Category Archive: 2) Swiss and European Macro

Main Author George Dorgan
George Dorgan
George Dorgan (penname) predicted the end of the EUR/CHF peg at the CFA Society and at many occasions on and on this blog. Several Swiss and international financial advisors support the site. These firms aim to deliver independent advice from the often misleading mainstream of banks and asset managers. George is FinTech entrepreneur, financial author and alternative economist. He speak seven languages fluently.

Helikoptergeld in den USA? “Ich kann mir jetzt alles bis zum Reset vorstellen”, sagt Robert Vitye

Die USA planen offensichtlich Helikoptergeld in den nächsten zwei Wochen. „Wir wollen schnell Schecks verschicken. Amerikaner brauchen jetzt Cash”, sagte US-Finanzminister Steve Mnuchin bei einer Pressekonferenz. Diese Maßnahme reiht sich in die vielen anderen Aktionen von Politik und den Notenbanken der vergangenen Tage ein, wie zum Beispiel die drastische Zinssenkung der FED am Sonntag. Robert …

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Yanis Varoufakis on the economic and political impact of the coronavirus

Yanis Varoufakis on the economic and political impact of the coronavirus

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Coronavirus: Federal Council declares ‘extraordinary situation’ and introduces more stringent measures

At an extraordinary meeting today, 16 March 2020, the Federal Council took the decision to introduce more stringent measures to protect the public. It has declared that an ‘extraordinary situation’ now exists in Switzerland in terms of the Epidemics Act. All shops, restaurants, bars and entertainment and leisure facilities will remain closed until 19 April.

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1+1 I Yanis Varoufakis I Virüs krizi derinleştiriyor

Gündem küresel ve tek başlıklı. Ve çok boyutlu. Her biri başka bir meseleye açılıyor ve hepsi aynı kapıya çıkıyor: Küresel düzen ve faili siyasal iktisat. Ve herkesin zihnini kurcalayan soru: Koronavirüs salgınının iktisadi ve siyasi sonuçları neler olacak? Grexit döneminde Syriza hükümetinin maliye bakanı olan, partisinin AB’ye teslim bayrağı çekmesinin ardından Avrupa’da Demokrasi Hareketi 2025’in …

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Yanis Varoufakis: “The Coronavirus is going to accelerate the post 2008 Crisis”

In this video the economist and co-founder of DiEM25 Yanis Varoufakis, examines the socio-economic implications of the Coronavirus. This video was originally produced by DiEM25 and republished by acTVism Munich in order to create awareness on this issue. Credit: To read the transcript of this video: DEUTSCH: Aufgrund der begrenzten finanziellen und technischen …

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Robert Vitye | Corona-Sturm an den Kapitalmärkten – Endspiel der Notenbanken

Robert Vitye, Geschäftsführer der SOLIT Gruppe, kommentiert die aktuelle Ausnahmesituation an den weltweiten Kapitalmärkten. Die Zentralbanken sind weltweit mit ihren Interventionen „all-in“ gegangen – die Wirkung scheint jedoch zu verpuffen. Was bedeutet dieser Kontrollverlust für die Märkte? Was folgt auf die aktuellen Friktionen – steht gar ein Währungsneustart bevor? Darüber hinaus informiert er über die …

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Sind die Notenbanken machtlos?

► Folge mir bei Instagram: ► Kennst Du schon meinen Podcast? Hier findest Du ihn bei • Google Podcasts: • iTunes:ür-die-erfolgreiche/id1455853622 • Spotify: In diesem Video möchte ich für euch...

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DiEM25’s Yanis Varoufakis on the economic & political impact of the coronavirus

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Yanis Varoufakis on the economic and political impact of the coronavirus | DiEM25

Yanis Varoufakis, DiEM25 co-founder and MeRA25 MP, on the economic and political impact of the coronavirus.

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Markus Lanz vom 10.03.2020 (Hans-Werner Sinn, Prof. Dr. Alexander Kekulé, Boris Pistorius …)

Wo am besten seriös Bitcoin oder Altcoins kaufen?: ►Binance BTC: ► 19SHdLABZvh3NEFPTkZjAFrBUJYY8SoY38 _______________________________________________________________________________ Bester Online Broker: (Kostenloses Wertpapierdepot zum Kauf von Aktien, ETF`s usw.) ►Comdirect

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23 Eurogroup 11 May, Yanis Varoufakis

Yanis Varoufakis: “You’re tempting me to say that I would like institutions to say the same thing, but I’m not going to say that because I want to be helpful. So, we shall accept this even though we state for the record that this is a two way process. There are two people, two people, … Continue reading »

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21 Eurogroup 11 May, Yanis Varoufakis

Yanis Varoufakis: “I, I, I would like to suggest, uh, a small amendment, uh, that, uh, you will … Let me just suggest then you’ll see exactly what the, where I’m coming from. In the last sentence of the first paragraph where you say, “We therefore, with therefore, not called, we therefore call upon,” right? …

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20 Eurogroup 11 May, Yanis Varoufakis

Yanis Varoufakis: “Let me remind you colleagues that even though we have no market access, we haven’t had market access for a very long while, and we have no disbursements for eight months now. Our government is continuing to meet all its obligations to international creditors. We will be doing again this tomorrow morning.”

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19 Eurogroup 11 May, Yanis Varoufakis

Yanis Varoufakis: “Now, besides the importance of acknowledging these concessions and their contribution to the conversions that we’ve all observed, it is also important to ensure that our communicate today plays a role in securing the advances we’ve made so far.”

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6 Eurogroup 24 April, Yanis Varoufakis

Yanis Varoufakis: “I understand the view that only major pressure can progress be made and that includes liquidity pressure. But let me also say that too much pressure, too much duress may cause, can cause a breakdown of a negotiation perfectly capable of yielding a successful agreement.”

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4 Eurogroup 24 April, Yanis Varoufakis

Yanis Varoufakis: “On the question of liquidity, a colleague mentioned that, suggested or opined that the liquidity problem we have is a natural economic adjustment. Let me beg to differ colleagues. The Greek state lives within its means. Has been doing so for a year now. We have a small but nevertheless positive primary surplus.”

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2. Scientists for Future II : Greta Thunberg Fridays for Future Parents for Future – Original stammt vom Video-Verteiler der 2.Scientists for Future II – COOPERATION mit 2.Scientists for Future II ist Eure und unsere allereinzige Chance !!! Jede Ausgabe setzt die Kenntnis aller anderen voraus, mindestens der Nr....

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Yanis Varoufakis: The fight against pandemics can only be won with free, public health care | DiEM25

Speech by the Secretary General of MERA25, Yanis Varoufakis, in the Greek Parliament on the “Prevention, protection and promotion of health – Development of public health services”. MeRA25’s Proposal for 7 + 1 measures to support the economy in view of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Heiner Flassbeck: Warum wir MEGA-Schulden brauchen – und Trump Recht hat // Mission Money

Sind Schulden wirklich gefährlich? Und stecken wir schon lange in der Rezession? Ökonom Heiner Flassbeck erklärt im Video, warum die Amerikaner viel besser aufgestellt sind als die Europäer und was Angela Merkel von Donald Trump lernen kann. Denn Flassbeck rechnet ab mit Deutschland: Trump habe Recht mit seiner Kritik, weil Deutschland in den letzten 10 …

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Soutien de Yanis Varoufakis à la liste “Un nouveau souffle pour Mons” élections municipales 2020.

Yanis Varoufakis, fondateur du mouvement Diem25 exprime son soutien à la liste “Un nouveau souffle pour Mons” LFI-EELV-Diem25.

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