Tag Archive: newsletter

Was the BOE’s Pivot a Warning of Things to Come? | Alasdair Macleod, Michael Oliver, Quinton Hennign

Alasdair Macleod, Michael Oliver and Dr. Quinton Hennigh return as guests on this week’s program of Turning Hard Times Into Good Times with Jay Taylor. On September 28, the Bank of England (BoE) announced it would begin buying the 30-year gilt at a 20-year high yield at above 5% as pensions funds and other institutions were approaching insolvency due to losses on gilt investments. The fear of a liquidity crisis among pension funds caused by...

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Massive Buying Pressure Pushing Gold & Silver Higher | Keith Weiner

Special Coverage from the New Orleans Investment Conference - Keith Weiner, CEO of Monetary Metals discuss how massive buying pressure is pushing gold & silver higher, QE in England, a FED Pivot, the USD & more. Guest: Keith Weiner, CEO Company: Monetary Metals Twitter: @RealKeithWeiner Youtube: @Monetary Metals Brought to you by: Victoria Gold Corp. (TSX: VGCX) #gold #silver DEUTSCHE GOLDMESSE November 18 & 19, 2022 in...

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A Massive Systemic Shock Is Coming & The Fed Is Actively Courting It | Marc Faber

WORRIED ABOUT THE MARKETS? SCHEDULE YOUR FREE PORTFOLIO REVIEW with Wealthion's endorsed financial advisors at https://www.wealthion.com Dr Marc Faber returns to the program to provide his latest macro outlook. Marc is a PhD in economics, author and long-time Editor & Publisher of the Gloom Boom Doom Report. It's quite pessimistic, as Marc sees the combination of 'too much debt', asset bubbles, a moribund global economy, and smoldering social...

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Do you have your CPI trading playbook ready for tomorrow’s big release?

In this video, I outline the bias, risk and targets through the key US CPI data tomorrow. The US CPI will be released tomorrow at 8:30 AM. Adam has put up a post outlining the expectations for that pivotal release. You can find it HERE. In addition to know the expectations, it is important for traders to understand the bias, the potential bias shifts (i.e. from bullish to bearish or bearish to bullish), the risks and the targets that you might...

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[SILVER] “Why Am Doubling Down Here” – Alasdair Macleod | Silver Price

[SILVER] "Why Am Doubling Down Here" - Alasdair Macleod | Silver Price Please Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/c/INVESTOSITE ▶▶Footage licensed through Video Block & Flimpac #alasdairmacleod #gold #investosite "Music: Licensed" "Video Footage: Canva & StoryBlocks" ------------------------------------ Special thanks to Alasdair Macleod ---------------------------------------- #gold #silver #alasdairmacleod...

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Es ESKALIERT immer mehr: Krimbrücke, Nordstream – droht eine False Flag Aktion?

Die Ereignisse überschlagen sich und statt De-Eskalation sehen wir immer mehr Eskalation: Anschlag auf Nord Stream, Angriff auf die Krimbrücke, Vergeltungsangriffe auf Kiev, die Forderung nach einem atomaren Präventivschlag usw. Heute stellen wir die Frage: Cui bono? Wem nutzt es und wer hat die Nord Stream Pipelines gesprengt? YouTube Community-Umfrage, wer hat die Pipelines sabotiert?...

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The Rise and Fall of an Empire

The rise and fall of an empire. @Tony Robbins #raydalio #tonyrobbins #principles

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Why You Should Prepare for a Crash Landing – Robert Kiyosaki, Richard Duncan

The Fed is now hiking interest rates very aggressively AND destroying $95 billion every month through Quantitative Tightening. Today’s guest explains how the Fed plans to continue hiking rates and destroying hundreds of billions of dollars until it throws millions of Americans out of work and wipes out trillions of dollars of wealth in order to bring the inflation rate back down to its 2% inflation target.    Richard Duncan, author of “The Money...

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Alasdair Macleod – Was the BOE’s Pivot a Warning of Things to Come?

Alasdair Macleod, a Senior Fellow at the GoldMoney Foundation and Head of Research at Goldmoney, shares his views on the BoE’s pivot and what it could point to.

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“Größter Crash seit 70 Jahren”

► Den Kanal von Sebastian findest du hier: https://www.youtube.com/c/Hellinvestiert An der Börse sagt man gerne, dass sich Profis um Anleihen kümmern und alle anderen um Aktien. Ich habe mir daher einen Anleihen-Experten als Vertretung eingeladen. Sebastian Hell, bekannt von seinem YouTube-Kanal "hell-investiert", spricht heute über den größten Crash seit 70 Jahren und wie man davon als Anleger profitieren kann. ► Sichere Dir meine...

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Prof. Hans-Werner Sinn fassungslos – Sturm auf Deutschland…jetzt saufen wir endgültig ab!

