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Ian Bremmer: Cyberterrorism Is Coming and That Worries Me a Lot

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John Mauldin
Each week, investors and financial professionals around the globe turn to John Mauldin to better understand Wall Street, global markets, and the drivers of the world economy. And for good reason. John is a noted financial expert, a New York Times best-selling author, a pioneering online commentator, and the publisher of one of the first publications to provide investors with free, unbiased information and guidance—Thoughts from the Frontline—one of the most widely read investment newsletters in the world.
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  1. understand your rhetoric

    Go from watching George Friedman to this guy is a form of video torture!

  2. jack sorensen

    As soon as he said we overreacted to 9-11, I just couldn't take anymore. This guy has no credibility.

    1. Cordle Fhrichter

      Did we not overreact to 911? We invaded two countries that had nothing to do with the attack costing the lives of thousands more American lives in a multi-trillion dollar decade long quagmire that accomplished less than nothing.

    2. M Montero

      Jack, it's just as Liam said. Honestly, it was understandable at the time, we wanted revenge, we all did. And Saddam was right there. And it's also really hard to admit mistakes, especially ones that Americans died for. But these wars are the definition of the sunk cost fallacy. You have to be objective, we fucked up everything even worse than it was before (lost our allies, radicalized generations more, etc), and if it really was to catch the perpetrators,why didn't we invade Pakistan (where many trained and hid) or Saudi Arabia (where like 14 of the hijackers were from)? It's time to end it.

  3. baronvonbowel

    Was he wearing his pretty rainbow colored socks?

    1. M Montero

      Why all the hate on Bremmer, can someone explain with an actual, thoughtful answer (e.g. not a snarky or troll comment)? I'm honestly interested to know.

  4. Y Liu

    All the internet servers are in USA and USA has the most powerful and intelligent cyber team in the world for Internet spy war. Ian Bremmer seems never believe what Snowdon revealed. Once he steals he thought everyone else is thief or spy, right? Now we know why Trump rejects the American "think tanks" or elites, like him.

    1. Alka Pone


  5. Mustafa Genius

    talking only terrorism? what about Zionism and American hegemony? till you continue to cover that, you will end up as ruin empire

    1. Andrew Dale

      So insightful, thank you for sharing

  6. fwe;bbwaje;awejf;owjiefaeb;gewa

    Islamic extremism a big problem for southeast Europe but not for the rich northwestern states? Where are all the banlieus in the Balkans?

  7. Makdavian

    Friedman fanboys so triggered lol

  8. Eric Ragnar

    This guy is a fucking joke

  9. The Anglo House

    Bremmer is so well read and has such a capacity to understand world events unlike so many current politicians who make decisions that affect the world based on their total lack of knowledge of how things work in the real world. The predominant philosophy of might makes right (as displayed also by some of the ignorant comments below) only creates more enemies for us. We're doing nothing to win their hearts and minds.

  10. Y Liu1

    Shut up, Ian! Snowdon has already told us who is most strong cyberspy country in the world.

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