Tag Archive: newsletter

DC’s Debt Trap

In May this year, the Congressional Budget Office estimated outstanding US government debt next October to be $27,388 billion. By the end of the first quarter of the fiscal year, it will exceed $34,000 billion. It is soaring out of control, and perhaps it is not surprising that the CBO has not updated its forecasts with this debt uncertainty. The CBO also assumed that debt interest costs last year would be $663 billion, when it ended up being $980...

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In this week's episode Mark explains the term "Greenwashing" and describes how Austrian economists might agree with the sentiment behind it. Are Austrian school economists against the environment? Mark thinks not and explains why.   Be sure to follow Minor Issues at Mises.org/MinorIssues. Get your free copy of Murray Rothbard's Anatomy of the State at Mises.org/IssuesFree.

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COP28: Climate Catastrophism Wins as the World Loses

A hodgepodge of activism and legalistic negotiations characterized the 28th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (UNFCCC COP28), which concluded Wednesday, December 13, 2023. The resulting agreement, dubbed the “UAE Consensus,” includes the first-ever UN statement in the 27-year history of climate summits to call for the “transition away” from fossil fuels. In fact, it marks the first climate agreement to specifically refer to “fossil fuels” as...

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There Is Something Wrong with the Economic Views of Theologians

Review of Kathryn Tanner: Christianity and the New Spirit of Capitalism An old professor told our class decades ago to believe nothing from the popular press about economics and only half of what the financial press writes. I would add that if a theologian tries to teach you economics, hide your wallet and lock up your daughters! Kathryn Tanner’s Christianity and the New Spirit of Capitalism is a good example of such the tragic comedy produced by...

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Habeck mit Interview-Fragen völlig überfordert!

Dieses Interview hat mich wahrlich schockiert! Zur Weihnachtsaktion von Freedom24 4,2 % Zinsen und 6,12% für Einlagen in USD https://link.aktienmitkopf.de/Xmas * Bildrechte: By Martin Kraft - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=141640687 👉🏽5 Euro Startbonus bei Bondora ►► https://goo.gl/434rmp * 📊 Tracke deine Dividenden mit dieser App http://myfinances24.de/mydividends24 📒 Mein Buch! Der Rationale Kapitalist...

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Wütender Bauer rechnet mit Scholz ab!

Deutschlands Bauern und Landwirte haben die Faxen endgültig dicke und rufen zu landesweiten Demonstrationen auf! Zur Weihnachtsaktion von Freedom24 4,2 % Zinsen und 6,12% für Einlagen in USD https://link.aktienmitkopf.de/Xmas * Bildrechte: By Leonhard Lenz - Own work, CC0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=128179708 👉🏽5 Euro Startbonus bei Bondora ►► https://goo.gl/434rmp * 📊 Tracke deine Dividenden mit dieser App...

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Will Texit Be on the GOP Primary Ballot in 2024?

Daniel Miller, founder and president of the Texas Nationalist Movement, joins Bob to discuss the exciting developments in the push for a referendum on Texas secession. Daniel explains the prospects and then answers common objections to the idea. Daniel Miller's Website: Mises.org/HAP426a Bob's Pamphlet on Texas Independence: Mises.org/HAP426b   Human Action Podcast listeners can get a free copy of Murray Rothbard's Anatomy of the State:...

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After Ukraine, Realpolitik Will Be the New Interventionist Status Quo

Between war weariness and the inability of the US government to pay war bills, reality is going to come to the fore even if Washington doesn't like it. Original Article: After Ukraine, Realpolitik Will Be the New Interventionist Status Quo

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Zoning Laws: Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

As younger generations grow older and take on adult responsibilities, they will at some point struggle with the cost of housing. This year alone more than 582,000 people in the United States are without a home, with about three in ten people being part of families with children. Governments today have implemented various policies recommended by different schools of economic thought, predominantly that of the Keynesians, to address the issue of...

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Fed Eyes Easing as Rep. Mooney Demands Answers on Gold

🔔 SUBSCRIBE TO MONEY METALS EXCHANGE ON YOUTUBE ➤ http://bit.ly/mmx-youtube A long-awaited dovish pivot by the Federal Reserve is helping to push precious metals markets in a bullish direction this week. On Wednesday, Fed policymakers left their benchmark interest rate unchanged as expected. Read the Full Transcript Here: https://www.moneymetals.com/podcasts/2023/12/15/fed-eyes-easing-rates-as-rep-mooney-demands-answers-on-gold-002891 Do you own...

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AUDUSD trades above and below the 50% of the 2023 range. Key barometer next week.

The AUDUSD surged above the 50% range midpoint at 0.67134, indicating a potential bullish bias, but failed on a number of tries. Nevertheless, expert traders use that level as a key barometer next week.

