My mantra of investing is fifteen good uncorrelated return streams risk balanced. What is yours? #principles #raydalio #mentor #geopolitics |

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When you borrow money you can spend more, but you also create debt. That debt needs to be paid back, which is the start of a big debt imbalance and can lead to a crisis. You can read the first part of my book “How Countries Go Broke” for FREE now here:
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I’m at Davos and it’s clear that the global budget deficits require the most urgent attention from policy makers. I have conducted a study and have a solution. If you want a clear picture of what’s happening, and what we can do about it, I urge you to read my new free study “How Countries Go Broke." You can find Part One here:
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When I entered my third phase in life I wanted to pass along the things I’ve learned to you all, first in the form of Principles of Life, Work, and now Debt.
My new book, How Countries Go Broke, is the most pressing book that I have ever done. It deals with the debt crisis that we are dealing with right now. Please sign up at the link here:
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This year, I’d encourage you to consider a unique kind of holiday gift—a donation your friends and family can give to the charity of your choice. It will make your gift far more meaningful. And, it’s simple, anyone can do it. Along with some generous friends, I’ll be giving away 20,000 charity gift cards in two parts this month through Sign up to claim one for yourself or to give as a gift at the link here:

Here’s why this will be the most consequential election in my lifetime.
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One of the best things about being at my stage of life and sharing my principles is all the great questions I get from people all over the world and being able to help them. I recently took a few questions from members of the PrinciplesYou coaching program and wanted to share them. If you’re a coach or consultant who is interested in how to use a personality assessment to help your clients better understand themselves, you can find out more at the link in bio.
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This simple animated video series answers the question, "How does the #economy really work?" Based on my practical template for understanding the economy.
This series breaks down economic concepts like #credit, #deficits and #interest rates, allowing viewers to learn the basic driving forces behind the economy, how economic policies work and why economic cycles occur.
This is Part 5, I hope you find these helpful. If you enjoy this, you can find the full video here:
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Tags: Featured,newsletter,Ray Dalio
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