Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Switzerland not the most expensive in Europe for some mobile packages

Yesterday, the price comparison website Verivox published a study comparing mobile phone costs across 13 european countries. On most measures Switzerland was the most expensive, and by a wide margin. A plan including 100 minutes of talk and 1 Go (gigaoctet1) of data per month costs an average of CHF 25 per month in Switzerland

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Matt Ridley: The EU Won’t Survive in Its Present Form

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Matt Ridley: The EU Won’t Survive in Its Present Form

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Ist unser Geldsystem etwa doch teuflisch?

In seinem Standpunkt „Wie entsteht Geld“ (Inside Paradeplatz vom 31.5.2017) bekräftigt Marc Meyer seine These, dass die herrschende Geldschöpfungstheorie grundlegend falsch sei, weil sie auf Goethes Mephisto basiere. Schon vor vielen Jahren hat sich Meyer für eine alternative Theorie der Geldschöpfung eingesetzt. Dass er deswegen seine Stelle verlor und ein Leben lang vom Arbeitsmarkt der Banken ausgeschlossen wurde, ist ein Skandal.

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Giant carbon-sucking commercial plant launches in Zurich

The world’s first commercial plant to extract carbon dioxide at industrial scale from the air and sell it directly to a buyer opened near Zurich on Wednesday. The machine pipes the gas to a nearby greenhouse to help grow vegetables. The Swiss firm Climeworks external linkturned on the so-called ‘Direct Air Capture (DAC)’ plant in the farming village of Hinwil, Switzerland. The plant aims to supply 900 tonnes of CO2 annually to a nearby greenhouse...

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BioTime’s CEO: Human Aging Will Soon Become a Thing of the Past

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BioTime’s CEO: Human Aging Will Soon Become a Thing of the Past

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Bern museum sells part of controversial inheritance

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Alois Vinzens, CEO Graubündner Kantonalbank

Der Schweizer Hypothekarmarkt steht wegen der Digitalisierung vor einem Umbruch, sagt Alois Vinzens, CEO der Graubündner Kantonalbank, im Interview mit cash. Die SNB-Negativzinsen sieht er bis 2019 auf dem derzeitigen Stand.

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Grant Williams: Get Out of Equities Before Boomers Are Forced to Sell Them

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Grant Williams: Get Out of Equities Before Boomers Are Forced to Sell Them

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Switzerland: Man Convicted For “Liking” Apparently Slanderous Facebook Comments

In the United States, a crazed racist is currently facing murder charges for stabbing multiple men who attempted to stop him from harassing two teenage girls. In a court appearance, he justified his murder of two Americans, one a military veteran, by citing “free speech.”

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Sweeteners proposed for revised corporate tax reform

The government will consider a package of voter-friendly sweeteners, including extra child benefits, as it strives to breathe new life into controversial company tax reforms. The new proposals come less than four months after Swiss voters rejected a major overhaul of the corporation tax landscape.

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Switzerland remains competitive despite issues

The strong franc and corporate tax uncertainty have failed to dislodge Switzerland from second place in an annual ranking of the world’s most competitive economies. The alpine state was also judged by the Lausanne-based IMD business school to have the world’s eighth best digital capability. For the second year in a row, Switzerland was only outclassed by Hong Kong in the 2017 IMD World Competitiveness Yearbookexternal link, released on Wednesday.

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A modern-day school for witches

There are said to be around 1,000 modern-day ‘witches’ living in Switzerland. One of them is Calluna, whose real name is Jacqueline Schaller, from Kallnach, in canton Bern. Swiss Public Television, SRF visited her “school for witches”. (SRF, — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on …

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Mortgage reference rate falls opening way for Swiss rent cuts

Every three months the rate of interest used to set Swiss rents is reviewed. If it goes down some renters have the right to request a decrease in rent. This time it dropped 0.25% to 1.50%. The interest rate used to set the reference rate was the average rate on Swiss mortgages at 31 March 2017 of 1.61% which rounds to 1.50% under the rounding rules, which round to the nearest quarter of a percent.

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Swiss farmers reject palm oil cow supplements

The Swiss Farmers’ Association has called on members to stop feeding dairy cows supplements that contain palm oil. The revelation has embarrassed the organisation that has been fighting against palm oil imports from Asia.

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Raoul Pal: Bitcoin Is Mania, Not a Store of Value

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Raoul Pal: Bitcoin Is Mania, Not a Store of Value

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Swiss healthcare ranked third globally for preventing death

A study of data from 195 countries from 1990 to 2015 published recently in the medical journal The Lancet, ranks Switzerland’s healthcare system third. The analysis looked at mortality rates from causes that should not be fatal in the presence of effective medical care. It considered both healthcare access and quality and was designed with the aim of normalising for local environmental and behavioural risks.

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