Tag Archive: Featured

Covid, November 24: Switzerland’s infection rate continued to slow over the weekend

Over the weekend, Switzerland averaged 3,250 new daily recorded cases (9,751 over 72 hours). This represents a significant drop from the daily peak of 10,128 cases reported on 5 November 2020.

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Why I’m Hopeful About 2021

What we need is not a return to the corrupt, tottering kleptocracy of 2019, but a re-democratization of capital, agency and money. I'm hopeful about 2021, and no, it's not because of the vaccines or the end of lockdowns or anything related to Covid. The status quo is cheering the fantasy that we'll soon return to the debt-soaked glory days of 2019 when everything was peachy.

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Being Pro-union Means Being Antiworker

After becoming the apparent president-elect, Joe Biden clearly promised to unify Americans. However, that promise was in sharp contrast to what his campaign promises would actually achieve.

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Achtung DAX mit neuem Trend | der Blick auf die Woche KW 48

Achtung DAX mit neuem Trend | der Blick auf die Woche KW 48 Achtung der DAX hat wieder einen neuen Trend, weiteres erfährst du in meinem dies wöchigen Blick auf die Woche. Trage dich jetzt in unseren Newsletter ein, um den "Blick auf die Woche" am Montag noch vor allen anderen zu erhalten: https://mariolueddemann.com/aktuelles/#newsletter Basiskurs Trading: https://mariolueddemann.com/basiskurs-trading/ Screeningdienst für nur 1€ testen:...

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FX Daily, November 23: Markets Look Past Near-Term Challenges

Overview:  News that the AstraZeneca vaccine was 70% effective but could be enhanced by changing dosage is lifting spirits and boosting equities.  Japan's markets were closed for a national holiday, but all the equity markets in the region advanced and many by more than 1%. 

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Revelation Of The Method

There is one question very few are asking. Even on the most obscure blogs or conspiracy forums, we don’t find serious discussion of it.

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Deflation Returns To Japan, Part 2

Japan Finance Minister Taro Aso, who is also Deputy Prime Minister, caused a global stir of sorts back in early June when he appeared to express something like Japanese racial superiority at least with respect to how that country was handling the COVID pandemic.

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The Impossibility of “Taxation with Representation”

Whether you have watched The Sopranos, Goodfellas, or The Godfather, the gist of those stories is always the same: a mafia boss gets involved with a private person or sometimes a businessowner and demands a fee to be paid by midnight tomorrow, otherwise said person will lose a finger or two and maybe a kneecap as well.

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China’s New Five-Year Plan Exposes the Wishful Thinking behind Socialist Regimes

On October 29, the nineteenth Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party concluded its fifth plenum, a four-day meeting devoted primarily to laying the groundwork for China’s fourteenth five-year plan, which covers the period from 2021 to 2025.

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EM Preview for the Week Ahead

Most EM currencies were up last week, once again taking advantage of broad dollar weakness. In addition, EM equities also performed well, with MSCI EM up for the third week in a row and for seven of the past eight. We expect EM assets to continue benefiting from the global liquidity story as well as the weak dollar trend.

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Covid: only the vaccinated get to travel abroad, suggests Swiss infectious disease expert

Resistance to vaccinations is significant in Switzerland. A survey done in November 2020 suggests only 16% of the population would get vaccinated immediately if there was an approved Covid-19 vaccine, reported 20 Minutes.

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Swiss government promises one billion francs for Covid hit businesses

This week, Switzerland’s federal government decided to increase aid money to Covid hit businesses to CHF 1 billion.

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Vaccines–Too Little, Too Late?

Trust in institutions, authorities and Big Pharma is scraping the bottom of the barrel, and rushing these vaccines into mass use with extremely high expectations of efficacy is setting up the potential for a devastating loss of trust in the vaccines should they fail to live up to the claims of 100% safety and 95% effectiveness.

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The United Nations and the Origins of “The Great Reset”

About twenty-four hundred years ago, the Greek philosopher Plato came up with the idea constructing the state and society according to an elaborate plan. Plato wanted “wise men” (philosophers) at the helm of the government, but he made it also clear that his kind of state would need a transformation of the humans.

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A Drop in the Money Supply Was Not the Cause of the Great Depression

In his writings, Milton Friedman blamed central bank policies for causing the Great Depression. According to Friedman, the Federal Reserve failed to pump enough reserves into the banking system to prevent a collapse in the money stock.1 The adjusted money supply (AMS), which stood at $26.6 billion in March 1930, had fallen to $20.5 billion by April 1933—a decline of 22.9 percent.

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Coronavirus biggest concern among Swiss, according to survey

The coronavirus pandemic and its consequences rank at the top of the list of Swiss concerns in 2020, according to a recent survey.

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What is “The Great Reset” and How to Prepare

“The Great Reset” is a term that we are hearing more frequently in the financial news today, but what exactly is “The Great Reset”? In Episode 16 of The Goldnomics Podcast, Stephen Flood, Mark O’Byrne and Dave Russell discuss “The Great Reset” and how it could impact investors, what they can do now to prepare themselves and their finances and the role that gold plays in protecting your wealth. Listen or watch the podcast here...

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The US Savings Bond Scam

Remember savings bonds? They were popular before the central bank made sure that safe, low-interest investments became a thing of the past.  Original Article: "The US Savings Bond Scam". This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Millian Quinteros.

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Dollar Bounce Likely to Fade

The negative virus news stream is taking a toll on market sentiment; the dollar is benefiting from the risk-off price action but is likely to fade. Weekly jobless claims data will be of interest; Fed manufacturing surveys for November will continue to roll out; Judy Shelton’s Fed confirmation is looking less and less likely.

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FX Daily, November 20: US Treasury-Fed Dispute Spurs Handwringing but Immediate Market Impact was Exaggerated

Overview:  News that the stimulus talks between the House Democrats and Senate Republicans was the excuse traders were looking for to extend the US equity gains yesterday, but shortly after the close, confirmation that Treasury was not going to agree to extend several Fed facilities sent stocks reeling. 

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