Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

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Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Swiss 2018 health premiums unveiled. Brace yourself.

Yesterday, the Swiss government released health insurance premiums for 2018. There are price hikes across the board, particularly in French-speaking Switzerland. Next year, the price of standard compulsory insurance for an adult with a CHF 300 deductible will rise 4% on average. The cost varies by canton. Prices rises range from 1.6% to 6.4%. Health premiums for children will rise by an average of 5%, more than those for adults.

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The Global Housing Bubble Is Biggest In These Cities

Two years ago, when UBS looked at the world's most expensive housing markets, it found that London and Hong Kong were the only two areas exposed to bubble risk.What a difference just a couple of years makes, because in the latest report by UBS wealth Management, which compiles the bank's Global Real Estate Bubble Index, it found that eight of the world's largest cities are now subject to a massive speculative housing bubble.

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Survey offers clues to why Swiss rejected last Sunday’s pension reform

A survey by Tamedia offers clues to why 52.7% of Swiss voters rejected the pension reform plan that was put to a vote last Sunday. 20% of those voting “no” thought it was a pseudo reform that didn’t go far enough, while 26% felt it left too much of a burden on younger taxpayers. In 1981, when the life expectancy of an average Swiss woman was 79.2 years, the average time spent collecting the state pension was 15.2 years. Now an average Swiss woman...

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Swiss want TV tax cut by half, according to survey

Some who move to Switzerland might not be aware that they are almost certainly required to pay one of the world’s highest broadcasting fees. An annual Swiss licence costs CHF 451.10 per household. A successful vote in 2015 changed the rules on who must pay the fee. From 2019, it will be compulsory for anyone with a primary or secondary residence in Switzerland to pay it, effectively making it a tax on all households. At a new lower price of CHF 400...

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UBS L’alpigiano stagisti – episodio 3

Dal campo alla cantina del formaggio. Stefan si cimenta nella produzione di formaggio e si crede già un professionista. Res non è tuttavia davvero convinto delle capacità del suo stagista. L’armonia in alpeggio finirà improvvisamente? Facebook:

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UBS The alp apprentice – episode 3

From the field to the cheese cellar. Stefan ventures into cheese production and already thinks he’s a pro at it. Res, though, isn’t entirely convinced by his intern’s skills. Will harmony on the Alp come to a sudden end? More: Facebook:

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UBS Der Alp Praktikant – Episode 3

Vom Feld in den Käsekeller. Stefan wagt sich an die Käseproduktion und hält sich bereits für einen Profi. Res ist jedoch von den Fähigkeiten seines Praktikanten nicht wirklich überzeugt. Findet die Harmonie auf der Alp ein jähes Ende? Mehr Infos: Facebook:

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UBS Le stagiaire d’alpage – épisode 3

Des champs à la cave à fromage. Stefan s’essaie à la production de fromage et se prend déjà pour un pro. Mais Res n’est pas vraiment convaincu des capacités de son stagiaire. L’harmonie à l’alpage est-elle menacée? Le stagiaire d’alpage: Facebook:

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Ollie Beckett, Janus Henderson Investors

Unter den spannendsten europäischen «Small Caps» sind auch einige Schweizer Aktien zu finden, sagt Fondsmanager Ollie Beckett im cash-Video-Interview. Doch die Risiken sind teils beträchtlich.

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Börsen-Talk vom 29. September 2017

Höhere SMI-Kurse und ein noch schwächerer Franken – Alex Hinder prognostiziert beides. Der Zürcher Vermögensverwalter sagt aber auch, wieso er im Moment lieber im Ausland oder in kleine Schweizer Aktien investiert.

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Housing in Zurich and Geneva only moderately overvalued, says UBS

The UBS Global Real Estate Bubble Index 2017 describes housing in Zurich and Geneva as only moderately overvalued. The two Swiss cities rank 6th (Geneva) and 9th (Zurich) in a list of 20 selected global cities. The top eight: Toronto, Stockholm, Munich, Vancouver, Sydney, London, Hong Kong and Amsterdam are all classified as bubble risk. Only Chicago is undervalued.

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How Much Space Does $1,500 Rent In The World’s ‘Most Magnetic’ Cities?

New Yorkers who wince every time they slip a $1,500 rent check under their super’s door should consider moving to Shanghai, or maybe Berlin. According to a new study published on RentCafe, $1,500 will buy you three times more space in Shanghai than in Los Angeles and twice as much in Frankfurt. Meanwhile, rents per square foot are five times higher in San Francisco than they are in Berlin.

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The king of chocolate in Mexico

A rags-to-riches career straight out of a film script: as a young man, the protagonist emigrates to Mexico. Once there, he becomes the first ever manufacturer of white chocolate and goes on to become an entrepreneur worth millions. The life of Gianfranco Arnoldi. (SRF/ Arnoldi has always been in the confectionary business. He learnt his …

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How joining a foreigners’ club can make you stronger

Tama Vakeesan was born in Switzerland – to Tamil parents from Sri Lanka. This week, she joins a club for foreign women called “Femmes-Tisch” in her home town of Langenthal, which provides members with different forms of training such as German classes, and helps them to integrate in Swiss society.   It’s run by the non profit …

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Why do honorary consuls work for free?

Honorary consuls are local personalities who represent foreign states in Switzerland, and they are not paid for their work. What motivates them? (RTS/ There are about 130 honorary consuls them in Switzerland. They are not professional diplomats, but people who work on a voluntary basis until their appointments are revoked. For instance, François de Coulon, who owns …

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Have young Swiss lost their rebelliousness?

In the 1960s, youngsters in the hippie movement triggered a social and cultural revolution, rebelling against Swiss society, which they considered conservative and capitalistic. 50 years on, young Swiss people still get what they want, but rebelling. (RTS/  — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report …

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Watch industry unperturbed by new ‘Swiss made’ regulations

The majority of Swiss watch executives surveyed by consulting firm Deloitte are positive about new rules requiring at least 60% of a watch’s manufactured costs to be incurred in Switzerland. According to the Deloitte Swiss Watch Industry Study 2017external link, released on Wednesday, 44% of 60 watch executives surveyed consider the new “Swiss made” rules to be positive compared to 20% who believed they would have a negative effect.

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Lost Greek temple found by Swiss scholars

A Swiss-led team of archaeologists in Greece has made a spectacular find: the temple of Artemis, a famous open-air sanctuary of antiquity. (SRF/  — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews …

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Why do Balkan boys get a bad rap?

Tama Vakeesan was born in Switzerland – to Tamil parents from Sri Lanka. She meets up with stand-up comedian, Sven Ivanic, who is Croatian, Serbian and “100 % Swiss”. They explore the prejudices against Balkan boys in Switzerland, and Sven defends his right to wear tracksuit bottoms. (SRF Kulturplatz/  — is the international branch of the …

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Les Suissesses et les Suisses disent OUI à leurs paysans! ATS

Les Suisses ont accepté par 78,7% de compléter la Constitution par un article sur la sécurité alimentaire. Les Romands ont été les plus enthousiastes. Les Suisses sont très attachés à la sécurité alimentaire. Dimanche, 78,7% d’entre-eux ont dit «oui». Aucun canton n’a refusé.

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