Category Archive: 6a) Gold & Monetary Metals

Offener Brief an Alexis Tsipras

Keith Weiner zeigt, dass Griechenland bankrott gehen wird, egal ob es im Euro bleibt oder auf Dollar oder eine neue Drachme umstellt. Er schlägt eine Umstellung auf gold-denominierte Obligationen vor. Nur die Sicherheit von Gold wird Kapital wieder in das Land locken.

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Marc Faber: Commodities Could Hit Bottom and Stay There

Oct. 5 — Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, comments on the outlook for commodities during an interview with Bloomberg’s Joe Weisenthal, Scarlet Fu and Alix Steel on “What’d You Miss?”

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Marc Faber: We Have Colossal Asset Inflation

Oct 5 — Gloom, Boom & Doom Report Editor Marc Faber discusses how low interest rates have helped to raise asset prices with Bloomberg’s Scarlet Fu, Joe Weisenthal and Alix Steel on “What’d You Miss?” (Source: Bloomberg)

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Marc Faber: Markets Could Crash Like 1987

Oct. 5 — Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, comments on the outlook for stocks during an interview with Bloomberg’s Joe Weisenthal, Scarlet Fu and Alix Steel on “What’d You Miss?”

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Silver Price Spikes, But What Demand 4 Oct, 2015

For a few frenzied minutes, while everyone was sleeping, the price of silver spiked 56 cents. Well, at least the West Coast of America was sleeping. It began at 8:30 in New York, where presumably most traders were not sleeping. And of course, it was afternoon here in London (where Monetary ....

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Pure Gold and Soggy Dollars

We’re going to be introducing some new formats. One of them is quick article links, with the good ones labelled Pure Gold and the bad ones labelled Soggy Dollars. Pure Gold When a Fed-induced boom turns to bust: “In the lynch-mob....

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Prediction: Gold and Ratio Up, Stocks Down 27 Sep, 2015

The price of gold moved up moderately, and the price of silver moved down a few cents this week. However, there were some interesting fireworks in the middle of the week. Tuesday, the prices dropped and Thursday the prices of the metals popped $23 and $0.34 respectively. Everyone can judge the sentiment prevailing in gold...

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Price Moves and Term Structures 20 Sep, 2015

The prices of the metals moved up a bunch this week, with gold + $32 and silver +$0.55. We have seen some discussion of gold backwardation in the context of scarcity, and hence setting expectations of higher prices. That’s good, as the swings from contango to backwardation and back ....

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Invitation: Event in London Oct 2

You are cordially invited to a discussion of the economy, markets, interest rates, commodities, speculation, investment, and of course the monetary metals and our unique approach to valuing them. This seminar was successful in New York on Sep 11, and all the seats filled up. Here is the agenda. ....

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Gold, Silver, and Horse Betting Report 13 Sep, 2015

Consider the sport of betting on the sport of horse racing. It’s actually similar to the analysis of the gold and silver markets. How’s that? First, there is the manic-depressive crowd. Sometimes (as we are told—we don’t hang out at race tracks) the bettors sometimes get overly excited about a horse...

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The Fed and the Cotton Candy Market

For Keith Weiner the Federal Reserve operates like a Cotton Candy Machine for the housing market. It creates a massive bubble, financed with debt. It spins the price of a house, with the help of credit and debt, into something many times its original size.

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Stefan Gleason: The Silver Market is being Cornered by the Whole Globe!

Thanks for watching/listening. Subscribe, Share, Like Please visit Stefan Gleason Please visit Rory

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Stefan Gleason: The Silver Market is being Cornered by the Whole Globe!

Thanks for watching/listening. Subscribe, Share, Like Please visit Stefan Gleason Please visit Rory

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Marc Faber : il n’y a plus d’actifs sûrs (3-sep-2015 FR)

Le 2 septembre 2015, Marc Faber faisait une nouvelle apparition sur Bloomberg pour évoquer les risques qui planent sur l’économie mondiale ainsi que fournir des conseils d’investissements. Pour plus d’infos économiques :

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It is time to sell on the rallies – Marc Faber

Marc Faber, Editor and Publisher of “The Gloom. Boom & Doom Report”,, gives his perspective on where markets are headed and what’s behind the current selloff.

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Jackson Hole: Cherry Flavored Cyanide, or Strawberry

The American Principles Project and the Atlas Network Sound Money Project, provided a much needed alternative in the Jackson Hole Summit.

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Zero 2015-08-26

EvilSpeculator is dedicated to identifying trends in the financial markets. To that end, we post market updates several times a week and engage in pertinent discussions. Risk Disclosure: Zero indicator running against the ES futures - more details at

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Zero 2015-08-26

EvilSpeculator is dedicated to identifying trends in the financial markets. To that end, we post market updates several times a week and engage in pertinent discussions. Risk Disclosure: Zero indicator running against the ES futures – more details at

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TDV Interview Series: Marc Faber on Market Collapse and the Stupidity of Central Banks

Jeff interviews investment adviser Marc Faber of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, topics include: central banking and inflation, commodities decline, QE4?, natural market adjustment, precious metals, China is the largest trading partner of 124 countries, interest rate hikes to small to have any influence, cheating the savers, massive government debt created by central banking …

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Marc Faber: Markets have become very oversold near term

‘Gloom, Boom and Doom Report’ Editor Marc Faber on the market selloff. Watch Dagen Mcdowell and Maria Bartiromo talk about Investing Basics and Stocks on Mornings With Maria.

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