Category Archive: 6a) Gold & Monetary Metals

Women’s Pension Crisis Highlights Dangers To Savers

Women’s Pension Crisis Highlights Dangers To Savers. – International Women’s Day highlights the underreported UK Women’s pension crisis. – 2.66 million affected by UK government’s change to state pension act. – Women’s pension crisis is one of many in the UK, where there is a £710bn deficit for prospective retirees. – Changes by government highlights the counterparty risks pensions are exposed to. – Global problem as pensions gap of developed...

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Noted Author Tom Woods Speaks on the Founding Fathers, Gold, and Freedom

Read the full transcript here: Tom Woods – a great historian and author as well as a tremendous political and economic commentator shares his thoughts on why the Founding Fathers recognized the importance of including gold and silver in our monetary system and why it’s essential for you personally to consider owning some to …

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Gold Does Not Fear Interest Rate Hikes

Gold Does Not Fear Interest Rate Hikes. Gold no longer fears or pays attention to Fed announcements regarding interest rates. Renewed interest in gold due to inflation fears and concern Fed won’t do enough to control it. Higher interest rates on horizon will make debt levels unsustainable. New Fed Chair warns “the US is not on a sustainable fiscal path” and could lead to an “unsustainable” debt load. Higher interest rates are good for gold as seen...

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London Property Sees Brave Bet By Norway As Foxtons Profits Plunge

London Property Sees Brave Bet By Norway As Foxtons Profits Plunge. Sales in London property market at ‘historic lows’. 65% fall in pre-tax profits in 2017 to £6.5m reported by London estate agents Foxtons. Foxtons warns 2018 will ‘remain challenging’ for London property. Norway’s sovereign wealth fund is backing London’s property market. RICS: UK property stock hits record low as buyer demand falls. Own physical gold to hedge falls in physical...

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Silver bullion will likely outperform gold bullion going forward

Normally the action in the gold and silver futures markets tends to be pretty similar, since the same general forces affect both precious metals. When inflation or some other source of anxiety is ascendant, both metals rise, and vice versa. But lately – perhaps in a sign of how confused the world is becoming – gold and silver traders have diverged.

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Return of the Market Criers – Precious Metals Supply and Demand

Keith Weiner’s weekly look on Gold. Gold and silver prices, Gold-Silver Price Ratio, Gold basis and co-basis and the dollar price, Silver basis and co-basis and the dollar price.

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Tỷ phú đầu tư Marc Faber về Việt Nam | Babylons

Link đăng ký: Tìm hiểu thêm: Tỷ phú đầu tư Marc Faber về Việt Nam ——————————————— MARC FABER – TIẾN SỸ NGÀY TẬN THẾ. Marc Faber là người luôn đi ngược trào lưu. Để trở thành người đi ngược trào lưu, bạn cần phải biết bạn làm khác như thế nào so với …

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Four Key Themes To Drive Gold Prices In 2018 – World Gold Council

Four key themes to drive gold prices in 2018 – World Gold Council annual review. Monetary policies, frothy asset prices, global growth and demand and increasing market access important in 2018. Weak US dollar in 2017 saw gold price up 13.5%, largest gain since 2010. “Strong gold price performance was a positive for investors and producers, and was symptomatic of a more profound shift in sentiment: a growing recognition of gold’s role as a wealth...

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Gold Corridor From Dubai to China Sought By China

Gold corridor from Dubai to China sought by Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Society. New Asian gold trading corridor could boost demand for 1 kg gold bars. Should increase turnover for yuan-denominated gold coins and bars – President. Secure supplies of physical gold from Middle East and Asia for China. China positioning itself as leading gold trading and owning nation.

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Digital Gold Provide the Benefits Of Physical Gold?

Will digital gold provide the benefits of physical gold? Digital gold and crypto gold products claim to combine efficiencies of blockchain with value of gold. They are yet to provide the same benefits or safety as owning physical gold. National mints jumping in on the ‘sexy blockchain’ act. BOE declares bitcoin ‘not a currency;’ Royal Mint launches blockchain gold product.

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A Giant Ouija Board – Precious Metals Supply and Demand Report

Keith Weiner’s weekly look on Gold. Gold and silver prices, Gold-Silver Price Ratio, Gold basis and co-basis and the dollar price, Silver basis and co-basis and the dollar price.

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Goldnomics Podcast (Episode 3) Is The Gold Price Going to $10,000?

In this the third episode of the Goldnomics podcast we ask the question; “Is the gold price going to $10,000?”. GoldCore CEO Stephen Flood and GoldCore’s Research Director and world renowned precious metals commentator Mark O’Byrne in discussion with Dave Russell. We discuss what will drive gold to new record highs over the coming months …

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Russian Central Bank Buys Gold – 600,000 Ounces Or 18.7 Tons In January As Venezuela Launches ‘Petro Gold’

Russian central bank buys gold – large 600,000 ounces or 18.7 tons of gold in January. Russia increased its holdings to 1,857 tons, topping the People’s Bank of China’s ‘reported’ 1,843 tons. Russia surpasses China as 6th largest holder of gold reserves – after U.S., Germany, IMF, Italy and France. Turkish central bank added 205 tons “over 13 consecutive months” – Commerzbank

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Bitcoin or British Pound ‘Pretty Much Failed’ As Currency?

Bitcoin has ‘pretty much failed’ as a currency says Bank of England Carney. Bitcoin is neither a store of value nor a useful way to buy things – BOE’s Carney. Project fear against crypto-currencies or an out of control investing bubble? Bitcoin will likely recover in value but is speculative and not for widows and orphans. British pound has been a terrible store of value – unlike gold. Pound collapsed 30% in 2016 and down 11.5% per annum versus...

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Sprott Money News Ask The Expert – February 2018 Rick Rule

Rick Rule, the president and CEO of Sprott US Holdings, joins us this month to answer questions from Sprott Money customers regarding gold, silver and the mining shares.

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Bank Bail-In Risk In European Countries Seen In 5 Key Charts

Bank Bail-In Risk In Europe Seen In 5 Charts. Nearly €1 trillion in non-performing loans poses risks to European banks’. Greece has highest non-performing loans as a share of total credit. Italy has the biggest pile of bad debt in absolute terms. Bad debt in Italy is still “a major problem” which has to be addressed – ECB. Level of bad loans in Italy remains above that seen before the financial crisis. Deposits in banks in Greece, Cyprus, Italy,...

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Marc Faber: Markets, New Silk Road, & Global War

Renown Swiss investor and publisher of “The Gloom, Boom and Doom Report” Dr. Marc Faber discusses the global markets, housing and bond bubbles, central bank manipulation, gold, Trump, the petroyuan, the New Silk Road and what a potential conflict between the U.S. and China might look like as old empires die and new ones are …

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Five Big Drivers of Higher Inflation Rates Ahead in 2018 and the Future

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Gold Up 3.8percent In Week – If Closes Above $1,360/oz Will Be Biggest Weekly Gain In Nearly 2 Years

Gold Up 3.8% In Week – If Closes Above $1,360/oz Will Be Biggest Weekly Gain In Nearly 2 Years. Gold rose as the dollar fell to near a three-year low against a basket of currencies on Friday, heading for its biggest weekly loss in nine months, as a slew of bearish factors including firming inflation and a fall in retail sales and industrial production hit the dollar.

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Keith Weiner Said: We’ve Debunked The Gold & Silver Manipulation Claims Many Times

Please click above to subscribe to my channel Thanks for watching! Financial News Silver News Gold Bix Weir RoadToRoota Road To Roota Kyle Bass Realist News Greg Mannarino Rob Kirby Reluctant

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