Tag Archive: newsletter

New York City Subways: The Woes of Socialist Enterprises

History matters, especially as the New York City today faces still another subway crisis. The New York subway system’s history illustrates the failures of state enterprise. The subways have been bad for so long that few know when the subways were “an engineering marvel.” That was when subway private management companies made money, about a century ago.

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Gravitas: EU scraps VISA agreement with Russia

The European Union has cancelled a 2007 VISA agreement with Russia. Russian citizens will now have to pay more and wait longer to get VISAs from EU member states. Is Europe right in punishing civilians for Putin's war? Palki Sharma tells you.

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Hans-Werner Sinn: Seit 2008 von einer Krise in die nächste

▶︎ EINLADUNG ▶︎ „Die größten Gefahren für Ihr Vermögen“ - Online-Info-Veranstaltung ✅ Hier gratis anmelden: https://bit.ly/3CKCocI FLORIAN HOMM ONLINE ▶︎ Investment-Tipps von Florian-Homm: https://www.florianhomm.net/ ▶︎ Börsenbrief von Florian Homm: https://www.homm-longshort.com/ ► Florian Homms, 6-wöchige Ausbildung "Die Kunst des Short Sellings": https://www.short-selling.de/ ► Florian Homms Buch "Die Prinzipien des...

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Gold Return On Gold Discussion

Gold Return On Gold Discussion | https://www.themorganreport.com/join David Morgan and Keith Weiner Interview. Monetary Metals is a different kind of gold company. Others buy or sell gold. We are a platform for products that offer investors a Yield on Gold, Paid in Gold®. We call it The Gold Yield Marketplace. Watch this video on Gold Return On Gold Discussion, then please share with your friends and family on social media and use the caption...

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S&P technical analysis for the start of Sept 2022. Bear or bull market?

See full technical analysis for ES S&P Emini futures at https://www.forexlive.com/technical-analysis/sp-technical-analysis-in-10-seconds-including-a-trade-idea-20220901/

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WION Fineprint | NATO chief warns about Russia’s Arctic military build-up

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has called for more investment in the Arctic as Moscow reopens hundreds of Soviet-era military sites.

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Dr. Markus Krall prognostiziert genauen ZEITRAUM der Entladung! Rechnerisch unausweichlich!

Wie wird sich die aktuell kritische Lage weiter entwickeln? Wir schauen uns regelmäßig an, was Experten wie Dr. Markus Krall, Prof. Hans-Werner Sinn, Ernst Wolff, Dirk Müller, Max Otte oder Marc Friedrich zur aktuellen Lage sagen.

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The dollar is worth less everyday invest in assets.

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Der September war historisch gesehen meistens ein roter Monat. Wird es dieses Jahr genauso aussehen? Wie sieht es mit dem Ethereum Merge aus? Das und vieles mehr im heutigen Video - Das hier ist ein Ausschnitt aus dem Live vom 31.08.2022: &t=2054s #JulianHosp #Bitcoin #Blockchain 👌 Kein Video mehr verpassen? ABONNIERE meinen Kanal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCseNUrq7mUUWqTspr4QJ9eg?sub_confirmation=1 UND klicke die GLOCKE 🔔 -...

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Lohnt sich grüne Geldanlage?🤔

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Wie AKTIEN ANALYSIEREN? Verschiedene Tools/Software im Vergleich

0:00 Intro - Aktien Recherche 1:00 Wie nach Informationen über Aktien suchen? 1:30 Direkt bei der SEC! 4:15 Finanzportale 9:22 kostenpflichtige Datenanbieter 11:15 Die TWS von Captrader

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Energiebetrachtung – Flug Hr. Merz nach Sylt – Hochzeit von Herrn Lindner

Energiebetrachtung - Flug Hr. Merz nach Sylt - Hochzeit von Herrn Lindner

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What has been the reaction to the jobs report in the major currency pairs? Watch and learn

The USD moved up and down after the mixed jobs report. The expectations for a 75 basis point hike remains little changed, but the markets are a little relieved (at least not getting worse). THe US stocks are a little higher. The yields are a little lower.  The USD is a little lower.

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Positive NFPs -ABER! – US Opening Bell mit Marcus Klebe

Positive NFPs -ABER! - US Opening Bell mit Marcus Klebe #DowJones #Trading #MarcusKlebe

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Global Financial Crisis Jeff Snider | Indian Rupee

Global Financial Crisis Jeff Snider Indian ruppee. India #jeffsnider#treasurybills#economy#useconomy

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Pelletheizung: Kosten, Förderung, Vor- & Nachteile

Im heutigen Video erklärt Saidi Euch die Vor- und Nachteile der Pelletheizung, wie sie funktioniert und was Holzpellets kosten.

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Drei Dinge auf die du bei der Aktienauswahl achten solltest

Du willst immer die stärksten Aktien in deinem Portfolio haben, die die höchste Wahrscheinlichkeit haben große Gewinne zu erzielen.

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Greetings from Switzerland

I’m back from Geneva where, among other things, I briefly visited the headquarter of the World Economic Forum (WEF) to express my appreciation for this organization. Check out my picture :-). In addition I enjoyed a conversation with Jose El Niño – you will find the podcast under the below link. Claudio Grass, Switzerland If you want to listen, please click on the following link to the podcast:...

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Will Your Social Security Benefits be Tax-Free by 2023?

In the kind of market where bad news is good news, where do we go from here? The dark side of not allowing business cycle to complete: Recession = Bad; so the market has outrun the economy. Why the Medicare Advantage TV ads have disappeared;

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Worauf liegt dein Fokus?


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