Crypto Valley’s Report Shows $593 Billion Valuation
The tenth edition of the CV VC Top 50 Report, released at the Web3 Hub Davos during the World Economic Forum, ranks the top 50 blockchain entities by token market capitalisation and private company valuations.
The report provides insights into Crypto Valley’s 2024 venture funding landscape and highlights the ongoing developments in the blockchain sector.
Top 50 Valuation Milestones for 2024:
The total valuation of the Top 50 entities has increased by 55%, now standing at $593 billion.
25 blockchain platforms are valued at $584.33 billion, with 16 based in Zug, contributing 97% of the total platform valuation.
Blockchain companies’ private valuations stand at $9.11 billion, with 14 companies based in Zug, accounting for 56% of the total valuation.
New entrants include LCX, Liquity,
Retail Investors Show Divergent Behaviors in Crypto versus Traditional Assets
Retail investors are showing distinct behavioral patterns when trading cryptocurrencies compared to traditional assets such as gold and stocks. Traditionally, investors tend to sell their stocks and gold when prices rise.
21Shares and Forge Strategic Partnership
2024-10-09, the parent company of 21Shares – one of the world’s largest issuers of crypto exchange traded products (ETPs), and announced that they have entered into a strategic partnership.
Central to the partnership, Wrapped Bitcoin (21BTC) will source Bitcoin liquidity from, leveraging the exchange’s liquidity. Looking ahead, and intend to build on the strategic partnership, with future announcements in the pipeline.
Eliezer Ndinga
“We are thrilled to integrate 21BTC with, enhancing user access to crypto and marking the starting point of a long-term, strategic partnership. As two leaders in digital asset innovation, know-how and operations, the– partnership creates a powerful combination,”
said Eliezer Ndinga, Head of
Global Crypto Adoption Rises in 2024, Led by Developing Economies and ETF Launches
In 2024, global cryptocurrency activity continues to grow, with developing economies leading in crypto ownership.
Adoption of the new asset class is increasing worldwide, driven in part by the launch of bitcoin and ether exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in the US, which has boosted adoption, particularly in institutional transfers and higher-income regions.
However, regulatory concerns remain a key obstacle, especially in the US and UK, though Europe is taking steps to address these challenges with the Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) regulation.
Global crypto activity on the rise
Global crypto activity has continued to rise this year despite market volatility. Between Q4 2023 and Q1 2024, the total value of global crypto activity rose substantially, reaching higher levels than those of 2021
ZKB bietet neu den Handel und die Verwahrung von Crypto an
Ab dem 4. September 2024 können Kundinnen und Kunden über die Zürcher Kantonalbank Kryptowährungen rund um die Uhr direkt im ZKB eBanking oder ZKB Mobile Banking Crypto handeln.
Die Bestände der Kryptowährungen werden dabei in die bestehende Depotsicht integriert. Vorerst stehen Bitcoin und Ethereum zur Auswahl.
Crypto Verwahrung
Kryptowährungen nutzen die Blockchain. Mit den Chancen und Risiken dieser Technologie beschäftigt sich die Zürcher Kantonalbank schon seit Längerem.
2021 war die Bank beispielsweise an der Emission der weltweit ersten digitalen Anleihe an der SIX Digital Exchange beteiligt, 2023 wickelte sie als Joint Lead Managerin im Rahmen eines Pilotprojekts der Schweizerischen Nationalbank die Ausgabe digitaler Anleihen mit digitalem Zentralbankgeld ab.
Alexandra Scriba
SNB Study: Tornado Cash Case Highlights the Challenge of Regulating Decentralized Services
Tornado Cash, a decentralized smart contract protocol built on the Ethereum blockchain, was sanctioned in 2022 by the US Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) for its role in laundering over US$7 billion worth of illicit funds since 2019.
The sanctions initially led to a drop in Tornado Cash use, weakening its ability to provide anonymity. However, transactions on the platform continue, reflecting the mixed effectiveness of sanctions on decentralized networks and highlighting the challenges in regulating these systems, a new research paper by the Swiss National Bank (SNB) says.
The SNB working paper, released in August 2024, assesses the impact of OFAC sanctions on Ethereum communities and actors, with a particular focus on Tornado Cash.
Tornado Cash is a cryptocurrency mixer
Neue Schweizer Crypto Assets-Ökosystem Studie der Hochschule Luzern
In der Schweiz und Liechtenstein hat sich in den letzten Jahren ein diverses Ökosystem rund um Investitionen in Crypto Assets entwickelt.
Auch in den letzten zwölf Monaten ist dieses stetig gewachsen und hat an Vielfalt hinzugewonnen. Die Regionen Zug und Zürich beherbergen die grösste Anzahl von Unternehmen. Einen aktuellen Überblick gibt die neueste «Crypto Assets Study» der Hochschule Luzern.
Zwischen Juli 2023 und Juni 2024 haben sich die Preise und die Marktkapitalisierung von Bitcoin und anderen Crypto Assets erheblich erhöht. Auch das Schweizer und Liechtensteiner Ökosystem für entsprechende Investitionen ist gewachsen – sowohl, was Anbieter als auch was Produkte angeht.
Ende Juni zählten die beiden Länder insgesamt 359 Unternehmen, die Produkte und Dienstleistungen rund um