Category Archive: 2) Swiss and European Macro

Main Author George Dorgan
George Dorgan
George Dorgan (penname) predicted the end of the EUR/CHF peg at the CFA Society and at many occasions on and on this blog. Several Swiss and international financial advisors support the site. These firms aim to deliver independent advice from the often misleading mainstream of banks and asset managers. George is FinTech entrepreneur, financial author and alternative economist. He speak seven languages fluently.

Pictet – Multi-Generational Wealth, Singapore (Abridged version)

In Asia, we are seeing a generational shift as the region’s wealth creators hand over stewardship of family wealth to their sons and daughters. As this second generation’s influence grows, the management of family assets and investments is becoming increasingly sophisticated. Over the years, Pictet has been a successful partner in helping both families and their Family Offices to complete this process, and it was among the topics addressed during...

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Pictet – Multi-Generational Wealth, Singapore (Full version)

In Asia, we are seeing a generational shift as the region’s wealth creators hand over stewardship of family wealth to their sons and daughters. As this second generation’s influence grows, the management of family assets and investments is becoming increasingly sophisticated. Over the years, Pictet has been a successful partner in helping both families and their Family Offices to complete this process, and it was among the topics addressed during...

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Pictet – Multi-Generational Wealth, Singapore (Abridged version)

In Asia, we are seeing a generational shift as the region’s wealth creators hand over stewardship of family wealth to their sons and daughters. As this second generation’s influence grows, the management of family assets and investments is becoming increasingly sophisticated. Over the years, Pictet has been a successful partner in helping both families and …

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Pictet – Multi-Generational Wealth, Singapore (Full version)

In Asia, we are seeing a generational shift as the region’s wealth creators hand over stewardship of family wealth to their sons and daughters. As this second generation’s influence grows, the management of family assets and investments is becoming increasingly sophisticated. Over the years, Pictet has been a successful partner in helping both families and …

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Pension fund statistics 2017: definitive results

The pension funds can look back on a positive year of investment: net income from investments doubled in 2017, strengthening the reserves and reducing any underfunding. These are some of the final results from the Federal Statistical Office’s 2017 pension fund statistics. You will find further information such as tables and graphs in the PDF below.

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Tesla: Ich kaufe, wenn…

► TIPP: Sichere Dir wöchentlich meine Tipps zu Gold, Aktien, ETFs & Co. – 100% gratis: Tesla hat zuletzt einen spektakulären Quartalsgewinn erzielt und handelt deshalb auch knapp unter dem Allzeithoch. Ich möchte auf zwei Punkte aus diesem Quartalsbericht eingehen von denen ich denke, dass 90% der Anleger sie vermutlich übersehen haben, obwohl sie …

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Peter Bofinger – The Digitalization of Money and Currency Competition of Cryptocurrencies

Peter Bofinger, professor of economics and member of the German Council of Economic Experts of the German government talks about the digitalization of money. Learn about the concept of currency competition and the implications of the digitalization of money in this video and on the website: Keynote: “Digitalization and currency competition” at the Conference …

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Heiner Flassbeck: Wechselkursregime – Makroskop Kongress 2018

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Heiner Flassbeck räumt mit dem Mythos auf, Griechenland habe die europäische Finanzkrise verursacht

Videokanal: Quelle: Mr.SillyLine Veröffentlicht: 28.0.12017

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ECB: Still Broadly Confident, but Caution Increasing

The ECB kept its key rates unchanged (i.e. the main refinancing at 0.00%; the marginal lending facility rate at 0.25% and the deposit rate at -0.4%), in line with consensus. The ECB’s forward guidance on interest rates was kept unchanged. The ECB expects its policy rates to “remain at their present levels at least through the summer of 2019”.

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Yanis Varoufakis addressing Generation-s – European Spring, Paris 6 Dec 2018

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‘Europe’s problem is its failed economic system, not migration’ – Yanis Varoufakis | DiEM25

“In the face of divisive nationalist movements, MEP Candidate and DiEM25 co-founder Yanis Varoufakis wants the world’s progressives to fight for democratic rights.” Credits Originally published by CNN at

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Swiss Producer and Import Price Index in November 2018: +1.4 percent YoY, -0.3 percent MoM

The Producer and Import Price Index fell in November 2018 by 0.3% compared with the previous month, reaching 103.1 points (December 2015 = 100). This decline is due in particular to lower prices for pharmaceutical products. Compared with November 2017, the price level of the whole range of domestic and imported products rose by 1.4%.

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EU Recession Imminent – Euro Disunion as Brexit, Italy and End of QE Loom

Someone asked recently how many times I had “crossed the pond” to Europe. I really don’t know. Certainly dozens of times. It’s been several times a year for as long as I remember. That makes me an extremely unusual American. Most of us never visit Europe, except maybe for a rare dream vacation. And that’s okay because our own country is wonderful and has a lifetime of sights to see.

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Diese Aktien gewinnen in der Krise!

► TIPP: Sichere Dir wöchentlich meine Tipps zu Gold, Aktien, ETFs & Co. – 100% gratis: Diese Aktien sind die Gewinner einer Krise. Und dabei spielt es eigentlich eine untergeordnete Rolle, ob wir über eine Krise am Aktienmarkt oder eine wirtschaftliche Krise sprechen. In beiden Fällen sollte man ein Auge auf diese Kandidaten haben. …

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181205 Marcel Fratzscher

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Auftakt 18/19 – Festrede von Prof. Dr. Hans-Werner Sinn

Mit dem Ökonom Prof. Dr. Hans-Werner Sinn als Festredner haben die Universität Oldenburg und die Universitätsgesellschaft Oldenburg e.V. (UGO) das Akademische Jahr 2018/2019 eröffnet. Die UGO würdigte an diesem Abend auch drei herausragende Wissenschaftlerinnen: Den „Preis für exzellente Forschung“ erhielten in diesem Jahr die Biologin Dr. Maren Striebel und die Physikerin Dr. Antonietta De Sio: …

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Wo die Not am größten, bleibt die EZB am nächsten

Der Europäische Gerichtshof hat entschieden, dass Anleihekäufe nicht das Mandat der EZB überschreiten und damit rechtens sind. Welche Dimension hat dieses wegweisende Urteil und welche nachhaltigen geldpolitischen Folgen sind mit ihm für die Eurozone, die Schuldenstaaten und natürlich die Finanzmärkte verbunden? Robert Halver mit seinen Einschätzungen aus dem Frankfurter Börsensaal

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‘Paris’ Technocrats Face Another Drop

How quickly things change. Only a few days ago, a fuel tax in France was blamed for widespread rioting. Today, Emmanuel Macron’s government under siege threatens to break its fiscal budget. Having given up on gasoline and diesel, the French government now promises wage increases and tax cuts.

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Yanis Varoufakis lancia la campagna European Spring 13-06-18 Macao Milano

Varoufakis a Milano per presentare il programma di DIEM 25, la lista transnazionale che parteciperà alle elezioni europee del 2019 per arrivare a democratizzare e rendere trasparente il funzionamento dell’Unione Europea.

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