Tag Archive: newsletter

Live-Trading mit Rüdiger Born | 14.06.2022 | XTB

Schauen Sie dem Profi-Trader Rüdiger Born jede Woche online und live über die Schulter. Kostenlose Anmeldung: https://de.xtb.com/born-live 🔍 Unsere täglichen Marktanalysen finden Sie hier: https://www.xtb.com/de/Marktanalysen/... 📌 Folgen Sie uns auf Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xtbde 📌 Folgen Sie uns auf Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xtb_de 📌 Folgen Sie uns auf Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/xtbde CFD sind komplexe Instrumente...

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Hans-Werner Sinn: “Die fünf Pulverfässer der EZB” l The Pioneer Briefing l 7. Juni 2022

"The Pioneer Briefing von Gabor Steingart. Am 7. Juni 2022 mit den folgenden Themen: Im Interview: Der Ökonom Prof. Hans-Werner Sinn erklärt im Interview die Ursachen der anhaltenden Inflation in Deutschland und was nötig ist, um diese zu stoppen. Boris Johnson bleibt im Amt. Chefredakteur von The Pioneer, Michael Bröcker, erklärt, warum Finanzminister Christian Lindner gegen eine Übergewinnsteuer ist. Anne Schwedt in New York kennt die...

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14.700 zum Pfingstmontag – “DAX Long oder Short?” mit Marcus Klebe – 07.06.22

14.700 zum Pfingstmontag - "DAX Long oder Short?" mit Marcus Klebe - 07.06.22 Folge uns auf: Telegramm: https://t.me/jfdbank_de LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/jfd... Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JFDGermany/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/JFD_Group Webseite: https://www.jfdbrokers.com/de #DAX #MarcusKlebe #Trading ÜBER JFD: WER WIR...

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May Payrolls (and more) Confirm Slowdown (and more)

May 2022’s payroll estimates weren’t quite the level of downshift President Phillips had warned about, though that’s increasingly likely just a matter of time. In fact, despite the headline Establishment Survey monthly change being slightly better than expected, it and even more so the other employment data all still show an unmistakable slowdown in the labor market.

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Swiss government changes solar electricity rules

On 2 June 2022, Switzerland’s parliament adopted two motions to accelerate the adoption of solar panels.

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Does Capitalism Make Us More Materialistic?

There was a time when the advocates of socialism argued that it would lead man to material abundance, whereas free-market capitalism would lead only to increasing misery and would ultimately collapse under its own internal stresses. You don't hear that too much these days, and for good reason.

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Das ändert alles!!! Große Veränderungen erwarten uns!!!

Ähnliche Meinungen teilen andere bekannte Experten, unter anderem: Mr. Dax, Dirk Müller, Dr. Markus Krall, Prof. Hans Werner Sinn, Marc Friedrich, Ernst Wolff, Dr. Daniel Stelter,

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Finland and Sweden in NATO: Disregarding the Benefits of Neutrality

Finland and Sweden’s recent decision to apply for North Atlantic Treaty Organization membership is a major win for the military alliance, but a far more dubious one for these two countries. NATO badly needs a success at this moment, since neither the economic war on Russia nor the conflict in Ukraine seems to be going the West’s way.

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GOLD Will Be Unstoppable , Buy Silver ? | Alasdair Macleod & Andrew Maguire Gold Price

Gold Will Break Records Once This Happens | Alasdair Macleod Gold Price Prediction & Andrew Maguire Gold Price Prediction

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Alasdair Macleod about Inflation, Gold as your saviour

In latest podcast Alasdair Macleod says gold is our salvation during inflation. Bitcoin will die along with fiat currencies - claims head of research for Goldmoney Alasdair Macleod. Alasdair Macleod started his career as a stockbroker in 1970 on the London Stock Exchange. He is an educator and advocates for sound money thru demystifying finance and economics. Regarded as one of the country's greatest short story writers. In this youtube channel...

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We Are Already in a Recession. Hard Times Are Upon Us! – Marc Faber

Marc Faber joins us today to discuss the similarity between the present global crisis and The Great Depression. We also talk about inflation, how the Fed will go back to Easy Money, and the outlook for precious metals in 2023. Gloom, Boom & Doom Report: https://www.gloomboomdoom.com Twitter - https://twitter.com/WallStreetSilv Reddit - https://www.reddit.com/r/WallStreetSilver Monthly Newsletter - https://wallstreetsilver.com/newsletter...

