Category Archive: 6a) Gold & Monetary Metals

Marc Faber: Listen to the Market, Fed May Intervene

Oct. 10 (Bloomberg) — Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom report, discusses what he sees as the fundamental policy mistake made by global governments and what markets are trying to tell investors. He speaks on “In The Loop.” — Subscribe to Bloomberg on YouTube: On “In the Loop with Betty Liu,” …

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Swiss Gold Referendum and SNB’s Opinion: An Exchange of Arguments

Already in 2013, the Swiss National Bank (SNB) spoke out against the gold initiative and revealed that the Swiss gold is stored mostly in Switzerland and 20% in the UK and 10% in Canada. There is no Swiss gold in the United States according to SNB chairman Jordan. In this post we provide an exchange of Jordan's arguments against the ones of the gold initiative. We also state our view that is not as strict as the one of the referendum proponents.

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Jan Skoyles: interview with ‘the leading lady of gold’

Jan Skoyles became the CEO of The Real Asset Company in July 2014. She is a regular guest at The Keiser Report. We Are Change Rotterdam interviewed her at the ‘Geld voor de Toekomst’ congress at Erasmus University in Rotterdam on 20 September 2014. Jan’s company website: Want to support us?

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Street Smart- Seeing Growth Slowdown In EMs: Marc Faber

In an exclusive interview with Bloomberg TV India, Marc Faber, Editor of The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, says that India holds enormous potential if Modinomics works. He adds that Reserve Bank of India Governor Raghuram Rajan is the best central banker in the world. Watch as Faber explains that inflows into India are not …

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Bewiesen: Die SNB verkaufte Gold, welches bei der Fed gelagert war

Endlich kommt der Beweis für meine Vermutung! Die SNB hat heute – parallel zur Propaganda des Bundesrats – ein Dokument “Goldinitiative – häufig gestellte Fragen” (PDF) ins Netz gestellt und dabei sogar interessante Fakten preisgegeben. Konkret geht ...

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Interview mit Marc Faber: Dollar wird wahrscheinlich weiter steigen

Interview mit Marc Faber, dem Herausgeber und Autor von “The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report” Abonnieren Sie meinen Kanal und geben Sie mir einen Daumen hoch, wenn Ihnen das Interview gefallen hat! Meinen Trading-Desktop können Sie im Internet einsehen. Surfen Sie auf Guidants:

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Jim Cramer Explains How The Markets Are Manipulated

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Jim Cramer Explains How The Markets Are Manipulated

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‘Dr. Doom’ Marc Faber Says U.S. Stocks `Pricey,’ Favors Emerging Markets

Oct. 1 (Bloomberg) — Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom report, talks about the outlook for global stocks and investment strategy. Faber speaks with Betty Liu on Bloomberg Television’s “In the Loop.” (Source: Bloomberg) — Subscribe to Bloomberg on YouTube: On “In the Loop with Betty Liu,” Betty Liu reports on …

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‘Dr. Doom’ Marc Faber: Emerging Markets Have Done Fantastically Well

Oct. 1 (Bloomberg) — The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report Editor and Publisher Marc Faber discusses his outlook for the markets on “In The Loop.” (Source: Bloomberg) — Subscribe to Bloomberg on YouTube: On “In the Loop with Betty Liu,” Betty Liu reports on breaking news headlines, Wall Street movers and shakers, global leaders, …

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Marc Faber Interview with Michael Covel on Trend Following Radio

Michael Covel speaks with Marc Faber, Editor and Publisher of “The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report”, in person on the podcast (recorded in Chiang Mai, Thailand at Faber’s office). Covel and Faber discuss the current state of Russia; changing geopolitics; Faber’s experience living through the Cold War; the difference between Crimea’s value to the west …

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3a) Gold and its price: Monetary Metals

Monetary Metals specialist Keith Weiner gives a weekly update on price movements of gold and silver and the causes. Moreover, George Dorgan gives the fundamental basis for pricing gold and silver.

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Ron Paul: Will The Swiss Vote to Get Their Gold Back?

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How to Buy Gold Bullion Today and When To Sell Gold

Receive Our Award Winning Free Research Here: – Gold Bullion Seminar – The Outlook For Gold Today – When To Sell Your Gold Coins and Bars – Questions & Answers.

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Marc Faber: Don’t Blame Rich For Asset Price Inflation

Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed money manager, newsletter writer, investor, world traveler, author and Sprott Board Member, Dr. Marc Faber of the Gloom Boom Doom Report from his home in Thailand. We apologize in advance for the call quality and how it was not always great. During this 30 minute …

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Raw Uncut Footage of Marc Faber Home Interview | Squawkonomics | |

Raw uncut footage of a Squawkonomics Home Interview with investment legend Dr. Marc Faber. Dr. Faber discussed with Keith Hilden of Squawkonomics about Bitcoin vs. gold, the Vietnamese investment environment, the South China Sea, Ukraine vs. Russia investment, the question of whether Africa will emerge, and the People’s Bailout, bailing out Main Street rather than …

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Geopolitischer Fehler 2. Art – extended version

Wohin man schaut: In allen – auch militärischen – Zeitschriften werden seit Monaten Beiträge publiziert, welche im aktuellen Ukraine-Konflikt, dem russischen Präsidenten Putin den schwarzen Peter zuschieben. Da wird vom Propagandakrieg gesprochen, vo...

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39: Marc Faber: Only Asset Class That is Relatively and Absolutely Depressed is Gold & Silver Shares

This week we are kicking off the relaunch of Palisade Radio to mark our one year anniversary and over 100,000 views to date. We have put together an all star line up of industry experts that include Jim Rogers, Doug Casey, Eric Sprott, Rick Rule, Frank Holmes, James Turk, and today on the show with …

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In Business- Rajan Right In Warning Of A Crisis: Marc Faber

Emerging markets are closely watching the Federal Reserve’s Quantitative Easing program as it reaches its final leg. Earlier in response to a Bloomberg TV India query, RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan had warned that the probable rise in developed markets’ interest rates may create some jitters across the Indian markets. Harsha Subramaniam discusses the same with …

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