Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Marina Walsh: An Out of the Ordinary Artist

According to Marina Walsh, one of the biggest challenges is to sculpt a horse. Discover how sculptor Marina Walsh overcame the challenge and crafted her inspiration into the Investec Day of Dreams trophy. Be inspired. See more #OutoftheOrdinary stories at

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George Friedman: Brussels Attacks Prove Europe Can’t Stop Terrorism

George Friedman writes the free weekly column “This Week in Geopolitics” ( for Mauldin Economics. Subscribe now and get an in-depth view of the forces that will drive events and investors in the next year, decade, or even a century from now. — Geopolitical expert George Friedman wasn’t surprised when terror struck Brussels this week. …

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Amlan Roy, Head of Demographics and Pensions Research bei der Credit Suisse

Weshalb die Produktivität ins Stocken geraten ist und wie sie wieder erhöht werden kann, erklärt Amlan Roy, Demographie-Experte der CS, im cash-Video-Interview. Auch spricht er über die Folgen von Jugendarbeitslosigkeit.

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Dan Kemp, Anlagechef von Morningstar

Notenbanken und die China-Entwicklung lenken Investoren nur vor den wahren Fakten ab, meint Dan Kemp von Morningstar. Der Anlagechef sagt im cash-Interview auch, in welchen unbeliebten Märkten die grossen Chancen liegen

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Michael Krautzberger, Anleihenspezialist Blackrock

Was die Vorteile von Helikoptergeld sein könnten, erklärt Michael Krautzberger, Anleihenexperte bei Blackrock, im cash-Interview. Ausserdem sagt er, weshalb der jüngste EZB-Entscheid in seinen Augen sinnvoll war.

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George Friedman: Putin’s Syria Retreat Was a Favor to the US

George Friedman writes the free weekly column “This Week in Geopolitics” ( for Mauldin Economics. Subscribe now and get an in-depth view of the forces that will drive events and investors in the next year, decade, or even a century from now. — News that Russian President Vladimir Putin had ordered a Russian air wing …

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Investec | Coaching for Conservation Wildlife Walk

Coaching for Conservation hosted its first Grade 7 Wildlife Walk. We were delighted to see the extent to which children had remembered information they had been taught in previous years, and had internalised C4C’s mantra of respect for self, others and the environment. This evidenced by how their attitudes and behaviour had changed since participating …

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Börsen-Talk vom 17. März 2016

Caroline Hilb kommentiert den Zinsentscheid der SNB.

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Christian Buhl, CEO Geberit

Viele Investoren hätten von Geberit eine grosszügigere Dividendenerhöhung für 2015 erwartet. CEO Christian Buhl nimmt im cash-Video-Interview Stellung zur Höhe der Ausschüttung an die Aktionäre.

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26. Morningstar Fund Awards Switzerland

Zum 26. Mal kürte Morningstar in Zusammenarbeit mit cash die besten Fonds-Häuser und Anlagefonds der Schweiz. Hier sind die Gewinner.

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Alex Danson shares her inspirational journey as a GB Women’s Hockey player

Alex Danson shares her inspirational story, recalling her journey to become an England and GB Women’s Hockey player. Investec share the same values as the GB Women’s Hockey team, striving for success in everything we do. Watch the second in our series of films introducing the GB Women’s Hockey Team as they head into the …

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Ernst Tanner, Präsident und CEO Lindt & Sprüngli

Weshalb Lindt & Sprüngli keinen Aktiensplit plant, erklärt CEO und VR-Präsident Ernst Tanner im Video-Interview mit cash. Ausserdem sagt er, warum vor allem im zweiten Halbjahr 2016 das Wachstum anziehen wird.

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Opening of our Cork office at One Albert Quay

Investec Ireland celebrated the official opening of its new offices in Cork, serving the Munster region.

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Cash-Talk vom 4. März: Eric Scheidegger, Seco-Vizedirektor

Die Rezession kam 2015 zwar nicht, trotzdem hatte die Schweizer Wirtschaft am starken Franken zu beissen. Welche drei Sektoren auch künftig leiden werden, verrät Seco-Vizedirektor Eric Scheidegger im cash-Talk.

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George Hoguet, Investment-Stratege, State Street Global Advisors

George Hoguet erklärt im cash-Interview die Gründe für die hohe Marktvolatilität und die tiefe Inflation. Der Investmentstratege bei State Street Global Advisors äussert sich zudem zu China und Iran.

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George Friedman: Saudi Arabia Is Running Out of Time

Grab the free report “Saudi Arabia—a Failing Kingdom” from John Mauldin and George Friedman (…), which is a must read for every investor who wants to protect their assets… and profit from what happens next. — Geopolitical expert George Friedman says low oil prices could destabilize and possible topple Saudi Arabia’s ruling family long before …

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Investec CA Programme 2017 | What is the 3 Year Journey?

We asked you to ask us your burning questions pertaining to the #InvestecCA Programme. And we answered. This is the fifth in a series of videos to help you make the right decision about your career as a CA. Want to find out a little more about the structure of the programme? Our CA Programme … Continue reading...

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Investec CA Programme 2017 | The Application Process

We asked you to ask us your burning questions pertaining to the #InvestecCA Programme. And we answered. This is the fourth in a series of videos to help you make the right decision about your career as a CA. Want to find out a little more about our application process? Our CA Programme squad offers … Continue reading...

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Börsen-Talk vom 25. Februar 2016

Bei Zurich müsse der neue CEO viel unternehmen, damit der Versicherer für Aktionäre wieder attraktiv wird, sagt Florian Esterer von der Bank J. Safra Sarasin im Börsen-Talk. Er sieht den SMI bis Ende Jahr höher.

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Investec and NZR Rugby Sponsorship Announcement 2016

Investec announces its 5 year partnership with New Zealand Rugby.

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