Tag Archive: newsletter

Financial weapons of mass destruction #shorts #economy #financialmarkets #finance #breakingnews

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Wie hoch ist der Freibetrag bei Kryptowährungen?

Bitcoin & Krypto steuern. Das Thema der Versteuerung von Krypto Gewinnen ist ein komplexes Thema, dass vielen Krypto-Investoren Sorgenfalten bereitet.

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Börse erwartet “perfekten, langen Sturm” – Jetzt vorbereiten!

Jens Rabe überprüft in diesem Video die Aussagen des Finanzministers von Singapur und schaut mit dir in die Charts, um dessen Aussagen zu be- oder widerlegen. Außerdem gibt er dir seine Tipps für die aktuelle Marktphase mit auf den Weg und was du jetzt beachten musst.

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Ist finanzielle Freiheit unmöglich und unerreichbar?

Ist finanzielle Freiheit unmöglich und unerreichbar?

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Nebenberuflich selbstständig machen: Wie geht das?

Im heutigen Video erklärt Saidi, wie Ihr euch neben eurem Hauptjob selbstständig machen könnt und rechnet Euch Beispiele durch, ob sich das lohnt.

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Bison App mit 30 Kryptowährungen & Staking!? Bison Gründer Dr. Ulli Spankowski im Interview

Bison App Erfahrungen mit dem Gründer von Bison Dr. Ulli Spankowski analysiert. Welche neue Kryptowährungen kommen bei Bison? 20 € in Bitcoin bei Bison-App ► https://link.aktienmitkopf.de/Bison * 💰 Meine Depotempfehlung + 20 Euro Bonus ► http://link.aktienmitkopf.de/Depot * 👉🏽5 Euro Startbonus bei Bondora ►► https://goo.gl/434rmp * 🔎Die besten Aktienanalysen gibt es auf►https://goo.gl/KnqSQN * 📒 Mein Buch! Der Rationale Kapitalist...

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Ausschau halten nach dem Nasdaq-Rücksetzer mit Rüdiger Born

Der Nasdaq sieht doch super aus. Also Long einsteigen? Halten wir besser Ausschau nach einem Rücksetzer. Mehr zu im Video. Wollen Sie meine Analysen im "Trade des Tages" erhalten? Dieses Angebot ist für Sie völlig kostenfrei! Melden Sie sich dafür einfach hier an. https://finanzmarktwelt.de/trade-des-tages-von-ruediger-born-und-seinem-analystenteam/ BORN-4-Trading - Trading-Ideen kostenfrei aufs Smartphone! Aktuelle Trading-News,...

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Sustainable materials: is there a concrete solution? | The Economist

The construction industry is responsible for over a tenth of the world’s man-made carbon emissions, with concrete being the biggest culprit. How can we continue to build, without it costing the earth? Film supported by @Infosys 00:00 - The trouble with rubble 00:55 - Construction is driving climate change 02:54 - The second most consumed resource on the planet: concrete 03:44 - Why concrete is so bad for the environment 04:40 - Cement...

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Carmen Ibarra:switching career,culinary school,career aspirations, & her mango mama salsa brand

In this full podcast, Carmen Discusses switching careers during the pandemic, culinary school, her career aspirations, and her delicious Mango mama salsa brand. F.I.Y.E show Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/carmenfibarra/ Carmen instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carmenfibarra/ Mango Mama Salsa Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mangomamasalsa/

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Meine wichtigste Aktienempfehlung – Leben von Dividenden – www.aktienerfahren.de

Link zu meinen Onlinekursen: https://thomas-anton-schuster.coachy.net/lp/finanzielle-unabhangigkeit Vortrags- und Seminartermine, sowie kostenlose Anforderung des Aktienbewertungsblatts: https://aktienerfahren.de

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Is It Time to Buy Bonds Yet? | 3:00 on Markets & Money

(3/22/22) Maybe not yet, but we're probably getting close: The Fed this week has said it'll need to raise rates faster than previously thought because of rampant inflation. We might get a 50-basis point hike in May because of persistent inflation they didn't see coming (they also didn't see a war between Russia and Ukraine.)

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Sanctions Stink, but Markets Perform Despite Geopolitics

(3/22/22) Markets continue to perform remarkably, despite geopolitical distractions and Fed meddling; there seems to be no demand destruction from high energy prices. Yet. The conundrum is markets' readiness to rally amidst negative sentiment.

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Is gold too expensive?

Over the last couple of years we witnessed quite an extraordinary ride in gold prices. An impressive ascent until the last quarter of 2020 was followed by a pullback that scared many speculators away, which in turn transformed into a period of strength and then came another ebb… And recently, once again, we saw the yellow metal shoot up, fueled by inflation fears and the situation in Ukraine. Given that the fundamentals remain unchanged and that...

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Der Markt erholt sich trotz fortschreitender Ukraine-Krise

Obwohl die Situation in der Ukraine keine Entspannung zeigt, konnte sich der Cryptomarkt wieder fangen. In der vergangenen Woche ging es für die meisten großen Cryptocoins deutlich nach oben – allein Bitcoin legte mehr als 10 Prozent zu.

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Swiss balance of payments and international investment position: 2021 and Q4 2021

The current account surplus in 2021 was CHF 69 billion, up CHF 49 billion on the previous year, which was heavily influenced by the coronavirus pandemic. The increase in the current account surplus was almost entirely due to the higher receipts surplus in goods trade (up CHF 45 billion). Here a significantly higher receipts surplus was recorded in both traditional goods trade (foreign trade total 1) and merchanting than in the previous year....

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Billionaire Investor Charlie Munger Predicts More Inflation | United States May look like Japan!

Welcome to the Epicstone channel, in this channel I will mainly talk about economy. In today’s video I will explain everything you need to know about current inflation, then a billionaire investor Charlie Munger will present his own opinion.

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Six Reasons Why Gold is the Best Money

J.P. Morgan is famous for testifying before Congress saying “money is gold, and nothing else.” But why is gold so uniquely suited to be money? Here are our top six reasons why we think gold is the best money, and why dollars and bitcoin don’t come close.

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How Healthcare Became Sickcare

The financialization of healthcare started two generations ago and is now in a run-to-fail feedback loop of insolvency. Long-time readers know I have been critical of U.S. healthcare for over a decade. When I use the term sickcare this is not a reflection on the hard work of frontline caregivers--it is a reflection of the financialization incentives that have distorted the system's priorities and put it on a path to insolvency.

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‘Next winter will be difficult in Europe without Russian gas’

The United States wants to cut its dependence on Russian fuels. But Switzerland and Europe cannot completely do without Russian gas, says René Bautz, the CEO of Gaznat, which supplies high-pressure gas to western Switzerland, and president of the Global Gas Centre platform for the natural gas sector.

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Inversion Is The Real March Madness, Just Don’t Take It Literally

With such low levels of self-awareness, it isn’t surprising that the FOMC’s members continue to pour gasoline on the already-blazing curve fire. March Madness is supposed to be on the courts of college basketball, instead it is playing out more vividly across all financial markets.

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