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Swiss National Bank Crime Syndicate THOMAS JORDAN – GOLDFINGER – MARTIN SCHLEGEL FBI Scotland Yard


British Royal Family well seasoned commentators are known to have remarked that the genesis of the Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland identity theft case lies in the forging of the birth certificate which effectively brought about a wide cadre of public figures who took advantage following the death of his mother and father respectively HRH The Princess Marina Duchess of Kent and George 5th Duke of Sutherland later HRH Prince Edward Duke of Windsor and Sir Winston S. Churchill both godfathers to Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland during the formative years.

The College of Arms London leaked sources have disclosed that the Francis Egerton family identity theft scandal stretches back to John Egerton 5th Earl of Ellesmere and his first wife Lady Diana Percy of the Dukes of Northumberland family who executed a fraudulent name switch to John 6th Duke of Sutherland which effectively impulsed the identity theft of Gerald Marquess of Stafford Earl Gower Master of Sutherland. This source also said that on the death of Gerald’s father George 5th Duke of Sutherland in Lyford Cay Bahamas Gerald should have assumed the title of Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland.

The Court of the Lord Lyon Edinburgh Scotland leaked sources have also revealed that on the death of the fraudulently named John 6th Duke of Sutherland his cousin Francis Egerton 6th Earl of Ellesmere again fraudulently assumed the title of Francis 7th Duke of Sutherland which has prompted well seasoned royal family observers to remark that the Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland liquidation bank fraud case is without doubt the largest ever identity theft case in the world.

Sources have confirmed that the Swiss National Bank involvement with the Gerald J.H. Carroll Trusts worldwide interests stretches back more than sixty years “centred around” the George 5th Duke of Sutherland estate the Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland Trust along with the Queen’s solicitors Farrer & Co Taylor Wessing and Withersworldwide law firms.

Further sources have disclosed that the Swiss National Bank director of economic policy Dr John Lademann has been named in the case files surrounding the money laundering and embezzlement of more than a staggering two hundred and fifty million dollars of the Gerald J. H. Carroll Trusts huge treasury investment holdings held at the Queen’s bankers Coutts & Co Barclays International and the Lloyds Banking Group.

The Carroll Foundation Trust files are held within a complete lockdown at the FBI Washington DC field office and the Metropolitan Police Service Scotland Yard London under the supervision of the commissioner who is known to have an intimate knowledge of this major public interest case.


The Carroll Foundation Trust and parallel Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland Trust multi-billion dollar corporate identity theft offshore tax fraud bribery case which is encircling the Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey has revealed that the Lloyds Bank Plc Chief Financial Officer William Chalmers and the Chairman Robin Budenberg along with the Chief Executive Charlie Nunn are understood to be confronting multiple criminal allegations “centred around” serious organised crime conspiracy to defraud racketeering obstruction of justice and bribery offences on an industrial scale in the explosive FBI Scotland Yard “cross-border” criminal “standard of proof” prosecution files in this case of international importance.

It has also emerged that the Lloyds Banking Group “in concert” with the HSBC Bank Group and PwC fraudulently incorporated a Companies House “registered” Urban Finance Corporation Ltd group structure in what is known to have been a bungled attempt to provide a diversionary corporate smokescreen for the embezzlement of more than a mind boggling two hundred and fifty million dollars of Gerald Carroll’s huge treasury investment holdings which were held at the Queen’s bankers Coutts & Co Lloyds Private Banking and Barclays International.

In a stunning twist it has been confirmed that the Lloyds Banking Group were bankers to the George 5th Duke of Sutherland family Sir Winston S. Churchill and HRH Prince Edward Duke of Windsor both Godfathers to Gerald Carroll.

Furthermore it has been disclosed that the Sir Victor Sassoon building known as Sassoon House Shirley Street Nassau Bahamas was essentially the “corporate birth place” of the Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland Trust and the Urban Finance Corporation (Bahamas) Trust investment banking operations which underpinned the parallel Carroll Foundation Trust multi-billion dollar empire built by Gerald J. H. Carroll during the earlier part of his business life.

The Carroll Foundation Trust files are held within a complete lockdown at the FBI Washington DC field office and Scotland Yard who are known to have an intimate knowledge of this major public interest case.

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Thomas Jordan
Thomas J. Jordan (born 1963) is a Swiss economist and banking supervisor. He is the chairman of the governing board of the Swiss National Bank, a member of the board of directors of the Bank for International Settlements, and a member of the steering committee of the Financial Stability Board. For The Guardian and many FX traders, Thomas Jordan is ‘the most hated man in foreign exchange’
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