Category Archive: 1) SNB and CHF

Mit Negativzinsen die Wirtschaft ankurbeln? Nächste Irrlehre der SNB

Seit Jahrzehnten geistert die Illusion in den Köpfen der Oekonomen herum, man könne mit Zinssenkungen eine Wirtschaft ankurbeln. Den Vogel schiesst der vermeintliche „Starökonom“ von der Harvard University, Kenneth Rogoff, ab. Er prophezeit, dass künftige Wirtschaftskrisen mit Negativzinsen von bis zu minus 6 Prozent bekämpft würden.

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GBP to CHF rate hovers over 1.32 awaiting new Brexit Developments

The pound has rallied higher against the Swiss Franc with rates for the GBP/CHF pair now sitting over 1.32. Pound to Swiss Franc exchange rates have been lifted on the back of some optimism over Brexit, that a deal will be reached between Britain and the EU. The markets are awaiting developments over the contentious Irish backstop which could pave the way forward for a deal.

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XXIX. Atelier de la Concurrence: Strafrechtliche Verfahrensgarantien vor WEKO und FINMA

Im klassischen Verwaltungsverfahren sind Parteien zu Mitwirkung und Auskunft verpflichtet. Im Strafverfahren hat demgegenüber der Beschuldigte das Recht, Aussage und Mitwirkung zu verweigern. Das Recht, sich selbst nicht belasten zu müssen, kollidiert somit mit der Mitwirkungspflicht im WEKO- und FINMA-Verfahren. Es stellt sich deshalb die Frage nach sachgerechten Lösungen. Zu diesem Thema fand Anfangs Oktober …

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Strong Trade Balance Data Supports the Franc

The Swiss Franc has been boosted during early morning trading as investors find the latest Trade Balance data supportive of the economy, with the Trade Balance data coming in showing a surplus of CHF3bn. The strength of the Swiss economy is its exports; in watches, chocolate and specialized industrial engineering.

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La Dépossession façon BNS. Entretien ORBIS TERRAE

L’ouvrage de Vincent Held aborde une série de sujets brûlants : la politique d’affaiblissement du francs suisse menée par la Banque nationale suisse (BNS), l’imbrication de cette politique avec celles des banques privées suisses, la politique d’acquisition d’obligations d’Etat en dollars et en euros au détriment de la constitution d’un véritable fonds souverain… Le livre de M. Held touche au cœur nucléaire de la prospérité helvétique. Et ce qu’il...

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The SNB’s Karl Brunner Distinguished Lecture Series: Raghuram Rajan announced as next speaker

The Swiss National Bank (SNB) has named Raghuram Rajan as this year’s speaker for its Karl Brunner Distinguished Lecture Series. Professor Rajan has made outstanding contributions to both economic practice and economic research on the global stage. His roles have included Governor of the Reserve Bank of India from 2013 until 2016 and Chief Economist at the IMF between 2003 and 2006.

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Scam Alert! #Swiss-Finma is no more paying! Withdrawal pending – Hyips daily

Scam Alert! #Swiss-Finma is no more paying! Withdrawal pending – #Hyipsdaily Avoid investing in Swiss-finma.Com #Scam Now More alarm join: Join WhatsApp group: #hyipsdaily #paying #paying_hyip #hyip #cryptocurrency #hyip_investor #hyip_review #hyip_monitor #hyip_news #Scam_Alert #Scam

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Mark Carney Steadies GBP/CHF Rates on Global Viewpoint

The pound to Swiss franc exchange rate has been steadied following comments from Mark Carney during a briefing on the global economy at the Barbican centre in London yesterday. I was fortunate to be in attendance and was struck by Carney’s confident manner, although he highlighted some major risks ahead which would be key for GBP/CHF rates.

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Obama 2009

Obama 2009

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Chaos-Politik der SNB mobilisiert SVP und SP: Milliarden für Vorsorge

Mit „links und rechts“ hat unsere Schweizerischen Nationalbank (SNB) ihre grosse Mühe. Da ist zunächst ihre Bilanz, bei der sie unfähig ist, „links und rechts“ voneinander zu unterscheiden. Unverstanden gerät sie nun folgerichtig auch politisch immer mehr unter Druck: konsequenterweisee von „links und rechts“.

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Lohngleichheit @FINMA

“Lohngleichheit ist eigentlich eine Selbstverständlichkeit. Keine Organisation kann es sich leisten, per se eine diskriminierende Kultur zu haben.” Interview mit Mark Branson, Direktor der FINMA: – Warum ist Lohngleichheit wichtig für Ihre Behörde? – Wie fördern Sie die Lohngleichheit in Ihrer Behörde? – Was nehmen Sie mit aus der Lohngleichheitsanalyse mit Logib?

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GBPCHF rates hit near 3-month highs

The Pound to Swiss Franc exchange rate has soared dramatically following a series of revelations in the currency markets and global economy. A big factor is of course Sterling strength, which has arisen on the back of increased feelings that the UK will avoid a no-deal Brexit. This could manifest next week in a Parliamentary vote on whether or not to rule out a no-deal Brexit.

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Folgt nun der umgekehrte Frankenschock?

An ihrer ersten Sitzung im neuen Jahr hat die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) ihren Kurs bestätigt. Das Wertschriftenkaufprogramm ist definitiv beendet. Fortan kauft sie netto keine zusätzlichen Anleihen mehr zu. Sondern sie ersetzt nur noch die bestehenden Papiere, die sie in ihrem Portefeuille hält.

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SNB Grants Fintechs Access to SIC

In a press release the Swiss National Bank explains that it: "grants access to … [fintechs] that make a significant contribution to the fulfilment of the SNB’s statutory tasks, and whose admission does not pose any major risks.

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Provisional Results 2018: Will the SNB ever make profits again?

15 Billion Francs Losses in 2018. Given that the good years have finished: Will the SNB will ever make profits again? And compensate for the ever rising Swiss franc?

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Swiss National Bank Suffers $15 Billion Loss On 2018 Market Rout

In the third quarter of 2018, the hedge fund known as the Swiss National Bank did something it had not done in years: it sold stocks. As we showed in November, the overall value of the SNB's US listed long holdings rose by over $2 billion to $90 billion, but all of this was due to the price appreciation as the central bank sold around $7bn of equities in Q3. This compares to purchases during 1H18 of around $6bn.

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Brexit vote to dominate Pound to Swiss Franc exchange rates

Pound to Swiss Franc exchange rates. The value of the Pound against the Swiss Franc has remained in a fairly tight range since the start of the year. However, in the last couple of days the Pound has made some small gains after the Swiss National Bank confirmed that their currency reserves have dropped slightly.

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GBP/CHF Forecast: Swiss Franc at Best Level against the Pound in over a year

Brexit uncertainty causes Swiss Franc to gain vs the Pound. The Pound is now trading at its lowest level to buy Swiss Francs in over twelve months as the political uncertainty surrounding the UK is continuing to negatively affect the value of Sterling exchange rates.

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Police Warn of fake Swiss Franc Notes

Since the beginning of December 2018 more and more counterfeit 100 Swiss franc notes have been appearing in the Swiss canton of Valais in and around Sion and Conthey. The fake notes, which the local Police say can be spotted if compared to real ones, have been making their way into circulation via shopping centres, kiosks and service stations in the Sion and Conthey region.

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