Tag Archive: newslettersent

Higher Wages For The Workers Help EVERYONE

Much of what is known as “economic theory” is gibberish. It is propaganda, implanted into the minds of academics for one reason: to preserve the status quo of always favoring the (very) wealthy over all other members of the population. The facets of economic doctrine which are valid, are valid because they do little more than express principles of simple arithmetic and common sense.

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Switzerland’s Gotthard Base Tunnel: Swiss Engineered, Foreign Made

Earlier we introduced the Gotthard Base Tunnel, the longest and deepest tunnel in the world. The 35 mile long tunnel which cuts underneath the Alps helps remove natural barriers to trade and tourism, and is undoubtedly a testament to Swiss precision ...

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The Stunning Idiocy of Steel Tariffs

  Victims of the Boom-Bust Cycle The world is drowning in steel – there is huge overcapacity in steel production worldwide. This is a direct result of the massive global credit expansion that has taken place over the past 15 years. Much of this capac...

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Gold and Silver Aren’t Getting Stronger

Keith Weiner's weekly look on Gold. Gold and silver prices, Gold-Silver Price Ratio, Gold basis and co-basis and the dollar price, Silver basis and co-basis and the dollar price.

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A Thank You to the Jackasses Running the Economy

  Rolling Back 200 Years of Growth BALTIMORE, Maryland – The press reported mixed financial news on Thursday. House sales, oil, unemployment figures… up, down… the news left investors puzzled.   Two of many symptoms of the much-bewailed “populist bac...

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Emerging Market Preview

EM ended last week on a soft note.  The icing on the cake was Yellen’s speech Friday afternoon, which confirmed the more hawkish stance seen in the FOMC minutes and other recent official comments.  We warn tha...

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Venezuela’s Gold Reserves Plunge To Lowest Ever As Maduro Repays Debt With Gold

Several months ago, as Venezuela's hyperinflating, imploding economy was spinning in freefall, leading to the dramatic episodes of total social collapse such as those profiled in "Scenes From The Venezuela Apocalypse: "Countless Wounded" After 5,000 ...

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FX Weekly Preview

The US dollar bottomed against nearly all the major currencies on May 3.  The hawkish April FOMC minutes that began swaying opinion about the prospects for a summer rate hike were not published until two weeks later, and the confirmation by NY Fed President Dudley was not until May 19.  Nevertheless, the shift in expectations for …

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Weekly Speculative Positions: Speculators Slash Yen and Aussie Longs, Net CHF nearly unchanged

Speculators remain Long CHF against USD. The figure is nearly unchanged at 4.0 k CHF contracts. For CHF, both shorts and longs increased. This weeks major change was in the yen and in AUD. Speculators strongly reduced their longs.

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FX Review May23 to May28: Dollar Set to Snap Three-Month Decline

Many linked sterling's outperformance (+0.8%) to a growing sense that the UK will vote to remain in the EU, despite angst reflected in the elevated cost of insurance (one-month options).  The Canadian dollar (+0.7%) was helped by oil's flirtation wit...

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How Elon Musk Helps Fools to Part Ways with Their Money

  Tesla Goes Fishing Tesla Motors is up to something remarkable.  But what it is, exactly, is unclear.  According to the Tesla Motors website, the company’s mission is: to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable transport.   Tesla Model 3: t...

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The Power Elite: Bumbling Incompetents

Is there any smarter group of homo sapiens on the planet? Or in all of history? We’re talking about Fed economists, of course. Not only did they avoid another Great Depression by bold absurdity…giving the economy more of the one thing of which it clearly had too much – debt. They also carefully monitored the economy’s progress so as to avoid any backsliding into normalcy.

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First Skirmishes in Long Battle

For various reasons, well beyond the scope of this short note, China has amassed huge industrial capacity, well beyond its ability to absorb.  In part, that is one of the challenges that the “One Belt One Road” addresses.  Export the spare capacity by building infrastructure, networking east and central Asia (included parts of the former …

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Emerging Markets: What has Changed

Korea will extend trading hours for stock and FX markets by 30 minutes effective August 1 The Monetary Authority of Singapore said it will withdraw BSI Bank’s license for breaches of money-laundering rules The US lifted a decades-old arms embargo on Vietnam The Nigerian central bank said it would allow “greater flexibility” in the FX …

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FX Daily, May 27: Dollar Firms as Traders Await Yellen

The US dollar is winding down the week on a firm note, but still in a consolidative mode.  The euro and yen and Australian dollar are well within yesterday's ranges while sterling and the Canadian dollar pushing through yesterday's lows.  Asian ...

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Industrial Production Recovers in March: Strong Franc Digested?

The sector that got hit most by the sudden appreciation of the Swiss franc, was the industrial production. They must compete with Germany, that benefits of the weak euro. The newest data show that the industry sector has strongly recovered. This opens the question once again, if the Swiss franc is really overvalued? Certainly not against the dollar, other sectors like pharmaceuticals and chemicals export at lot to the United States.

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Democratic Fun in Tajikistan

  Capo for Life! The people of Tajikistan love their president Emomali Rahmon deeply. And as we now know, nearly all of them do. The last time a leader of similarly exalted stature enjoyed such unconditional and unshakable support from the entire cit...

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Great Graphic: Gold and the Dollar

Many investors still think about gold as if it were money.  Economists identify three functions of money: store of value, means of exchange, and a unit of account.   It can be a store of value, but the price fluctuates compared with other form...

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Sloppy Decisions at Greenlight Capital and Pershing Square

  Not Just Wrong, but Monumentally Wrong Massive flaws at SUNE (Sun Edison) + VRX (Valeant) were somehow missed by both of these high profile/ well resourced hedge funds.   David Einhorn (Greenlight Capital) and Bill Ackman (Pershing Square) – both f...

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Time to Raise the White Flag at Gualfin?

  Who Cares What Voters Want? BALTIMORE, Maryland –  There were two newsworthy developments last week, neither of them really important – the first because it won’t happen, the second because it won’t matter. First, the Fed let it be known that it ha...

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