Category Archive: 5) Global Macro

Emerging Market Preview: Week Ahead

EM FX ended the holiday-shortened week on a soft note. While most were up on the entire week, notable laggards were TRY, CLP, and ZAR. All three currencies underperformed due to rising political risks, and we suspect that will continue. We believe MXN and BRL are likely to rejoin the laggards in the coming days.

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Addictions: Social Media & Mobile Phones Fall From Grace

Identifying social media and mobile phones as addictive is only the first step in a much more complex investigation. For everyone who remembers the Early Days of social media and mobile phones, it's been quite a ride from My Space and awkward texting on tiny screens to the current alarm over the addictive nature of social media and mobile telephony.

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[ Jeffrey Snider ] Evolution of Eurodollars, Money as interbank liabilities

Jeffrey Snider: Eurodollar University Part 1 — How Dollar becomes ‘Dollar’ — Bankers’ Acceptances — The Evolution of Eurodollars — Where do Eurodollars . [ Jeffrey Snider ] — Evolution of Eurodollars, Money as interbank liabilities – update 2017. Jeffrey Snider: Eurodollar University Part 1 — How Dollar becomes . Jeffrey Snider: Eurodollar University Part …

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Durable Goods Only About Halfway To Real Reflation

Durable goods were boosted for a second month by the after-effects of Harvey and Irma. New orders excluding those from transportation industries rose 8.5% year-over-year in October 2017, a slight acceleration from the 6.5% average of the four previous months. Shipments of durable goods (ex transportation) also rose by 8% last month.

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Charles Hugh Smith – The Entire Economic System Is One Big Illusion


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Beware the Marginal Buyer, Borrower and Renter

When times are good, the impact of the marginal buyer, borrower and renter on the market is often overlooked. By "marginal" I mean buyers, borrowers and renters who have to stretch their finances to the maximum to afford the purchase, loan or rent.

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Charles Hugh Smith Trump’s Secret Plan For America & Why The Deep State Is Trying To Stop

Charles Hugh Smith Trump’s Secret Plan For America & Why The Deep State Is Trying To Stop It. Charles Hugh Smith Trump’s Secret Plan For America & Why The Deep State Is Trying To Stop It Subscribe & More Videos: Thank for . Charles Hugh Smith Trump’s Secret Plan For America & Why The Deep …

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ALERT!!! CHARLES HUGH SMITH Central Banks will close and Currency will change

SUBSCRIBE for Latest on FINANCIAL CR / OIL PRICE / PETROL/ GLOBAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE / AGENDA 21 / DOLLAR COLLAPSE / GOLD / SILVER . ALERT!!! CHARLES HUGH SMITH Central Banks will close and Currency will change ———————————- ▻ Help Finance News reach 1000 subscribers: . CHARLES HUGH SMITH – Central Banks will close and …

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Are Americans trashing the English language? | The Economist

Britons often grumble that Americanisms are creeping into British English. Lane Greene, our language guru, asks where American words really come from—and whether they pose a threat to the Queen’s English. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: Are American’s trashing the English language? The Economists language expert, Lane Greene, knows a …

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Welcome to the startup jungle | The Economist

Most new companies fail. What does it take for young entrepreneurs around the world to thrive in a startup hub? Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: Over the past two decades start-ups have changed the world. Multi-billion dollar companies like Google, Facebook, and Uber have shown the transformative power of entrepreneurship. …

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The 2018 World Cup could lead to conflict on and off the pitch | The Economist

The football World Cup in Russia will be the biggest sporting event of 2018. President Vladimir Putin will use the tournament to further his geopolitical goals. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: In 2018, the eyes of the world will be on Russia. The country will host what is set to …

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Bi-Weekly Economic Review: A Whirlwind of Data

The economic data of the last two weeks was generally better than expected, the Citigroup Economic Surprise index near the highs of the year. Still, as I’ve warned repeatedly over the last few years, better than expected should not be confused with good. We go through mini-cycles all the time, the economy ebbing and flowing through the course of a business cycle.

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Want Widespread Prosperity? Radically Lower Costs

As long as this is business as usual, it's impossible to slash costs and boost widespread prosperity. It's easy to go down the wormhole of complexity when it comes to figuring out why our economy is stagnating for the bottom 80% of households. But it's actually not that complicated: the primary driver of stagnation, decline of small business start-ups, etc. is costs are skyrocketing to the point of unaffordability.

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The Entire Economic System Is One Big Illusion Charles Hugh Smith

Please click above to subscribe to my channel Thanks for ing! Financial News Silver News Gold Bix Weir RoadToRoota Road To Roota Kyle Bass Realist . Thanks for ing. Getting informed about collapse and cr may earn you, or prevent to lose money. Do you want to be informed with Max Keiser, Alex Jones, Gerald …

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RMR: Special Guest – Charles Hugh Smith – Of Two Minds (11/20/2017)

“V” and Charles Hugh Smith have a great discussion regarding bitcoin, the US wealth disparity and the power of cryptos, blockchain to free society from the banking cartel. We are political scientists, editorial engineers, and radio show developers drawn together by a shared vision of bringing Alternative news through digital mediums that evangelize our civil …

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Emerging Market Preview: Week Ahead

EM FX ended the week firm, and capped off a good week overall. Best performers last week for ZAR and KRW, while the worst were TRY and IDR. Until we get higher US rates, the dollar may remain under modest pressure. This would help EM maintain some traction, though we remain cautious.

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Industrial Production Still Reflating

Industrial Production benefited from a hurricane rebound in October 2017, rising 2.9% above October 2016. That is the highest growth rate in nearly three years going back to January 2015. With IP lagging behind the rest of the manufacturing turnaround, this may be the best growth rate the sector will experience. Production overall was still contracting all the way to November 2016, providing the index favorable base comparisons that won’t last past...

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The Entire Economic System Is One Big Illusion: Charles Hugh Smith

Today’s Guest: Charles Hugh Smith Website: Of Two Minds Books: Why Our Status Quo Failed And Is Beyond Reform . Thanks for ing. The Entire Economic System Is One Big Illusion – Charles Hugh Smith ———————————- ▻ Help Financial Futures reach 1000 subscribers: . The Entire Economic System Is One Big Illusion Charles Hugh Smith. …

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CHARLES HUGH SMITH – Shows Where To Invest When Almost Everything Is A Bubble!

Please click above to subscribe to my channel Thanks for ing! Financial News Silver News Gold Bix Weir RoadToRoota Road To Roota Kyle Bass Realist . I coined the term ‘Creditism’ to describe an economic system driven by credit creation and consumption, in contrast to Capitalism, which was driven by . Today’s Guest: Andrew Hoffman …

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Can’t Hide From The CPI

On the vital matter of missing symmetry, consumer price indices across the world keep suggesting there remains none. Recoveries were called “V” shaped for a reason. Any economy knocked down would be as intense in getting back up, normal cyclical forces creating momentum for that to (only) happen. In the context of the past three years, symmetry is still nowhere to be found.

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