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Scholz “Wirtschaftswunder” Doppel-Plumps statt Doppelwumms

Deutschland in der Rezession aber der DAX auf Rekord-Niveau? Wie passt das zusammen??? Zur Weihnachtsaktion von Freedom24 4,2 % Zinsen und 6,12% für Einlagen in USD https://link.aktienmitkopf.de/Xmas * Bildrechte: By European Commission (Christophe Licoppe) - Audiovisual Service, Attribution, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=130589119 👉🏽5 Euro Startbonus bei Bondora ►► https://goo.gl/434rmp * 📊 Tracke deine Dividenden mit dieser App...

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Der erste Schritt aus der Matrix

Faszination-Freiheit heute aus : Der erste Schritt, um aus der Matrix herauszukommen, ist zu verstehen, dass man selbst in der Matrix ist. Denn bereits von Kind an, ähnlich wie bei unseren Eltern, in den meisten Fällen wurden hineingeboren und sehen es als ganz normal an, dass wir ein paar tausend € beispielsweise pro Monat verdienen, dann halt ein bisschen was übrig bleibt, wir dann das Haus abbezahlen und so die ganz normalen Matrix Dinge machen....

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Political Authorities and Covid: Creating Crises in the Name of Public Health

Diary of a Psychosis: How Public Health Disgraced Itself During Covid Mania. By Thomas E. Woods, Jr. Libertarian Institute, 2023. In the Foreword to this outstanding book, the eminent Stanford University physician Dr. Jay Bhattacharya makes an arresting claim. He says that people often make mistakes in recollecting the past because they confuse having intended to do something with actually having done it. That confusion is more likely to occur...

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EURUSD nears key support as Europe closes,bulls brace for a possible reversal of the trend

EURUSD hits new lows but crucial 1.0900 support level may hold, pivot crucial for bullish bias continuation or further downside probing.

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Was sich 2024 für dich ändert ️ #finanzen #podcast #short

Was sich 2024 für dich ändert 🗓️ 📝 Was ändert sich auf finanzieller Sicht im Jahre 2024. Markus und Jule haben sich im Podcast darüber unterhalten. Zur Folge: https://www.finanzfluss.de/podcast/ 🎯 2015 haben wir es uns zur Mission gemacht, Menschen zu ermutigen, ihre Finanzen in die eigenen Hände zu nehmen. Angefangen als YouTube-Kanal mit Erklärvideos, haben wir uns innerhalb weniger Jahre zur größten Community für finanzielle Selbstentscheider...

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Darf ein Unternehmer mehr als 1 Million verdienen?

✘ Werbung: Mein Buch Katastrophenzyklen ► https://amazon.de/dp/B0C2SG8JGH/ Kunden werben Tesla-Kunden ► http://ts.la/theresia5687 Mein Buch Allgemeinbildung ► https://amazon.de/dp/B09RFZH4W1/ - Hohe Verdienste werden von Linken (Roten, Grünen) oftmals als #unmoralisch verteufelt. Doch Unternehmer sind auf ihr hohes #Einkommen angewiesen, weil es zum Großteil nach der Versteuerung wieder in die Unternehmen investiert wird. Nur so ist #Wachstum...

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Vorabpauschale: Geld zurück bei ETF-Verlust? Zahlt Ihr doppelt Steuern? | Eure FAQ beantwortet

Vorabpauschale: Was passiert bei Verlust? Geld zurück? Doppelt Steuern? Eure FAQ Unsere Depotempfehlungen ► https://www.finanztip.de/wertpapierdepot/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=videobeschreibung&utm_campaign=PIhVp-7mD1Q Unsere ETF-Empfehlungen ► https://www.finanztip.de/indexfonds-etf/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=videobeschreibung&utm_campaign=PIhVp-7mD1Q Vorabpauschale-Rechner ►...

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Breaking: Ampel setzt Schuldenbremse doch aus!!!

Nun ist es amtlich! Die Bundesregierung erklärt zum 4. Mal in Folge die Notlage und setzt die Schuldenbremse aus! Zur Weihnachtsaktion von Freedom24 4,2 % Zinsen und 6,12% für Einlagen in USD https://link.aktienmitkopf.de/Xmas * Bildrechte: By Dati Bendo/European Commission - https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/reportage/P-061634, Attribution, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=134523449 By Dati Bendo/European Commission -...

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USDCAD bottoms against a swing area target imbalances. What next?

USDCAD hits swing area support at 1.3370 - 1.33776 and faces potential downside if it breaks. Buyers need to surpass 1.3400 to gain control. A catchy update on the USDCAD currency pair.

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