Category Archive: 6a) Gold & Monetary Metals

Declassified CIA Memos Reveal Probes Into Gold Market Manipulation

The CIA recently released a series of declassified 1970s memos relating to the gold market and the newly created SDR. These memos give new insight how the CIA viewed the gold market, the perceived manipulation of gold and the potential for the SDR to become a gold substitute in the international monetary system.

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Sprott Money News Ask the Expert January 2017 – Keith Neumeyer

Keith Neumeyer, president and CEO of First Majestic Silver, joins us to field questions from Sprott Money customers.

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Pension Funds Need Gold before It’s Too Late

Tens of millions of Americans and their employers pour money into pension plans each month, counting on those funds to grow and to be there when needed at retirement. But a time bomb awaits. The bulk of U.S. pension funds are dangerously underfunded, and the assets are often invested in securities that have bleak prospects for providing income that keeps up with a general decline in purchasing power.

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Marc Faber on when doom arrives for Wall Street

‘Gloom, Boom & Doom Report’ Editor Marc Faber discusses his outlook for the markets.

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A Hint of Gold Backwardation

Keith Weiner’s weekly look on Gold. Gold and silver prices, Gold-Silver Price Ratio, Gold basis and co-basis and the dollar price, Silver basis and co-basis and the dollar price.

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Keith Neumeyer Damage Inflicted by Precious Metals Manipulation Is in the Multi Billions

Keith Neumeyer, founder and CEO of First Majestic Silver and outspoken voice on the manipulation that’s occurring in the futures market for silver, weighs on the Deutsche Bank market rigging case, gives us his outlook for the metals under a Trump presidency and explains how silver’s gains in the future may end making the recent …

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Florian Homm im Gespräch mit Marc Faber (10.1.2017, english)

? Börsenbrief: Marc Faber on the latest economic situation, the Clinton Clan, refugees and Fed policy.

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Gold Bars Worth $800,000 Owned By Prince

Gold Bars Worth $800,000 Owned By Prince. Prince, RIP, owned gold bars worth just over $800,000 according to the statement filed in a Minnesota court last Friday.

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Silver’s Got Fundamentals – Precious Metals Supply-Demand Report

Keith Weiner's weekly look on Gold. Gold and silver prices, Gold-Silver Price Ratio, Gold basis and co-basis and the dollar price, Silver basis and co-basis and the dollar price.

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Gold Price In GBP Up 4 percent On Brexit and UK Risks

Gold Price In GBP Rises 4% On Brexit and UK Economy Risks. Pound fell 2% against gold yesterday after Theresa May created Brexit concerns. May's 'Hard Brexit' denial does not calm markets growing fears. Investors concerned about lack of government strategy and uncertainty. UK Prime Minister bizarrely blames media and "those who print things" for sterling depreciation. GBP gold builds on 31% gain in 2016 with 4% gain so far in 2017.

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Frank Holmes Gold Rally Extremely Likely in January and February

Frank Holmes, CEO of U.S. Global Investors and author of the book The Goldwatcher: Demystifying Gold Investing tells us where he thinks gold is headed in the near term, gives us a 2017 outlook for the metals and tells us why he believes the next 100 days will be very key in the financial markets. …

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India’s Monetary & Fiscal Policies Will Be Pro-Growth | Marc Faber

Catch Marc Faber in an exclusive conversation with ET NOW’s Tanvir Gill, as he speaks about his outlook for 2017. Subscribe To ET Now For Latest Updates On Stocks, Business, Trading | ► Subscribe Now To Our Network Channels :- Times Now : The NewsHour Debate : To Stay Updated Download the …

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Gold Rises In All Currencies In 2016 – 9 percent In USD, 13 percent In EUR and 31.5 percent In GBP

Gold gains in USD, GBP, EUR, CAD, AUD, NZD, JPY. Gold gains in CNY, INR & most emerging market currencies. Gold surges 31.5% in British pounds after Brexit shock. Gold acted as hedge and safe haven in 2016 … for those who need safe haven. Furthers signs of market having bottomed and bodes well for 2017. What drivers will gold respond to in 2017? EU elections and contagion risk, Geo-politics, terrorism, war and cyber war. Outlook for gold good...

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The Gold Market – Where Transparency means Secrecy

The following presentation, by BullionStar precious metals analyst Ronan Manly, was given to an audience during a Precious Metals Seminar held at BullionStar’s shop and showroom premises in Singapore on 19 October 2016.

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Dr Chris Martenson Next Crisis to Be Global Getting Gold Silver Difficult

Dr. Chris Martenson will tell you why the central planners DON’T want you to own gold – and issues a chilling warning to those who are caught unprepared before the next major financial crisis. Be sure to stick around for a tremendous interview with Chris Martenson, coming up after this week’s market update. Read the …

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Gold Market Charts – A Month in Review

BullionStar has recently started a new series of posts highlighting charts relating to some of the most important gold markets, gold exchanges and gold trends around the world. The posts include charts of the Chinese Gold Market, the flow of gold from West to East via the London and Swiss gold markets, and the holdings of gold-backed Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs).

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In Conversation With Marc Faber

In an exclusive chat with ET Now’s Tanvir Gill, Marc Faber has spoken about how he is optimistic on Emerging Markets like India & sees the possibility of India making fresh highs this year. Listen in. Subscribe To ET Now For Latest Updates On Stocks, Business, Trading | ► Subscribe Now To Our Network …

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Gold – Ready to Spring Another Surprise

Below is an update of a number of interesting data points related to the gold market. Whether “interesting” will become “meaningful” remains to be seen, as most of gold’s fundamental drivers aren’t yet bullishly aligned.

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Fed Rate Hike Causes Gold Price Drop

Keith Weiner's weekly look on Gold. Gold and silver prices, Gold-Silver Price Ratio, Gold basis and co-basis and the dollar price, Silver basis and co-basis and the dollar price.

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Sprott Money News Ask The Expert December 2016 – Jim Willie

Jim Willie, author of The Hat Trick Letter, fields questions from Sprott Money customers on gold, the global economy and the future of the U.S. dollar.

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