Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Money as Debt and the Federal Reserve System

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Önskelådan | Radio Mises #048

Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: Poddpladdrarna Klaus och Hans gör sitt bästa för att hinna igenom så många frågor på så kort tid som möjligt och lyckas delvis. Vilda spekulationer blandat med ekonomiska och frihetliga resonemang. Dessutom svaret på frågan i vilken omfattning arv påverkar kultur. Kanske. FACEBOOK: TWITTER: REDDIT:...

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Goethe Predicted Dollar Slavery

In 1809 Goethe wrote "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." According to Keith Weiner, this is today's status of American workers, stuck with debt and the losing value of the dollar.

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6b.) P: 2015-04-02 19:00:00

The new Netflix series Marco Polo might have descended into a forgettable story of palace intrigue, but it fortunately explores far more interesting themes of family, loyalty, and how the state demands everyone sell out his values a little more every day, writes Ryan McMaken.This audio Mises Daily is narrated by Robert Hale.

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Murphy on IBC 7: What are the benefits of Practitioner’s Program?

In the fall of 2014 economist Robert P. Murphy gave an interview about Nelson Nash’s Infinite Banking Concept (IBC). For more information:

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A Gold Man In Monetarist Territory

Keith Weiner suggests that one should abstract from economic variables like CPI, U6 unemployment measure, M0 or GDP. We know that the Fed manipulates key variables of the economy; hence we live in a world of central planners, a socialist world, not much better than the period of Mao or Stalin. The gold standard is free of central bank manipulation.

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Dirk Müller – Tagesausblick 31.03.2015 – Griechenland bietet Rohstoffvorkommen USA und Russland an

Weitere Themen: – Neues von Tesla – IBM will investieren – Angriff auf Sparguthaben in der EU – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller

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What Happens When Credit Is Mispriced?

Keith Weiner explains what happens when credit is mispriced. The rich are privileged because they can profit on the volatility and the bubbles the cheap credit createes.

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Three Unexpected Reasons Why We Use the Paper Dollar

Keith Weiner argues that there are 3 reasons why we use the dollar. One, people don't care about what money really is. Two, people are indoctrinated in the ideology of central planning. Three, many people like to get something for free and they want continue getting it for free. Endless borrowing is simply not possible in the gold standard, but only with paper money like the dollar.

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Can The Fed Raise Interest Rates?

Keith Weiner argues that the question should be, not when the Fed will raise interest rates, but if. Before our central planners can raise rates, they must deal with a problem of their own making.

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Why Can’t The Fed Spot Bubbles?

The topic of whether the Federal Reserve can see bubbles in advance, and what they can do about them, is hotly debated. The price of an earning asset depends directly on the interest rate. This is because of time preference. It is better to have your cash today than tomorrow. The Fed’s problem is that the calculation depends on a rate of interest that it heavily influences. Its analysis is therefore circular and self-fulfilling. It’s like taking a...

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Nationalisim | Radio Mises #047

Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: Som motreaktion till upplysningens evinnerliga mätande och vägande uppstod romantiken, och med denna fick vi nationalromantik och nationalism. Hans och Klaus ger sig ut på djupt vatten; den ene kommer ut som nationalist och den andre försvarar saudiarabien. Mer eller mindre rumsrena ämnen som eugenik, ras, arv, miljö och …

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Keith Weiner explains why Inflation is, at root, a monetary fraud, it is finally caused by an increase in the money supply. The Fed deceives us into accepting this bad paper as currency by making its new dollars look like real currency. This is the very essence of counterfeiting.

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Murphy on IBC 6: Why was the Practitioner’s Program created?

In the fall of 2014 economist Robert P. Murphy gave an interview about Nelson Nash’s Infinite Banking Concept (IBC). For more information:

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The Fed’s Bubbles Destroy Capital

Keith Weiner explains the relationship between hoarding and lending. He advocates that interest rates should not be repressed artificially, otherwise bubbles will arise that destroy capital.

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Buchbesprechung: Geheime Goldpolitik von Dimitri Speck – Golddrückung

✘ Werbung: Die #Zentralbanken der westlichen Welt haben den #Goldpreis über viele Jahre künstlich gedrückt. Das hat Einfluss auf #Währungen und Goldbestände. Zusätzlich wurde Gold ausgeliehen, was den Kurse auch unter Druck gebracht hat. Gold: Gold & Silber: Fluchtwährung Gold: Höher, weiter, schneller, tiefer:...

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Klaus Bernpaintner – Verklighetsekonomi: Del 2/8

Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: Under fyra föreläsningar går vi igenom grundläggande principer som förklarar stora och små skeenden i det mänskliga samspel som kallas ekonomi. De fyra föreläsningarna har delats upp i: 1. Klassisk ekonomi och ekonomisk historia 2. Österrikisk ekonomi 3. Monetär ekonomi 4. Interventionistisk ekonomi Kursen skiljer sig från vanliga ekonomikurser …

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Murphy on IBC 5: Does the Institute support financial professionals?

Note that after this interview, the name of the Infinite Banking Institute was changed to the Nelson Nash Institute, though the mission is the same as Murphy describes. In the fall of 2014 economist Robert P. Murphy gave an interview about Nelson Nash’s Infinite Banking Concept (IBC). For more information:

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Radio Mises #046 – Napoleons Frankrike, Björn Johannessen

Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: Radio Mises gästas återigen av Björn Johannessen för att fortsätta diskussionen där vi slutade förra gången, det vill säga efter Franska revolutionen. Kort efter revolutionen inträdde Napoleon, upphöjde sig till kejsare, krigade över hela Europa och byggde nationalstater där ingen efterfrågat dem. Vi roar oss också över en del …

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Jayant Bhandari: “Asian Gold Myth II”

Based in Singapore, Jayant is constantly traveling the world to look for investment opportunities, particularly in the natural resource sector. He advises institutional investors about his finds. Earlier, he worked for six years with US Global Investors (San Antonio, Texas), a boutique natural resource investment firm, and for one year with Casey Research. Before emigrating …

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