Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

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Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Number below poverty line rises in Switzerland

In Switzerland, the revenue poverty line is income of CHF 27,108 (US$ 27,490) a year for someone living alone and CHF 47,880 (US$ 48,550) for a family of four. In 2017, the percentage of Switzerland’s population living below the poverty line was 8.2% or 675,000 people. In 2016, the percentage was 7.6%.

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Half a million Swiss jobs vacancies predicted in 10 years

Retiring baby-boomers and a shifting job market could mean a shortfall of up to 500,000 workers in Switzerland over the next decade, UBS forecasts. The bank proposes plugging the hole not only by immigration, but also by boosting more old and female workers. Basing its projections on long-term employment statistics, the bank says that the number of jobs to be filled could be anywhere between 300,000 and 500,000 over the next decade.

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Börsen-Talk vom 12. Juli 2019

Bankanalyst Andreas Venditti erwartet bei den Schweizer Grossbanken bessere Zahlen, wie er im Börsen-Talk sagt. Vor allem eine der zwei Banken stehe aber weiter stark unter Druck.

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Börsen-Talk vom 12. Juli 2019

Bankanalyst Andreas Venditti erwartet bei den Schweizer Grossbanken bessere Zahlen, wie er im Börsen-Talk sagt. Vor allem eine der zwei Banken stehe aber weiter stark unter Druck.

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Swiss exports to the US significantly exceed those to Germany for the first time

According to an analysis by the Swiss broadcaster RTS, Switzerland’s EU exports have declined in recent years. Over the first quarter of 2019, for the first time, exports to the US exceeded those to Germany by more than CHF 1 billion reaching CHF 15.7 billion. Exports to the US have risen from 8.3% to 16.3% of total Swiss exports over the last 30 years.

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Some 60 percent of all Swiss banknotes are hoarded, study finds

The amount of Swiss CHF1,000 notes that are hoarded rather than being used in the economy for payments could be as high as 87%, a study by the Swiss National Bank (SNB) has shown. The report, “Demand for Swiss banknotes: some new evidence”, estimates the volume of Swiss banknotes being stashed – rather than spent or invested – over the period 1950-2017.

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Voices from abroad

What do young Swiss abroad think about Switzerland and its politics? Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current affairs and the wider world. Keep up to date and watch the videos wherever you are, whenever you like. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to …

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Rhino rehabilitation and release | A story of survival

Hoedspruit Endangered Species Centre (HESC) has for the first time, successfully released two rhino orphaned from poaching. As the gates opened, and the tentative pair crossed the threshold into the reserve, the magnitude of the moment became apparent. Tears and laughter were shared as Gertjie and Matimba were given a second chance at life, and …

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The rich get poorer for the first time since 2011

After seven years of growth, both the number of high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) around the world and their total wealth declined in 2018, according to the latest World Wealth Report by consultants Capgemini. This trend was also seen in Switzerland.

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How much of my wealth should be offshore?

In a globalised world where money is moving freely, it is estimated that up to 50% of your wealth should be offshore. Annelise Peers, Chief Investment Officer, Investec Wealth & Investment, Switzerland discusses how Swiss and Japanese investors generally invest 50% of their wealth onshore and then go offshore for more volatile, riskier assets that …

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Are You Smarter Than A Lwando? Maps gets behind the wheel of vehicle finance

Welcome to a uniquely mzansi game show Are You Smarter Than A Lwando?, which is adorably hosted by little Lwando, with our very own Investec Private Banking brand ambassador, Maps Maponyane in the “hot seat”. In this episode, Maps learns about all things “VrrPha!”. From saving for a deposit on a vehicle to the hidden …

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Investing: Don’t sell your winners

Why time in the market is a better approach to investing than timing the market, according to John Haynes, Head of Research and Chairman of the Global Investment Strategy Group at Investec Wealth & Investment. Read more:

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Investing: Time in the market vs timing the market?

Research shows that those who stay invested over the long run in a well-diversified portfolio will generally do better than those who try to profit from turning points in the market. The Global Investment Strategy Group from Investec Wealth & Investment share their views. Read more:

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Is diversification a good investment strategy?

Why having an undiversified investment strategy a risky proposition, says the Global Investment Strategy Group from Investec Wealth & Investment. Read more:

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Starmus, a rare constellation of intelligence and talent

The six-day festival in Zurich, Starmus, was the stuff of dreams for space enthusiasts – but why was the attendance so low? — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and …

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How likely is a US-China trade war?

A resolution of the US-China trade war is necessary to avoid a global stagflationary shock. This is according to self-proclaimed China bull, John Haynes, Head of Research and Chairman of the Global Investment Strategy Group at Investec Wealth & Investment. Read more:

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Fête d’anniversaire de Topsy | UBS Topsy

Fête d’anniversaire de Topsy. Un dessin animé d’UBS Suisse sur YouTube: UBS Suisse – votre banque depuis plus de 150 ans. Topsy fête son anniversaire avec ses amis devant la cabane. Comme il fait très chaud, ils décident d’aller en vélo jusqu’au lac. L’aventure commence… Jouer et s’amuser avec Topsy – le monde UBS …

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Festa di compleanno di Topsy | UBS Topsy

Festa di compleanno di Topsy. Un cartone animato YouTube di UBS Svizzera: UBS Svizzera – La vostra banca da oltre 150 anni. Per il suo compleanno Topsy festeggia assieme ai suoi amici davanti alla casetta sull’albero. Fa molto caldo, perciò decidono di fare un giro in bicicletta al lago di montagna. Così l’avventura ha …

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Topsys Geburtstagsparty | UBS Topsy

Topsys Geburtstagsparty. Ein YouTube-Trickfilm von UBS Schweiz: UBS Schweiz – Ihre Bank seit über 150 Jahren. Topsy feiert seinen Geburtstag zusammen mit seinen Freunden vor dem Baumhaus. Da es so heiss ist kommt ihnen die Idee mit dem Fahrrad zum Bergsee zu fahren. Eine abenteuerliche Anfahrt beginnt… Spiel und Spass mit dem Sparfuchs Topsy …

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TGV trains run again between Geneva and France

The international TGV rail link between Geneva and France, which had been affected by the hot weather, has been repaired. Trains have been running since 5am on Sunday. Hot weather had buckled the tracks at La Plaine in canton Geneva, requiring repair work on Saturday, the Swiss Federal Railways said on Sunday.

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