Category Archive: 5) Global Macro

Our Culture of Rape

These are the poisoned fruits of a neofeudal system in which power, wealth and political influence are concentrated in the apex of the wealth-power pyramid. Stripped of pretense, ours is a culture of rape. Apologists for the system that spawned this culture of rape claim that this violence is the work of a few scattered sociopaths. The apologists are wrong: The system generates a culture of rape.

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02 03 14 – Macro Analytics – THE RETAIL CRE DOMINO w/ Charles Hugh Smith


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06-01-13 Macro Analytics Transitioning to INNOVATION Driven w/ Charles Hugh Smith


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04 08 15 – MACRO ANALYTICS – Nature of Work – w/ Charles Hugh Smith

Video Content Abstract at: LINK

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03-23-13-Macro Analytics – Market Clearing Event – Charles Hugh Smith

QUESTIONS ON THE TABLE 1- How Large can Central Bank’s Balance Sheets actually get before too much is too much? 2- Is Public Debt Monetization A

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Aligning Politics To economics

There is no argument that the New Deal of the 1930’s completely changed the political situation in America, including the fundamental relationship of the government to its people. The way it came about was entirely familiar, a sense from among a large (enough) portion of the general population that the paradigm of the time no longer worked. It was only for whichever political party that spoke honestly to that predicament to obtain long-term...

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12 14 13 – Macro Analytics – 2014 Themes w/ Charles Hugh Smith


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07-13-13 Macro Analytics – Blown Opportunity – w/ Charles Hugh Smith


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09 15 15 MACRO ANALYTICS – Its Getting Ugly out there! w/ Charles Hugh Smith

with Charles Hugh Smith & Gordon T Long 28 Minutes – 21 Slides Charles Hugh Smith and Gordon T Long discuss the US Equity Market Technicals.

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06 28 14 Macro Analytics – Geo Political Turmoil w/ Charles Hugh Smith


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05- 04-13 Macro Analytics – PEAK CONSUMPTION – w/ Charles Hugh Smith


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MACRO ANALYTICS – 04 07 17 – MILLENNIALS: A Menacing Metamorphosis – w/Charles Hugh Smith


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09 06 14 – Macro Analytics – Why Crony Capitalism is Happening w/ Charles Hugh Smith


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MACRO ANALYTICS – 06 16 17 – Robotics & Chronic Unemployment w/ Charles Hugh Smith


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MACRO ANALYTICS – 10 02 15 – Helicopter Money w/Charles Hugh Smith

Video Content Abstract at: LINK Analytics.htm#Smith-10-02-15.

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MACRO ANALYTICS – 07 14 17 – The Road to Financialization w/ Charles Hugh Smith

Anyone interested in how we got to where we are today will enjoy this tutorial discussion of the chronology of US & Global Monetary Events regarding the

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02 09 15 – MACRO ANALYTICS – The Next Peg To Fall – w/ Charles Hugh Smith

Go to LINK: for supporting Interview abstract and slides.

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Emerging Markets: What has Changed

China announced that it will remove foreign ownership limits on banks and other measures to open up the financial sector. Central Bank of Turkey lowered commercial bank FX reserve requirements in an effort to support the lira. US-Turkey relations appear to be thawing slightly. Middle East tensions are rising on a variety of fronts. Argentina central bank unexpectedly hiked rates again.

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06 20 15 – MACRO ANALYTICS – Coming Era of Pension Poverity – w/ Charles Hugh Smith

Video Content Abstract at: LINK

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01 07 15 – MACRO ANALYTICS – 2015 Global Theme – DEFLATION – w/ Charles Hugh Smith


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