Tag Archive: newsletter

Warren Buffett: 11 geheime Fakten, die niemand erwartet

Warren Buffett hat heute Geburtstag und kein anderer Tag wäre besser geeignet, um von dem wahrscheinlich erfolgreichsten Händler am Markt zu lernen. Aus diesem Grund zeige ich euch heute 11 Fakten über Warren Buffett, von denen jeder, der am Markt handelt, noch etwas lernen kann. 0:00 Meine Verbindung zu Buffett 1:39 Coca Cola im Depot 3:54 Lebensstil und Ernährung 6:48 Was schaut Warren auf Youtube? 7:58 Die Häuser von Warren Buffett 12:19 Was...

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The Crash Of A Lifetime Everything Has Fallen Jeff Snider | Treasury Bills

The Crash Of A Lifetime Everything Has Fallen Jeff Snider | Treasury Bills #jeffsnider#treasurybills#economy#useconomy# DISCLAIMER : I am not a financial advisor. The ideas presented in this video are for entertainment purposes only. You (and only you) are responsible for the financial decisions that you make.

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A quick look at the forex major currencies as the better data sends the dollar higher

Looking around the forex market the USD is moving back to the upside and declines from earlier today are being erased. The AUDUSD and NZDUSD have nearly completed an up and down lap. The EURUSD is back testing the 200 hour MA. The GBPUSD is testing the low from yesterday and also  the lowest level since the start of the pandemic.

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Do you need a technical overview of the forex market? Then watch this video.

The USD moved lower into the US trading but is off the lowest levels. - The EURSD moved above its 200 hour MA with momentum. Can it stay above and further probe the upside - The GBPUSD followed the EURUSD but ran into the 100 hour MA resistance and backed off - The USDJPY came off it's boil and retraced some of the gains from yesterday. - The AUDUSD is down retesting 100/200 hour MAs - The NZDUSD held resistance against its 200 hour MA earlier...

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Will a Hold at the 50-DMA Level Continue? | 3:00 on Markets & Money

(8/30/22) With markets in an over-sold on multiple levels, a rally was due, and markets did on Monday test the 50-DMA and bounced, almost rallying to break-even, before slipping back to the close. Markets actually posted a "green candle" for the day. Tuesday morning futures are pointing higher, as a prelude to an attempt at a bounce, with the potential to get back up to the 20-DMA. We will likely see a rally that is sold-into. A rally to...

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NATURAL GAS short continues, bearish head and shoulders coming?

See more on https://www.forexlive.com/technical-analysis/natural-gas-futures-natgas-technical-analysis-and-trade-idea-short-20220829/

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Why Bitcoin & NFT Trading Has Crashed

(8/30/22) Markets are on sell-signals, so use any rally to sell-into and raise cash, rebalance portfolio risk; the impact on credit spreads by rising interest rates will reverberate through the economy. We are likely not through the corrective period. 60% of Americans living paycheck to paycheck--down from 61%! Is the pain worth the fight on inflation? why investing doesn't work as advertised. America exports inflation and imports deflation; what...

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“War on cash” update: A brighter outlook

For years, I’ve been following very closely all the relevant updates on the State’s war on cash. I’ve read and written a lot about all the direct and indirect efforts to restrict the citizens’ choices and make sure they shift all their transactions and savings to the digital realm, where they can be better monitored, controlled and if need be, confiscated, by central authorities. 

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Breaking: Russia & China Makes Case For GOLD… But Nobody Noticed | Gold Price

Breaking: Russia & China Makes Case For GOLD... But Nobody Noticed | Alasdair Macleod | Gold Price

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Turn Around Tuesday Began Yesterday, Likely Ends before Wednesday

Corrective pressures were evident yesterday and they extended today in Asia and Europe but seem to be running their course now. Market participants should view these developments as countertrend and be wary of waning risk appetites in North America today.

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Wirtschaft aktuell: Was passiert jetzt? Jetzt ein Demokonto eröffnen & in Sachwerte kaufen? Negativzinsen durch ein Online Bankkonto umgehen? Macht Forex Trading, CFD Handel und Aktien oder der sichere Hafen Girokonto und Gold Sinn?

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Artemis und SLS – NASA, Boeing, Rocketdyne, ATK – Fehlschlag mit Ansage?

✘ Werbung: Mein Buch Allgemeinbildung ► https://amazon.de/dp/B9RFZH4W1/ Teespring ► https://unterblog.creator-spring.com/ - Leider musste der #Startversuch am 29.8.222 Richtung #Mond abgebrochen werden. Dies ist der bislang letzte Fehler in einer Reihe an #Fehlern, die das Projekt massiv verzögern und verteuern. Auch Boeing als Lieferant der ersten und zweiten Stufe zeigt in den vergangenen Jahren massive Verzögerungen und Rückschläge in seiner...

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Make Sure You Download the Latest Ministry of Propaganda Updates

While it's fun to sort all the propaganda into various boxes, we would do well to look for what all the marketers / MoP players seek to mystify. It's time once again to check for Ministry of Propaganda updates, which like Windows and iOS is constantly being updated to counter new threats and enhance the user experience (heh).

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Are You Attending the RPI Conference This Saturday?

The Ron Paul Institute is holding its annual conference at the Westin Washington Dulles Airport this Saturday, September 3. It stands to be another outstanding one. I have the honor and pleasure of again speaking at it. I will also be speaking at the conference’s program for young scholars the day before.

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Inflation trifft alle Sparer – Rainer Zitelmann bei BILD TV

Inflation trifft alle Sparer - Rainer Zitelmann bei BILD TV

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Healthcare and pensions top Swiss worry list

Healthcare costs, the pension system and climate change are the top three burning issues for the Swiss, according to a survey published by the Tamedia group. Covid has slipped out of sight and mind.

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Investment Team Addition

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Wirtschaft aktuell: Was passiert jetzt? Jetzt ein Demokonto eröffnen & in Sachwerte kaufen? Negativzinsen durch ein Online Bankkonto umgehen? Macht Forex Trading, CFD Handel und Aktien oder der sichere Hafen Girokonto und Gold Sinn?

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Jörges & Rach – Das Interview – mit Top-Ökonom Prof. Marcel Fratzscher

Das Interview aus der aktuellen Folge mit: - Prof. Marcel Fratzscher, Präsident des Deutschen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW)

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Russian economy to contract by less than 3 percent in 2022 | WION Business News

Russia's first deputy PM Andrey Belousov has said that Russia's economy will shrink by less than three percent in 2022, that's a much shallower contraction than initially expected while inflation will be below earlier projections.

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