Tag Archive: Featured

6b.) P: Mises.org 2014-11-05 17:28:28

With 100 years having passed since the start of the First World War, the view of the war among historians and the public has evolved in many ways. Historian Hunt Tooley examines the turning points in how the world sees the Great War. This audio Mises Daily is narrated by Robert Hale.

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Inside The Shanghai Gold Exchange Vaults

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Koos Jansen Interview On German Financial TV

Follow link for English version https://www.bullionstar.com/blog/koos-jansen/china-will-utilize-gold-price-will-rise/

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Inside The Shanghai International Gold Exchange Vaults

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Putin Talking About The End Of The Pertrodollar Era

Published on Oct 25, 2014 Russia's leader Vladimir, speaking in Sochi (following meetings with Middle East crown princes who confirmed Russia as a key partner - "isolated"?), has unleashed his most aggressive statements with regard the failing world order: *PUTIN SAYS U.S. DOLLAR LOSING TRUST AS RESERVE CURRENCY *PUTIN: WORLD WITHOUT RULES IS POSSIBILITY; ANARCHY GROWING.. Adding that the risk of major conflicts involving major countries...

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Ben Bernanke didn’t see a housing bubble in 2006

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Willem Middelkoop on Dutch mortgage debt – November 11, 2006

Willem Middelkoop knew exactly what was going to happen in 2006: a collapse of the real estate market due to credit expansion.

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Willem Middelkoop on The Big Reset

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Paying people their salary in gold a first in Singapore

Published on Oct 23, 2014 How would you like to be paid your worth in gold? Singapore-based precious metals dealer BullionStar is doing just that, by rewarding staff with the commodity as salary, and it says it is the first in the country to do so.

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ETF – Basiswissen

Im heutigen Video gibt uns ein ETF-Spezialist Einblick in das Basiswissen, welches man sich vor einer Investition in diese Form von speziellem Anlagefonds aneignen sollte. Mehr zum Thema erfahren? Besuchen Sie uns auf https://www.fintool.ch 👉🏽 Auf diesen Kanälen könnt ihr uns erreichen: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ►Unsere Website: https://www.fintool.ch ►Unser FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/fintool ►Unser LinkedIn:...

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Swiss Gold Initiative 30 November 2014 Volksinitiative

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Keith Weiner on Gold Manipulation, Naked Short Selling, and China’s Gold Imports

Oct 21 – In a reprise edition of FS Insider from earlier this year, Cris Sheridan interviews Keith Weiner PhD. In looking at the futures market, Keith explains there is no evidence for gold manipulation through naked short selling. http://www.financialsense.com/subscribe

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The Workings Of The London Bullion Market

For more detailed info follow http://www.lppm.com/otcguide.pdf Of course this video discloses nothing on the ratio of unallocated to allocated accounts or all vault locations. From the LPPM: "Unallocated Accounts These represent the most straightforward and hence most popular way of trading," and "UNALLOCATED ACCOUNT An account where specific bars are not set aside and the customer has a general entitlement to the metal....

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European media writing pro US stories under CIA pressure, German journalist

Published on Oct 18, 2014 German journalist and editor Udo Ulfkotte says he was forced to publish the works of intelligence agents under his own name, adding that noncompliance ran the risk of being fired. Ulfkotte made the revelations during interviews with RT and Russia Insider.

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COMEX Stocks, Deposits, Withdrawals, and Adjustments Explained

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Alan Greenspan on Gold Standard


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Turd Ferguson Interviews Koos Jansen

We talked about gold and silver, the SDR, the Chinese precious metals markets (the Shanghai Gold Exchange, People's Bank Of China) and a whole lot more! Recorded October 2014.

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Jim Cramer Explains How The Markets Are Manipulated

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Eurozone ‘wasted’ two years – Peter Bofinger – BBC HARDtalk

Peter Bofinger of Germany’s Council of Economic Experts has told BBC HARDtalk that no efforts have been made to stimulate Eurozone economies and that the bloc has "wasted two years".

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Gold-Experte Speck: "Im Goldpreis wird manipuliert"

Rohstoff-Experte Markus Bußler vom Anlegermagazin DER AKTIONÄR spricht in seiner Sendung Gold Spezial mit Dimitri Speck. Er war einer der Ersten, der in seinem Buch "Geheime Goldpolitik" Manipulationen am Goldmarkt öffentlich gemacht hat.

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