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What a strong US dollar means for the world economy

Our editor-in-chief Zanny Minton Beddoes takes us behind this week’s cover to discuss the sharp rise of the dollar of late, and why its surge could pose problems for the world economy. For more videos, visit our YouTube channel

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Börsen-Talk vom 2. Dezember 2016

Mit der Credit Suisse setzt Urs Beck auf eine umstrittene Aktie. Im Börsen-Talk nennt der Fondsmanager von EFG Asset Management weitere Titel mit Potenzial und sagt, warum eine SMI-Jahresend-Rallye kaum möglich ist.

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Chandler: Austria Vote a Bigger Risk Than Italy

Dec.01 — Marc Chandler, Brown Brothers Harriman head of currency strategy, discusses the Italian referendum and explains why he thinks the Austrian election may be more of a threat to markets. He speaks with Bloomberg’s Joe Weisenthal on “What’d You Miss?”

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Benjamin M. Friedman, “Intellectual Origins of the Financial Crisis”, 22.09.2016

Karl Brunner Centenary Event, 22.09.2016

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Thomas Jordan, Welcome address, 22.09.2016

Karl Brunner Centenary Event, 22.09.2016

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Allan H. Meltzer, “Karl Brunner, Scholar: An Appreciation”, 22.09.2016

Karl Brunner Centenary Event, 22.09.2016

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Charles I. Plosser, “A Personal Tribute to Karl Brunner”, 22.09.2016

Karl Brunner Centenary Event, 22.09.2016

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Ernst Baltensperger, “Karl Brunner and the Heritage of Monetarism”, 22.09.2016

Karl Brunner Centenary Event, 22.09.2016

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Which country was the first to decriminalise all drugs? | The Economist

Today the UN commission on narcotic drugs meets in Vienna. It does so against a backdrop of increased decriminilisation in many parts of the world, but which was the first country to go all the way? Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: Which country was the first to decriminalise all drugs? …

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New lease of life for historic radio transmitter

Many older Swiss still remember the Beromünster national transmitter from the golden days of radio. Those days are gone, but the iconic structure is experiencing a new lease of life. (SRF/ Of the two transmitters above Beromünster in canton Lucerne, only one remains today and is under cultural heritage protection. The 220 metre steel tower …

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The US military plane crash that led to better rescues

In November 1946 an American military airplane made an emergency landing on the Gauli glacier in the Bernese Alps. All 12 people on board were rescued in a spectacular mission that marked the birth of the Swiss air rescue service REGA. (SRF/ On its way from Munich to Marseille a Douglas DC-3 Dakota US military …

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Terminating a nuclear power plant

This is how the Mühleberg nuclear power station near Bern will be taken off the grid in 2019. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos visit …

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Canton Geneva’s treasure box

A letter from Voltaire, Rousseau’s apprenticeship contract and the police files for Benito Mussolini are among the treasures stored in Geneva’s ancient safe. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, …

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Marc Faber On Stocks, Bonds, Gold And More | Trading Nation | CNBC

Marc Faber, the editor and publisher of “The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report,” speaks to Brian Sullivan. » Subscribe to CNBC: About CNBC: From ‘Wall Street’ to ‘Main Street’ to award winning original documentaries and Reality TV series, CNBC has you covered. Experience special sneak peeks of your favorite shows, exclusive video and more. …

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Florian Homm Quickie #4: Q&A for Vivien

? Börsenbrief: Abonniere hier meinen Youtube Kanal – Folge mir auf Facebook – Florian Homm ist ein ehemaliger Hedgefonds Manager und einer der bekanntesten Börsenprofis im deutschsprachigen Raum. Nach seinem Studium an der Harvard Business School hat er mehr als zwei Jahrzehnte renommierte Unternehmen und...

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Die besten Goldminen-ETFs 2016?!

Mein Interview mit BörseARD: — Die besten Goldminen-ETFs 2016?! Welche sind das? Wie findest Du sie? Was halte ich generell von einem Investment in Goldminen-ETFs? Das und viele weitere Fragen klären wir wie immer gemeinsam. ➤ ACHJA: Warum sind Goldminen-ETFs überhaupt so interessant, dass ich ein Video darüber mache? Ganz einfach: In unsicheren...

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Gold Newsletter: India’s Economic Suicide | Jayant Bhandari

Indian Prime Minister Nahendra Modi has declared 500 and 1,000 rupee notes illegal for exchange. Since these are worth a mere $7.26 and $14.53, he has de facto ended paper currency for use in all major transactions. Half the population do not have bank accounts, and consumer trade has come to a screeching halt. That …

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Evidence Matters: The Role of Evidence in Uncertain Times; Izabella Kaminska

Read our blog on the seminar here: On the 17th of November 2016 IFF gathered an audience of users and producers of evidence at RSA House to discuss how we can use our influence to make progress in the face of uncertainty. The event featured talks from a host of leading industry experts and …

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Dirk Müller im Tagesausblick vom 30.11.2016 – Goldman Sachs in Trumps Regierung

Weitere Themen: Ehemalige Goldman Sachs-Mitarbeiter besetzen auch unter Trump wieder prominente Regierungsposten. Wie sich Trumps Protektionismus auf die USA und die Weltwirtschaft auswirken, kommentiert Dirk Müller im Tagesausblick auf – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller

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