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White House Panicking over Tanking Poll Numbers from Inflation

🔔 SUBSCRIBE TO MONEY METALS EXCHANGE ON YOUTUBE ➤ http://bit.ly/mmx-youtube As the Biden administration scrambles to try to contain inflation – or at least make a public relations show of it – precious metals investors are wondering how much longer gold and silver prices will remain contained. Read the Full Transcript Here: https://www.moneymetals.com/podcasts/2022/06/03/white-house-scapegoat-inflation-002538 Do you own precious metals you would...

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Rainer Zitelmann con Fontevecchia

Canal of Periodismo Puro: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxIQcXnWQHEEo1RUM1DABwg My Homepage: https://www.rainer-zitelmann.com/ Artículo en español: https://www.rainer-zitelmann.com/articulo-de-rainer-zitelmann-en-espanol/

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Wirtschaft bricht ein – WAS TUN? (Bitcoin, Aktienmarkt, Inflation, Rohstoffe)

Was gehört in volatilen Zeiten unbedingt in DEIN Depot? Wir stecken mitten drin in einer der wohl größten und faszinierendsten Zyklen unserer Zeit. Die FED und EZB wissen sich kaum zu helfen, die Inflation schießt auf neue Höhen und unsere Kaufkraft schmilzt beinahe täglich auf neue Niedrigstände. Was Du tun kannst, worauf Du achten musst und was ich in meinem Depot besitzen würde, erfahrt ihr in diesem Gastbeitrag von Inside Wirtschaft auf der...

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+100% – mit dem Global Clean Energy ETF?

► Hört euch hier meine Sprachnachricht, zur exklusiven Spar-Aktion der Rendite-Spezialisten an: https://www.rendite-spezialisten.de/video/sprachnachricht-2022-erichsen/ Wenn ich gleich mit euch über die Risiken, aber natürlich auch über die Chancen des IShares Global Clean Energy ETF spreche, dann nicht nur deshalb weil sich dieser ETF in den letzten Wochen doch auffällig gut gehalten hat, sondern insbesondere deshalb, weil wir meines Erachtens...

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Einnahmen Ausgaben – Analyse einer Studentin #shorts

Depot eröffnen & loslegen: ⭐ Flatex (in Österreich keine Depotgebühr): *https://www.minimalfrugal.com/flatex.at ⭐DADAT (Dividendendepot für Österreicher/Innen): *https://minimalfrugal.com/dadatdepot ► Trade Republic: (um 1€ Aktien kaufen): *https://www.minimalfrugal.com/traderepublic ► Smartbroker: *https://www.minimalfrugal.com/smartbroker ► Comdirect: *http://www.minimalfrugal.com/comdirect ► Onvista:...

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💰Hol dir 100 CHF Trading Credits bei einer Aktien-Depoteröffnung ►► http://sparkojote.ch/swissquote * (only for swiss residents) #zurich #sparkojote #shorts ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ★ Herzensprojekte von Thomas dem Sparkojoten ★ Ich betreibe viele Projekte die mir ungemein Spass machen. Ich gebe mir Mühe, alle Projekte unter einen Hut zu bekommen: Sparkojote, Amazingtoys.ch, das Finanzrudel… Falls ihr euch für eines der Projekte interessiert,...

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Buy Silver: The Biggest Banking System Collapse Is On Us NOW!! – Alasdair MacLeod

Buy Silver: The Biggest Banking System Collapse Is On Us NOW!! - Alasdair MacLeod In this video Alasdair MacLeod explains why the banking system is in the state of collapse. Enjoyed the video? Comment below! 💬 💡 Subscribe to The Financial Brief here 👉🏻 https://watch.thefinancialbrief.com/1i1mr ❤️ Enjoyed? Hit the like button! 👍 ⬇ Inspired By: ⬇ URGENT: I’m Buying All the Silver - Robert Kiyosaki SILVER: Return of the Short Squeeze - Mike...

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Downtrend Remains Intact | 3:00 on Markets & Money

(6/6/22) Markets are set to rally this morning following Friday's sell off--the big question is whether the rally can be maintained? Markets are starting the week on a MACD Buy-signal, and are on the over-bought side, short-term, which could suppress any rally slightly. Markets are struggling with bottoms established in April, and also when Russia attached Ukraine. Additionally, the 50-DMA is rapidly dropping, following the downward trendline....

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Prof. Max Otte: “The Collapse of the World System and What Next”

Prof. Dr. Max Otte is a well-known German economist, public figure and co-president of the Spengler Society, visited the Institute of European Studies. As part of the visit, he held two lectures: - Die Geburt einer neuen Weltordnung: was uns Zyklen der Geschichte überunsere Zukunft verraten können? (The Birth of a New World Order: What Can the Theory of Historical Cycles Tell us about Our Future?) (April 6, Matica srpska) - The Collapse of the...

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