Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

George Friedman: Trump Reflects a Global Shift in Politics

Subscribe to Friedman’s free publication “This Week in Geopolitics” (…) and get an in-depth view of the forces that will drive events and investors in the next year, decade, or even a century from now. — Are you confused as to why Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders—who are true opposites—lead the polls? Geopolitics expert George …

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Bernd Raffelhüschen, Leiter Forschungszentrum Generationenverträge

Die obligatorische Altersvorsorge in der Schweiz hat ein Finanzierungsproblem. Doch die Reformvorschläge sind laut AHV-Experte Bernd Raffelhüschen ungenügend. Für ihn gibt es nur eine Lösung, wie er im Interview mit cash sagt.

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Sergio Ermotti, CEO der UBS-Gruppe

Die Aktie der UBS gerät am Dienstag an der Börse arg unter die Räder. Im Interview sagt CEO Sergio Ermotti, wie zufrieden er mit dem Jahresergebnis ist und wie die künftige Dividendenpolitik aussieht.

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Börsen-Talk vom 2. Februar 2016

Die Aktienmärkte in den USA befänden sich bereits in einem Bärenmarkt, und dieser dürfte weitergehen, sagt Marc Faber im Börsen-Talk. Einige Risikoinvestments gibts laut Faber dennoch.

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George Friedman’s 2016 Forecast: Latin America Rising

Get access to George Friedman’s deepest insights and forecasts at Geopolitical Futures: — The last one isn’t an issue but an opportunity emerged as a result of the turmoil in China. Slowing growth in China has global capital looking for new places to invest, and Latin America seems like a perfect alternative. Friedman says …

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George Friedman’s 2016 Forecast: China’s Downturn

Get access to George Friedman’s deepest insights and forecasts at Geopolitical Futures: — After dominating the growth charts for decades, China is slowing down. Friedman says the extraordinarily poor country (over a billion people earning less than $3 a day) is reaching its limits. With unrest rising, Beijing is clamping down and evolving toward …

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George Friedman’s 2016 Forecast: The European Financial Crisis

Get access to George Friedman’s deepest insights and forecasts at Geopolitical Futures: — Europe is on the verge of a perfect financial storm. The US, however, is trying hard to stay out of Europe’s financial situation. Greece and Germany are at odds over debt repayments, but both are key US allies and Washington does …

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George Friedman’s 2016 Forecast: The Refugee Crisis

Get access to George Friedman’s deepest insights and forecasts at Geopolitical Futures: — Despite the headlines, Friedman says Europe’s refugee crisis really isn’t about refugees. It is about the European Union’s inability to collectively manage major problems. Just as it failed in Greece, the EU apparatus is proving itself incapable of managing refugee flows. …

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George Friedman’s 2016 Forecast: Crisis in Ukraine

Get access to George Friedman’s deepest insights and forecasts at Geopolitical Futures: — From Russia’s viewpoint, Ukraine is a critical buffer zone that must be either neutral or allied with Russia. The US might allow this but needed something in return. Putin’s defense of Syria’s Assad regime might do it. The US needs Assad …

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George Friedman’s 2016 Forecast: ISIS

Get access to George Friedman’s deepest insights and forecasts at Geopolitical Futures: — Friedman says no one alive today has ever seen a terrorist army quite like ISIS, and no one is quite sure how to handle it. It is quickly becoming the international center of gravity, forcing the US and Europe to change …

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“Our Journey” – Investec introduces GB Women’s Hockey

Passion, grit, determination. Investec share the same values as the GB Women’s Hockey team, striving for success in everything we do. Watch the first in our series of films introducing the GB Women’s Hockey Team as they head into the biggest year of their lives. This is their journey. Follow the GB Women’s Hockey team …

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Swiss government plan to reduce doctors’ visits

Some Swiss politicians would like to focus minds on the costs of going to the doctor to reduce the number going for the most minor of reasons. Their plan would require deductibles to rise annually in line with increases in the cost of basic health insurance. Higher deductibles, they think, would put people off going to the doctor unecessarily, reducing pressure on the health system.

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Börsen-Talk vom 29. Januar 2016

Für Alfred Herbert ist die China-Krise noch nicht ausgestanden. Der cash-Guru analysiert die Folgen für den Schweizer Aktienmarkt und verrät auch, welche der beiden grossen Pharmaaktien im Moment die bessere Wahl ist.

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John Sculley, ex-CEO Apple und Pepsi

Früher Apple-CEO, heute Fintech-Investor: Im cash-Video-Interview cash sagt John Sculley, auf welche Startups er setzt und ob er trotz Baisse des Aktienkurses noch an Apple glaubt.

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WorldWebForum-Portrait: Post-CEO Susanne Ruoff über ihren digitalen Alltag

Susanne Ruoff, CEO der Schweizerischen Post AG & Mitglied des Strategic Board des WORLDWEBFORUM spricht über die Digitalisierung und ihre Herangehensweise an die Transformation ihres Lebens und ihres Unternehmens.

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WorldWebForum-Portrait: Marc Walder zur Digitalisierung des Alltags

Marc Walder, CEO von Ringier & Mitglied des Strategic Board des WORLDWEBFORUM, spricht über die Digitalisierung und seine Herangehensweise an die Transformation in seinem Leben und seinem Unternehmen.

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WorldWebForum-Portrait: Swisscom-CEO Urs Schäppi über seinen digitalen Alltag

Urs Schäppi, CEO der Swisscom AG und Mitglied des Strategic Board des WORLDWEBFORUM spricht über die Digitalisierung und ihre Herangehensweise an die Transformation seines Lebens und seines Unternehmens.

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How was the Investec GIBS Savings Index constructed?

Learn more about how the Investec GIBS Savings Index was constructed and the score that South Africa achieves for 2015.

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Insights from the Investec GIBS Savings Index

René Grobler and Prof. Adrian Saville (GIBS) discuss some of the key insights that come from the Investec GIBS Savings Index

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Highlights of the Investec GIBS Savings Index

Some key highlights from the Investec GIBS Savings Index

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