Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Complaint filed against Federer and other Instagram influencers

A Swiss consumer protection organisation has filed a complaint against Swiss tennis star Roger Federer and several other celebrity “influencers”, accusing them of “stealth advertising” on Instagram and other social media sites.

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Federal fat cats see bonuses fall  

The salaries of top managers at Swiss government-affiliated companies shrank last year due to smaller bonuses, according to a federal report published on Friday. Top state earner, Andreas Meyer, head of Swiss Federal Railways, saw his earnings fall below CHF1 million for the first time: down to CHF987,442 ($1 million) from CHF1,007,000 in 2017, the report found.

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Herbert Sterchi, Crypto Valley Association

Krypto-Unternehmen sind für die Schweiz Chance und Risiko. Trotz der Kontroverse um die in Genf registrierte Facebook-Währung Libra glaubt Herbert Sterchi vom Finanzdepartement des «Krypto-Kantons» Zug an die Chancen.

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Herbert Sterchi, Crypto Valley Association

Krypto-Unternehmen sind für die Schweiz Chance und Risiko. Trotz der Kontroverse um die in Genf registrierte Facebook-Währung Libra glaubt Herbert Sterchi vom Finanzdepartement des «Krypto-Kantons» Zug an die Chancen.

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Swiss poised to retaliate against EU stock market access

The Swiss finance ministry has reaffirmed that it is ready to ban stock exchanges in the European Union from trading Swiss shares – in a worsening row with Brussels over the future of bilateral relations. “In the event of stock market equivalence not being extended, the finance ministry will activate this protective measure. [….] Consequently, trading venues in the EU would lose recognition,” the ministry said on Monday.

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Börsen-Talk vom 21. Juni 2019

Der Run auf defensive Aktien hat den SMI über die Rekordmarke von 10'000 Punkten getrieben. Anlageexperte Thomas Steinemann rät Investoren aber, sich auf einen Aufschwung kleinerer und zyklischer Titel vorzubereiten.

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Starmus, the festival where stars and music align

Garik Israelian is an astrophysicist and a musician. Brian May is a musician and an astrophysicist. Together, the two friends created the Starmusexternal link Festival, five days during which spirit, soul, and senses come together in Zurich from June 24-29. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is …

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Ice cream by boat on a picturesque Swiss lake

André van Sprundel is a successful businessman with an unusual hobby. He is the only person in the country who sells ice cream to bathers by boat. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. …

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Börsen-Talk vom 21. Juni 2019

Der Run auf defensive Aktien hat den SMI über die Rekordmarke von 10’000 Punkten getrieben. Anlageexperte Thomas Steinemann rät Investoren aber, sich auf einen Aufschwung kleinerer und zyklischer Titel vorzubereiten.

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Smartphone shopping boosts online trade

Online shopping accounts for an ever bigger slice of the Swiss retail market as shopping via smartphone also becomes more popular with consumers, says a new report. Last year, Swiss consumers placed online orders worth a total of almost CHF 10 billion ($10 billion), according to the "E-Commerce Report 2019" published on Thursday. This represents an increase of 10 percent compared with the previous year.

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Swiss-EU friction rises in lead up to expiry of stock market equivalence

In 2018, Switzerland and the EU struck a deal to extend Swiss stock market equivalence until 30 June 2019, a date fast approaching. Stock market equivalence makes a trade on the Swiss stock exchange equivalent to a trade on an exchange in an EU country. This allows trades to be pooled across countries, something that supports global trade and improves international market liquidity, a win-win for all traders.

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Millionaires in Switzerland still on the rise

Switzerland is home to the fourth-largest number of dollar millionaire households, according to a report by the Boston Consultancy Group (BCG). Worldwide, the number of such millionaires continues to rise. There are now some 500,000 millionaire households in Switzerland, BCG said, putting the Swiss in fourth place behind the US (around 15 million), China (1.3 million), and Japan (1.1 million).

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A third of young Swiss experience financial hardship

Around 30% of young adults in Switzerland have faced financial difficulties, according to data from the Young Adult Survey Switzerland (YASS). The survey, which questions some 70,000 19-year-olds around the country every four years, aims to gain an “empiric and interdisciplinary insight” into the “educational biographies, living conditions and social and political orientations” of young Swiss adults.

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Matt Siddle, Fidelity Investments

Für Matt Siddle, Portfolio Manager bei Fidelity, ist der Schweizer Pharma-Riese Roche zurzeit günstig wie selten bewertet. Auch ein anderes europäisches Schwergewicht lädt zum Einstieg ein.

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Matt Siddle, Fidelity Investments

Für Matt Siddle, Portfolio Manager bei Fidelity, ist der Schweizer Pharma-Riese Roche zurzeit günstig wie selten bewertet. Auch ein anderes europäisches Schwergewicht lädt zum Einstieg ein.

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Six trends shaping cities of the future

With commercial and industrial office buildings consuming nearly 30% of the world’s energy, smart building innovation is essential in the fight against climate change. Investec recently took some of South Africa’s top entrepreneurs in the property and construction sectors to Berlin as part of its Global Young Entrepreneurs Programme. Here we share some the top …

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General Electric to slash 450 more Swiss jobs

United States engineering giant General Electric has revealed it will cut a further 450 jobs at two of its Swiss sites. Since 2016, the company has already shed some 2,000 workers. The company, which generated profits of $954 million (CHF952 million) last year, blamed the latest cuts on “financially challenging conditions”. But its GE Power division reported an operating loss of nearly $1 billion globally.

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Rising above the noise

At an Investec In Conversation event titled ‘Rising above the noise’, a panel consisting of Lesetja Kganyago (Sarb governor), Chris Holdsworth (Investec investment strategist) and Ferial Haffajee (political journalist), debated the various political and economic scenarios, both locally and globally, likely to affect the South African economy, separating the reality from the rhetoric. Watch full …

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Swiss health insurance deductibles to remain changeable annually

One idea for containing rising healthcare costs was to remove the possibility of changing health insurance deductibles every year, making it possible only every three years. If people are able to switch from high to low deductibles annually then they can save money by opting for a high deductible one year, while postponing visits to the doctor until the following year when they opt for a low one.

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Swiss gold refinery turns back on artisanal miners

Swiss gold refinery Metalor Technologies has announced it will no longer deal with artisanal mining operations. The company cites the increasing cost of ensuring that gold is being produced by small mines in compliance with human rights and environmental standards. Metalor has come under repeated fire for doing business with gold mines in South America that care neither for their workers or surrounding habitat.

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