Tag Archive: newsletter

Solide investieren oder zocken? – Leben von Dividenden

Solide investieren oder zocken? - Leben von Dividenden

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Turn Around Tuesday Aside, is the Dollar Topping?

Global equities moved higher in the wake of the strong gains in the US yesterday. US futures point to the possibility of a gap higher opening today. Most of the large Asia Pacific bourses rallied 1%-2%, with China’s CSI a notable exception, slipping fractionally.

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Markus Krall Solar, Gas, Strom „Echte Gefahr

#geldanlage #gold #goldbarren #goldpreis #goldpreise #ernstwolff #wolffofwalstreet #dirkmüller #finanzcommunity #reset #börse #corona #inflation #enteignung

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Major cracks in financial markets! | Ronald Stöferle & James Connor

Ronald Stöferle was interviewed by James Connor of “Bloor Street Capital”. Together they discussed the current market setup, what the cracks in financial markets mean for the course of the Federal Reserve, as well as its implications on gold. History often rhymes We are currently witnessing another period of stagflation. Already before the COVID crisis, we saw strong indicators, which pointed to a decrease in globalization and a slowing economy....

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Edward Chancellor’s Much-Needed (But Not Heeded) Wisdom on Interest Rates

The subject of time and money has hit a boiling point. Just look at Sri Lanka and Iran, where food riots have turned deadly, or, shall we say, currency riots have. People can’t buy food, and “protesters angry at the soaring prices of everyday commodities including food, have burned down homes belonging to 38 politicians as the crisis-hit country plunged further into chaos, with the government ordering troops to ‘shoot on sight,’” reports...

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Switzerland expects government surplus in 2022 and lower public debt from 2023

After a roughly CHF 40 billion blow to Swiss public finances due to the Covid pandemic, Switzerland’s financial outlook is beginning to look positive, according to a recent government press release.

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What Everybody Knows No Longer Matters

What nobody yet knows (or the few insiders who do know are keeping to themselves) is what will matter. Being a doom-and-gloom Bear stops being fun when the Bear Bar gets crowded.

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Swiss state pensions to get a boost in 2023

On 12 October 2022, Switzerland’s Federal Council announced an increase in state pensions from 1 January 2023 by 2.5%.

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CCP Congress: what will Xi do next?

What's it like to attend the Chinese Communist Party’s most important political meeting? Our correspondent, who was at the opening of the 20th National Congress, explains what it was like and what we might learn about Xi Jinping’s plans for China's future in the coming days 00:00 - What is the Chinese Communist Party congress? 00:38 - Our correspondent’s journey 01:50 - Xi Jinping's speech 02:55 - What else is on the agenda? Sign up to The...

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When it’s OK to take on debt

How you should think about #debt. @Yahoo Finance #personalfinance #money #raydalio ---------------------------------------- For more from Ray: Principles | #1 New York Times Bestseller: https://amzn.to/2JMewHb Principles for Success, distills Principles into an easy-to-read and entertaining format for readers of all ages: https://amzn.to/34lgnNJ Download his free app: https://principles.app.link/PFS Connect with him on Facebook:...

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GOLD Backed Chinese Yuan! Be Ready For What’s Coming! – Alasdair Macleod | Gold Price Prediction

GOLD Backed Chinese Yuan! Be Ready For What's Coming! - Alasdair Macleod | Gold Price Prediction ⬇ Inspired By: ⬇ #goldprice #alasdairmacleod -------- 👇 Checkout These Similar Videos👇: ------- 🔑 Don't Forget To Subscribe For More: shorturl.at/twPQ2

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Silver Alert ️: This Is About To Happen To Gold & Silver – Alasdair Macleod | Silver Forecast

Silver Alert 🛎️: This Is About To Happen To Gold & Silver - Alasdair Macleod | Silver Forecast Alasdair Macleod talks about the coming Gold & Silver reversal. #AlasdairMacleod #Silver -------------- ⬇ Inspired By: ⬇ Financial Crisis Is Already Here, Don’t Let the Market Exuberance Fool You Warns Lynette Zang -tnozmGa4 Fed’s Credibility is Destroyed, Why Cash, Gold and Silver Will Be Best Lifeline | Outlook 2022 Silver spikes through $27...

