Category Archive: 6a) Gold & Monetary Metals

Update on gold – bad news is good news

Increased trade tensions have boosted the gold price to above USD 1,500.The increased trade tensions following Trump’s 1 August tweet threatening additional tariffs on Chinese goods has boosted the gold price above USD 1,500 per troy ounce.The recent developments are supportive of gold investment demand because of a lower opportunity cost associated with holding gold and greater demand for safe haven assets.

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Sprott Money News Weekly Wrap-up – 8.9.19

Eric Sprott discusses the latest events impacting gold and silver prices and also answers listener questions regarding some specific mining companies.

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Jim Rogers: Buy Gold Coins and Silver Coins as Global Crisis Is Coming

◆ “Get knowledgeable and get prepared as this crisis is going to be the worst in my life time” ◆ “I own physical gold and silver coins … everyone should own them” ◆ "I own Chinese, Russian, American, Australian, Austrian silver coins" and "I own UK gold coins and I own a lot of gold coins from various places" ◆ "Singapore has been and is a very safe location for storage, Switzerland is too, Austria is too, Liechtenstein is...

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Jim Rogers: Buy Gold Coins and Silver Coins as Global Crisis Is Coming

◆ “Get knowledgeable and get prepared as this crisis is going to be the worst in my life time” ◆ “I own physical gold and silver coins … everyone should own them” ◆ “I own Chinese, Russian, American, Australian, Austrian silver coins” and “I own UK gold coins and I own a lot of gold …

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Independent View: Marc Faber, The Gloom, Boom and Doom Report (August 2019)

Economist Marc Faber, editor and publisher of The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report (Link: sits down with The Independent Speculator to all about gold’s breakout, China and the global economy, the two biggest surprises he’s seen in his life, and the most important trends he sees going forward. Marc pulls no punches and calls …

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Marc Faber: Politik zerstört Wirtschaft

Befinden sich die westlichen Industrienationen auf dem Weg in den Sozialismus? Michael Mross im Gespräch mit Marc Faber. Die Politik wird immer mächtiger, die Wirtschaft schrumpft. Wie soll das enden? Außerdem die Frage, welche Rolle spielt das CO2-Thema in Asien?

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The Sound Money Showdown in U.S. States

Policies relating to sound money have been the subject of substantial debate at the state level this year, with bills, hearings, and/or votes taking place in nearly a dozen legislatures. As most state legislatures have now wrapped up their work for the year, let’s review the victories (both offensive and defensive)—and lone defeat—for sound money during the 2019 session.

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Sprott Money News Weekly Wrap-up – 8.2.19

Eric Sprott discusses current events affecting the precious metals market and he also reviews some of the latest developments in the mining sector.

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Marc Faber: Darum würde ich die Notenbanker gerne zur Guillotine führen // Mission Money

The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report: Droht uns der Börsencrash? Wir fragen nach bei Dr. Doom Marc Faber. Er sieht gerade schwarz für Deutschland und das europäische Bankensystem. Zudem schätzt er ein, wie sich der chinesische Markt entwickeln könnte. Gerade wenn man die Entwicklung für die kommenden 40 Jahre fortschreibt. Bitcoin schätzt er mittlerweile …

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I Know Usury When I See It, Report 4 Aug

“I know it, when I see it.” This phrase was first used by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart, in a case of obscenity. Instead of defining it—we would think that this would be a requirement for a law, which is of course backed by threat of imprisonment—he resorted to what might be called Begging Common Sense. It’s just common sense, it’s easy-peasy, there’s no need to define the term…

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After Fed Disappoints, Will Trump Initiate Currency Intervention?

Following months of cajoling by the White House, the Federal Reserve finally cut its benchmark interest rate. However, the reaction in equity and currency markets was not the one President Donald Trump wanted – or many traders anticipated. The Trump administration wants the Fed to help drive the fiat U.S. dollar lower versus foreign currencies, especially those of major exporting countries.

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Marc Faber: Währungsreform unausweichlich?

Zerstören Notenbanken und Politik die Wirtschaft? Wie geht es weiter an den Finanzmärkten? Kommt eine Währungsreform? Michael Mross im Gespräch mit Marc Faber über Finanzen und Bitcoin. – Der letzte Satz ist leider etwas abgehackt. Er lautet: Faber in Bezug auf die Notenbanken: wie viel Gas können Sie noch geben?

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Gold and Silver Are “Safe Haven Money” and Have Never Failed Throughout History – Silver Guru

- "I feel called to this ... I feel it is my duty to educate as many people as possible" - The Fed is engaged in "extend and pretend" but we are in the "end game" - The gold silver ratio is headed "much much lower" - likely back to 30:1 - Only some $16 billion worth of above ground investment grade silver - U.S. bonds are no longer safe due to negative yields and the risk of massive currency depreciation - A...

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Gold and Silver Are “Safe Haven Money” and Have Never Failed Throughout History – Silver Guru

– “I feel called to this … I feel it is my duty to educate as many people as possible” – The Fed is engaged in “extend and pretend” but we are in the “end game” – The gold silver ratio is headed “much much lower” – likely back to 30:1 – Only some $16 …

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493: Marc Faber: The Unfolding Pension Crisis

My guest in this interview is Dr Marc Faber. Dr. Faber is the editor of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report. He is referred to as the Billionaire they call Dr. Doom in Tony Robbins book, Money Master The Game. In this episode, we will look at what the global economy and markets are telling … Continue reading »

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Obvious Capital Consumption, Report 28 Jul

We have spilled many electrons on the topic of capital consumption. Still, this is a very abstract topic and we think many people still struggle to picture what it means. Thus, the inspiration for this week’s essay. Suppose a young man, Early Enterprise, inherits a car from his grandfather. Early decides to drive for Uber to earn a living. Being enterprising, he is up at dawn and drives all day.

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Sprott Money News Weekly Wrap-up – 7.26.19

Eric Sprott discusses the ongoing rally in precious metals and looks ahead to next week’s FOMC meeting.

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Gold Consolidates Near All Time High In British Pounds

Sterling is under pressure today and gold near all time record highs in sterling (see chart) due to the likelihood that Britain’s ruling Conservative party will elect Boris Johnson (aka ‘BoJo’) as its new leader and Prime Minister today.

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Financial Media Elite Defensively Bash “Useless” Gold

At least the Financial Times now has come clean about its hostility to gold – as well as to free markets and elementary journalism. Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA) friend Chris Kniel of Orinda, California, sent to the newspaper's chief economic columnist, Martin Wolf, the excellent summary of gold and silver market manipulation just written by gold researcher Ronan Manly.

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The Fake Economy, Report 21 Jul

Folks in the liberty movement often say that the economy is fake. But this does not persuade anyone. It’s just preaching to the choir! We hope that this series on GDP provides more effective ammunition to argue with the Left-Right-Wall-Street-Main-Street-Capitalists-Socialists.

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