Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

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Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

The Internet Helped Kill Inflation In America, Says Credit Suisse

Whether or not San Francisco Fed President John Williams is right about US inflation and employment being about as close to the central bank’s targets as investors have seen - as he told CNBC two days ago - is irrelevant: The central bank is going to raise interest rates two more times this year no matter what happens to consumer prices, says Credit Suisse Chief Investment Officer for Switzerland Burkhard Varnholt.

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Bernhardiner Nachwuchs

The Barry Foundation celebrated the arrival of two St Bernard litters at the end of March. The dogs were traditionally used to rescue people from avalanches in the mountains, but were later bred at the foundation in western-Switzerland which was set up to preserve the place of the dog in Swiss culture. (SRF, At … Continue reading...

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Lacy Hunt: The Fed’s Monetary Policy Is Destabilizing

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Lacy Hunt: The Fed’s Monetary Policy Is Destabilizing

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cash E-Banking Tutorial: Übersicht

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Record research spending defies currency woes

Swiss companies invested record volumes in research and development (R&D) in 2015, despite the franc exploding in value at the start of that year. The private sector was responsible for most of the CHF22 billion ($22.6 billion) R&D spending in 2015, according to official figures released on Monday. This was an increase of 10.5% from the last time such spending was measured by the Federal Statistical Officeexternal link in 2012.

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Strong franc scares off investment in Switzerland

The strong franc continues to scare off foreign investors to Switzerland, while at the same time driving Swiss manufacturing abroad. These are the findings of the latest annual Ernst & Young foreign direct investment (FDI) survey released on Friday.

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Swiss farmers expect meagre fruit harvest after losses

An unusual end-of-April frost is expected to cost Swiss fruit producers some CHF100 million ($102 million) in damages and as much as three-quarters of their crop this year.

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Michael Pieper, CEO Artemis Group

Michael Pieper über den Verlauf der Finanzmärkte.

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Big debts at 18 because parents didn’t pay Swiss health insurance bills

A recent article in the newspaper 20 Minutes highlights the nasty surprise some young people experience when their parents fail to pay their health insurance premiums. Turning 18 is one of life’s key milestones. It corresponds with the end of school and entry into a new world. In Switzerland it is also a health insurance milestone.

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Some Swiss cantons overwhelmed with confessions of tax evasion

Ahead of the automatic exchange of bank account information, which comes into effect at the beginning of next year, Swiss residents with undeclared foreign bank accounts are rushing to come clean to the tax authorities, according to Swiss broadcaster RTS.

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Swiss mobile providers perform well

Speed, availability, network responsiveness: on all counts, the mobile experience in Switzerland is “an excellent one”, according to a new report. But improvements could still be made to advance on the leader board. This is the verdict published Wednesday May 24 by OpenSignal, a London-based private held company that issues industry reports based on crowdsourced data from worldwide users of its OpenSignal app.

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Swiss working conditions slip

The Swiss spend three hours more per week on average at the office than other Europeans, but working conditions are still good. While the overall health and well-being of Swiss employees is still good, a new survey shows that Switzerland has lost its place ahead of 34 other European countries when it comes to stress and autonomy in the workplace.

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New LafargeHolcim CEO given market approval

The markets have welcomed LafargeHolcim’s choice of chief executive to guide the company out of a reputational hole. Jan Jenisch, who will take over in October, has experienced difficult situations having spent the last two and a half years driving up Sika’s results against the backdrop of a shareholder civil war.

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Ian Bremmer: Cyberterrorism Is Coming and That Worries Me a Lot

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Ian Bremmer: Cyberterrorism Is Coming and That Worries Me a Lot

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Poor not being pushed out of Swiss cities

It is widely believed that as the price of real estate climbs those on low incomes are forced out of city centres. A study by the University of Geneva, commissioned by the Swiss Federal Statistical Office focused on the period between 2010 and 2014, shows this is not true in Switzerland.

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The Investec Derby Festival: Experience Different

Strong relationships lead to success. They’re intuitive. They’re forward looking. They develop over time. This is how the winners of the greatest flat race in the world are created. The Investec Derby Festival. Experience different.

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cash-Talk vom 26. Mai 2017

Der Schweizer Wohnungsmarkt verändert sich vielerorts zugunsten der Mieter. Im cash-Talk sagt Immoscout24-Direktor Martin Waeber, ob die Mieten weiter sinken und wie man zu einem tieferen Mietzins kommt.

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Swiss rated third in health services quality survey

Switzerland has been rated third in a global ranking of the access to and the quality of healthcare systems – a report that shows large gaps between the best and worst ranked countries.​​​​​​​ The survey, published online on Thursday in the medical journal The Lancetexternal link, looked at healthcare quality in 195 countries.

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