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Dieser Fehler wird Dich viel Geld kosten!

► Hier kannst du meinen Kanal abonnieren: https://www.youtube.com/erichsengeld?sub_confirmation=1 ► Hier findest Du das Video "Inflation: Das Pulverfass aus Krieg, Lockdown, EZB (reale und monetäre Inflation)", von Prof. Dr. Christian Rieck: Bedauerlicherweise ist diese Marktphase geeignet, um Vermögen zu zerstören die über Jahre oder gar Jahrzehnte hinweg aufgebaut wurden. Ich werde dieses Video extra kompakt halten, aber ich möchte...

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Politikkrise: Netzwerke der “Alternativmedien” zeigen schöne neue Parallelwelt – ARD, Auf1, Max Otte

Original-Video: https://www.ardmediathek.de/video/zapp/schoene-neue-parallelwelt-netzwerke-der-alternativmedien/ndr/Y3JpZDovL25kci5kZS8wZTE5MTNjNy0zMTQ4LTQ2NDUtYWQ0Zi02YzQyZGNiODE1NTA

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Alex Jones Got What He Deserved

Reminder: Our online conference “End Inflation and at the Fed,” continues this evening at 7 p.m. (Eastern time) with the third talk of our series. Our speaker will be Kevin Dowd, professor of finance and economics at Durham University, much of whose work revolves Austrian and Public Choice economics.

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Der Crash am Anleihemarkt – Was ist passiert? Droht größeres Ungemach?

✘ Werbung: Mein Buch Allgemeinbildung ► https://amazon.de/dp/B09RFZH4W1/ Ende September 2022 kam es zu einer großen Krise am Anleihemarkt. Das Pfund geriet massiv unter Druck und die Altersversorgung der Briten hätte sich beinahe zu 50% in Luft aufgelöst. Ja wenn nicht die Bank of England (BoE) sofort reagiert hätte und das Finanzsystem massiv mit Liquidität geflutet hätte. Der frisch eingesetzte Finanzminister musste gleich wieder gehen und die...

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“Higher Rates, Inflation & Pain” Marc Faber Crypto Interview

Higher Rates, Inflation & Pain Marc Faber Crypto Interview Bitcoin News Bitcoin Crash Crypto News In this video Marc Faber talks about the combination of 'too much debt', asset bubbles, a moribund global economy, and smoldering social unrest resulting from historic levels of wealth inequality serve as a pressure cooker that will break badly somewhere in the system. If you enjoy this highlight videos, please kindly subscribe and help share...

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Keith Weiner: Gold & Silver – Enormous Buying Pressure

▶︎1000x – Enter your Email ▶︎ https://bit.ly/3T5Myd7 ▶︎ Subscribe to this YouTube channel ▶︎ https://bit.ly/CompactSilverNews_subscribe ▶︎ Join the official 1000x Telegram channel! Join us on the road to 1000x: https://t.me/official1000x Keith Weiner is the founder and CEO of Monetary Metals, an investment firm that is unlocking the productivity of gold. Keith also serves as founder and President of the Gold Standard Institute USA. His work was...

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Mehr Markt, weniger Staat – Kapitalismus mit wohlwollenden Augen gesehen

How I met my money Podcast: https://howimetmymoney.podigee.io/112-neue-episode Seminare und Bücher von Dr. Dr. Rainer Zitelmann finden Sie hier: https://linktube.com/zitelmann Der Podcast von Dr. Dr. Rainer Zitelmann: Erfolg, Reichtumsforschung und Finanzen iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/dr-dr-rainer-zitelmann-erfolg-reichtumsforschung-und/id1629889731 Spotify:...

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What to Do If the Market Hits 3900 | 3:00 on Markets & Money

(10/17/22) Last week's roller-coaster market following the latest CPI report, ended the week holding the support line that had been building since the beginning of October. The potential for a rally remains the case: we're looking for markets to hit 3,900, and that will be the point where we want to sell some equities to reduce risk. Trading could remain sloppy for the next few days, but by the end of the month, two things will provide additional...

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