ABONNIERE UNSEREN KANAL KOSTENLOS UND TEILE UNSER VIDEO: https://bit.ly/3OYzW5L ___________________ Videobeschreibung: 🔥Prof. Hans-Werner Sinn fassungslos - Sturm auf Deutschland...jetzt saufen wir endgültig ab!🔥 © 2022 Finance Experience ___________________ Videoinhalte: Hans Werner Sinn, Inflation, Steigende Preise, Deutschland am Ende, Kranker Mann Europas, Reszession, Deutsche Industrie herzkrank, Energiekrise, Gaskrise, Abschaltung...

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Er schaut dem Staat auf die Finger: Interview mit Reiner Holznagel (Präsident BdSt)

Präsident des Bundes der Steuerzahler im Interview - Reiner Holznagel 1/2 Kostenloses Depot eröffnen: ►► https://link.finanzfluss.de/go/depot?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=535&utm_campaign=comdirect-depot&utm_term=kostenlos-25&utm_content=yt-desc *📈 In 4 Wochen zum souveränen Investor: ►►...

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Rick Rule – Gold Helps Me Sleep at Night

Rick Rule Gold Helps Me Sleep at Night This week Dave Russell of GoldCore TV welcomes back #RickRule of Rule Investment Media. We last welcomed the former President and CEO of Sprott onto the show at the beginning of February. Why back when Russia had yet to invade Ukraine, or the US wasn’t poking at China via Taiwan, the British pound was still respectable and we weren’t worrying about heating our homes, goodness even The Queen was still alive!...

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“Mein Bruder ist ein Goldbug” – No Charts, Just Personality mit Philipp Vorndran – Ep.2

In unserem Videoformat „No Charts, Just Personality“ geht es um die Persönlichkeit hinter der Performance. Im zweiten Teil des Interviews mit Philipp Vorndran spricht der Kapitalmarktstratege bei Flossbach von Storch mit Peter Ehlers und Malte Dreher, Herausgeber von DAS INVESTMENT, über Familie und Finanzen.

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The 200-WMA is the Markets’ Line in the Sand | 3:00 on Markets & Money

(10/12/22) While it may FEEL like we're in a bear market after the declines this year, so far, the data would suggest otherwise: Markets remain in a very bullish trend, long term. Tracing the 200-week moving average since the 2008 financial crisis reveals a steady, upwards track which has not changed up until this point. Yes, markets are now testing the 200-WMA, which would appear to be the line in the sand between a bull market trend and a...

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The morning forex technical report outlines the levels in play for some of the major pairs

The EURUSD, USDJPY, GBPUSD and USDCHF are outlined in the morning report today. The USD is mixed with declines into resistance for the GBP, and gains vs the JPY into new 2022 high territory for the USDJPY. The EURUSD is trading in a narrow range with the 100 hour MA above near 0.9740 as resistance and a swing area below with 0.9662 as a key support level below. The USDCHF is coiling with close support at the 100 hour MA at 0.9947 as support,...

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So analysiere ich eine Aktie Schritt für Schritt

Heute zeige ich dir, auf welche wichtigen Punkte ich achte, bevor ich eine Aktie kaufe. Zugang zu kostenlosem Expertenwissen zu VERMÖGENSSICHERUNG und -AUFBAU findet ihr in der Beschreibung. ---------- KAPITALKONGRESS 2022 // 13. - 16. Oktober https://kapitalkongress.de/anmelden-6u4s - Über 30 Experten - Wissen zu Themen wie: Aktien, Kryptowährungen, Immobilien, Edelsteine, Edelmetalle, Versicherungen, Steuern und und und in denen Experten...

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Inflation Report Preview Episode (10/12/22): Market Analysis & Personal Finance commentary from R…

(10/12/22) Janet Yellen tells CNBC essentially, "What, me worry?" Will the Recession be as "mild" as expected? Consumption will eventually slow down; "good" employment numbers are a lagging indicator AND subject to revision. Greta endorses nukes for electricity; the challenge of creating financial stability during transitional times. The Inmate Money Scammer; finding financial security in the U.S.; what happens with a...

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CPI, Ukraine Lösung, Trends

Im heutigen Video spreche ich über die kommenden Inflationszahlen und was das für die Märkte bedeutet. Wie sieht der Kryptomarkt aus? Was steckt hinter dem Ukraine Krieg? Das und vieles mehr im heutigen Video! #JulianHosp #Bitcoin #Blockchain 🧨 Möchtest du in Julian‘s Inner Cirlce? Dann bewirb dich jetzt für unsere exclusive Mastermind: https://products.cryptofit.de/ic 👌 Kein Video mehr verpassen? ABONNIERE meinen Kanal:...

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The Tragedy of the Commons

Overview: The dramatic moves spurred by the BOE maintaining the end of the week deadline for its Gilt purchases, which have been quite modest given its wherewithal, have calmed. Sterling is firmer on the day, though long-end Gilt yields are higher. The dollar has pushed above JPY145.90, where the BOJ intervened last month.

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