Tag Archive: Featured

Dr. Markus Krall deckt auf – IRRE! Fast EINE MILLION Unternehmen waren schon VOR dem LOCKDOWN PLEITE

Videoinhalte: Banken Deutschland, Sparkassen Deutschland, Wirtschaft Deutschland, Finanzen Deutschland , Geld Deutschland , Kapital Deutschland, Aktien Deutschland , Börse Deutschland , Immobilien Deutschland , Politik Deutschland , Medien Deutschland , Gold, Goldmünzen, Silber, Edelmetalle, Bitcoin, Kryptowährung, Währungskrise, Währungsreform, Finanzcommunity, Finanzpolitik, Finanzmarkt, Banken,

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Austrian Crypto Broker Bitpanda Secures Unicorn Status With $170 Million Funding

Bitpanda, an Austrian digital investment platform dealing with cryptocurrency, announced that it has closed it Series B funding round with an investment of $170 million and attained unicorn status with a valuation of $1.2 billion. The funding round was led by Valar Ventures with participation from partners of DST Global. Bitpanda had also previously secured $52 million during its Series A from Valar Ventures. The Series B was signed last week and...

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Wege aus der Ausweglosigkeit

Der Ökonom Hans-Hermann Hoppe, einer der führenden libertären Köpfe der Gegenwart, widmet sich – wie schon sein Mentor Murray Rothbard und dessen Lehrer Ludwig von Mises -, immer wieder politischen und soziologischen Fragestellungen.  

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A nightclub in an isolated Swiss town

Before Juliane and Nici opened Cult, young people in the eastern Swiss town of Scuol had to drive for miles – even across the border into Austria – for a bit of fun.

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57a Jeff Snider Reacts Live to Paul Krugman Column

Will Stagnation Follow the Biden Boom? So asks New York Times columnist (and Nobel memorial prize winner) Paul Krugman. Jeff Snider listens and reacts to Krugman's lament that though the relief bill is done, recovery may be harder.

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Immobilien privat oder als Firma kaufen?

Immobilien privat kaufen oder GmbH gründen? Viele Immobilieninvestoren fragen sich, ob es notwendig ist, eine GmbH oder vielleicht sogar eine Holding zu gründen, um Immobilien zu kaufen. Selfmade-Millionär Gerald hörhan aka. der Investmentpunk beantwortet in diesem Video, ob man Immobilien als Investitionsobjekte besser als Privatperson oder als Firma kauft und auf welche Kriterien du hier achten musst, um ein renditestarkes Immobilienportfolio...

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Inflation Top Ökonom Thomas Mayer mit düsterer Prognose

Quelle: René will Rendite. Willkommen zu einem neuen Interview bei "René will Rendite". Angesichts der Geldflut der Notenbanken steht der Anstieg der Inflation schon seit Jahren im Raum, ohne das sich viel tat. Doch nun wächst die Angst, die Raten steigen. Wie ernst ist die Lage? Darüber spreche ich mit dem ehemaligen Chefvolkswirt der Deutschen Bank und Gründer des Flossbach von Storch Research Instituts, Thomas Mayer.

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Darum handele ich jetzt deutsche Aktien

  ? Vereinbare jetzt dein kostenfreies Beratungsgespräch: https://jensrabe.de/DarumHandeleIchJetztDeutscheAktien?Bestelle jetzt das neue Buch “Optionsgewinne mit System”: https://duo-strategie.com

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Giorgia Meloni, la profezia di Yanis Varoufakis: “Con Mario Draghi democrazi@ sconfitta

-Grazie per aver guardato il video -Aiutami come + segui questo canale + condividi questo video -Grazie mille

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Breakoutchance im DAX?! – “DAX Long oder Short?”

JFD ist eine führende Unternehmensgruppe, die Finanz- sowie Investmentdienstleistungen und -aktivitäten anbietet. Die Muttergesellschaft, JFD Group Ltd, wurde im Dezember 2011 gegründet und ist heute ein international lizenzierter, globaler Anbieter von Multi-Asset-Trading- und Investmentlösungen.

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Spending Here, Production There, and What Autos Have To Do With It

While the global inflation picture remains fixed at firmly normal (as in, disinflationary), US retail sales by contrast have been highly abnormal. You’d think given that, the consumer price part of the economic equation would, well, equate eventually price-wise.

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Why Is Economic Journalism So Bad?

Niall Ferguson holds a PhD in philosophy from Oxford, taught history at Harvard and NYU, and wrote perhaps the definitive biography of Henry Kissinger. So, naturally, Bloomberg hired him to write on economics.

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Tweets von Elon Musk: Einfluss auf Anleger

Wenn Tweets Einfluss auf Aktienkurse haben: Saidi erklärt Euch in diesem Video alles rund um das Thema Story Stocks.

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¿Hay Que Subir Impuestos Para Reducir La Deuda?

Te animo a suscribirte a mi canal y te invito a seguirme en mis redes sociales: ☑ Twitter - https://twitter.com/dlacalle ☑ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/lacalledanie ☑ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dlacalle ☑ Página web - https://www.dlacalle.com ☑ Mis libros en Amazon - https://www.amazon.es/Daniel-Lacalle/e/B00P2I78OG ¡Un saludo!

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Best Time To Buy Gold And Silver is Now! – David Brady

The best time to buy gold and silver is now, according to, #GlobalProTrader David Brady. David shares with us his thoughts about gold as a hedge against inflation and gold as a hedge against the dollar. Using his personal trading methodology FIPESTxM, he discusses rising bond yields and the prospect of Yield Curve Control and how that will affect the prices of #GoldandSilver. He explains why everyone should buy gold and silver now and why he...

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What the Shipping Container Shortage Reveals about US-China Trade

Despite the record unemployment rate, widespread hardship to businesses, strains on the healthcare system, political turmoil, and general disruption to daily life in 2020, US consumers have managed to ramp up their habit of buying things.

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FX Daily, March 16: Equities Firm, but Markets Tread Gingerly

Overview: Yesterday's new record highs in the S&P 500 and Dow Jones Industrial helped set the tone for today's advance in the Asia Pacific region and Europe. The MSCI Asia Pacific Index snapped a two-day decline, with other major markets rising today. 

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Art Basel and UBS Global Art Market Report: Online sales reached record highs in 2020, doubling in value

Art Basel and UBS announced today the publication of the fifth Art Basel and UBS Global Art Market Report, authored by renowned cultural economist Dr Clare McAndrew. The report integrates insight from a recent survey of 2,569 high-net-worth (HNW) collectors, conducted by Arts Economics and UBS Investor Watch, across ten markets: the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Mexico, and for the first time...

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In Some Countries, Lockdowns May Be the “New Normal”

While some countries in Europe are showing signs of lifting all restrictions soon, Ireland’s so-called leaders are telling citizens it cannot be guaranteed that they’ll even be able to holiday in their own country this summer. Original Article: "In Some Countries, Lockdowns May Be the "New Normal"'" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Michael Stack.

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DRUM COVER Rosanna – Toto

The infamous Rosanna by Toto I DO NOT own the music in this video, all rights go to the band and label

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