and In 2016 Gold's Performance in the Coming Years: 2016-2020 Coming Global Currency Reset Asset Allocation - How Much Gold? Owning Gold - How and Where?

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Keith Weiner in Zurich

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The Decline and Fall of Silver Backwardation 11 Oct, 2015

The gold price moved up $18. However, the silver price moved up 60 cents which is a much bigger percentage. The silver community is getting pretty excited. A market trend will often begin when a small number of traders learn something new. As they begin buying (or selling), the price begins to move. Others become aware of the ....

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