Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Swiss expats buck the pension reform trend

Unlike their compatriots in Switzerland, Swiss voters who live abroad came out massively in favour of a wide-ranging overhaul of Switzerland’s old-age pension scheme.  Eleven of Switzerland’s 26 cantons count the votes of Swiss expats separately. An analysis of Sunday’s results shows that in nine of these cantons more than 70% of Swiss abroad backed the “Old Age Security 2020” package, which aimed to guarantee the future financing of...

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First autonomous transport service in Switzerland inaugurated

The launch of two autonomous shuttle buses in Fribourg on Friday marks the first time in Switzerland that such vehicles have been inducted into the regular transport network. The “self-driving” electric minibuses link the Marly Innovation Center (MIC) in the suburbs to the Fribourg Public Transport (TPF) network. The 1.3 km journey takes seven minutes with four stops.

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Swiss Mystery: Someone Keeps Flushing €500 Bank Notes Down The Toilet

While there are several comments one can make here, “dirty money”, “flush with cash” and “flushing money down the toilet” certainly coming to mind, perhaps the ECB was on to something when it warned that €500 “Bin Laden” bills (which it has since discontinued to print) tend to be used by criminals. The reason for … Continue reading »

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UBS L’alpigiano stagisti – episodio 2

Sulle Alpi la sveglia è alle 5 del mattino. Stefan deve ancora abituarsi a questi orari e ai suoi nuovi amici animali: Facebook:

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UBS Le stagiaire d’alpage – épisode 2

A l’alpage, le réveil sonne à 5 heures. Stefan doit encore s’y faire. Comme il doit s’habituer aux animaux qui l’entourent: Facebook:

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UBS The alp apprentice – episode 2

The working day on the alp starts at 5 a.m., which takes some getting used to for Stefan – as do his new animal friends: Facebook:

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UBS Der Alp Praktikant – Episode 2

Auf der Alp ist um 5 Uhr Tagwache. Stefan muss sich erst noch daran gewöhnen. Und an seine neuen tierischen Freunde auch: Facebook:

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Boris Johnson Threatens To Resign If Theresa May “Goes Against His Brexit Demands”, Pound Rises

In confirmation that Theresa May's upcoming Florence speech this Friday is not only what many have called "the most important day for Brexit since the referendum", but also the most opaque, the Telegraph reports that UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson will resign as before the weekend if Theresa May veers towards a “Swiss-style” arrangement with the EU in her upcoming speech.

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Tom Riley, Fondsmanager Axa World Funds Framlington Robotech

Tom Riley leitet den Fonds Axa World Funds Framlington Robotech. Im cash-Video-Interview erklärt er, wie er Aktien aussucht und welche Trends er bei Robotik und künstlicher Intelligenz betrachtet. Er geht auch auf die Aktien Siemens und ABB ein, wobei er Siemens im Fonds stärker gewichtet hat.

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Topsy und seine Freunde baden im See | UBS Topsy

Topsy und seine Freunde baden im See. Ein YouTube-Trickfilm von UBS Schweiz: UBS Schweiz – Ihre Bank seit über 150 Jahren. Sommerzeit ist Badezeit! Unsere vier Freunde pusten in ihre Luftmatratzen und ab gehts zum glasklaren See. Spiel und Spass mit Topsy – der Kinderwelt von UBS für Kinder bis acht Jahren. Weitere tolle …

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Pourquoi l’accès à vos dépôts bancaires, épargnes et capital retraite est rendu difficile?

Les dépôts bancaires servent de base à l’activité bancaire classique. Réserves fractionnaires et autres créations monétaires bancaires privées vont prendre appui dessus. Qu’une part importante des clients retire ses dépôts et la banque s’écroule. Il est donc indispensable qu’on y touche le moins possible, spécialement quand votre confiance s’évapore.

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Swiss Tourist Industry Wins Support from Parliament

A majority of parliament wants to restrict online reservation platforms in a bid to protect the Swiss hotel sector. The House of Representatives on Monday overwhelmingly approved a proposal and followed the Senate demanding that Swiss hotels will be allowed to offer lower prices for their accommodation on their websites than online travel fare aggregators, including

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Swiss abroad need Swiss bank accounts

Big Swiss banks should make it easier for Swiss people living abroad to maintain a bank account, finds the Senate. Senators voted 23 to 14 on Tuesday in favour of a motion to make the five largest Swiss banks provide accounts under reasonable conditions. Six senators abstained from the vote, which came during the autumn parliamentary session in Bern.

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One-Tenth Of Global GDP Is Now Held In Offshore Tax Havens

Accurately measuring the scope of global wealth inequality is a notoriously difficult undertaking – a fact that was brought to light last year when the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists published the Panama Papers, exposing clients of Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca.

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Swiss universities loved by foreign students

More than half of those doing a doctorate in Switzerland come from abroad, according to a new global education report. Foreign students are especially drawn to courses in the natural sciences. International students make up 17% of those studying at Swiss universities, said the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECDexternal link) in its Education at a Glance 2017external link, published earlier this week.

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Place financière genevoise, une noyade dans l’anonymat.

“Avant, à Genève, il régnait une effervescence certaine. Les gens dépensaient de l’argent, certes pas forcément déclaré. Aujourd’hui, ce temps est fini et on ne voit pas vraiment ce qui pourrait extraire la ville et sa place financière de cette stagnation”. Exprimé en privé voici quelques jours par un professionnel de la finance de la cité de Calvin, ce constat rejoint celui de beaucoup, beaucoup d’autres gens ayant connu l’”avant” et qui...

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Geneva and Lausanne remain Switzerland’s toughest home markets

Home vacancy rates in Switzerland’s main cities have all risen over the last few years, bringing some hope to those looking for a place to live. The latest 2017 data confirm this trend. While these percentage shifts might appear big, very low vacancy rates underly them. On 1 June 2012, none of these cities had a vacancy rate above 1%. Zurich (0.29%), Bern (0.48%), Basel (0.13%), Lausanne (0.28%) and Geneva (0.21%) were all well below 1% vacancy...

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Possible buyer for Air Berlin Swiss subsidiary

A potential buyer has been found for Belair, the Swiss subsidiary of insolvent airline Air Berlin, according to Swiss media reports which cite an internal communication to Belair employees. Belair management wrote that there was at least one offer for the airline, according to the az Nordwestschweiz newspaperexternal link and the Swiss news agency on Friday. Both have seen the communication, which was dated last Tuesday. The name of the airline’s...

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UBS The alp apprentice – episode 1

No sooner has Stefan arrived in picturesque Diemtigtal than it’s time to get down to work. Res kits the city slicker out with some suitable clothing for the alp and promptly gets him working up a sweat: Facebook:

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UBS L’alpigiano stagisti – episodio 1

Stefan ha appena raggiunto la quieta vallata del Diemtigtal, dove già lo attende la sua prima sfida. Res veste il ragazzo di città con abiti montanari e lo mette subito al lavoro: Facebook:

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