Category Archive: 5) Global Macro

Endangered Species: The Self-Employed Middle Class

Including the professional class, perhaps 3% of the workforce is truly independent. Being self-employed (i.e. owning your own small business that does not require employees) is an integral part of the American Dream. Many start out dreaming of a corner office in Corporate America, but as they move up the ladder, many become disillusioned by the process and the goal: do I really want to spend my life making big-shots even wealthier?

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05-03-15 – MACRO ANALYTICS – Learning To Innovate – w/ Charles Hugh Smith

Video Content Abstract at: LINK

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Neofeudalism 101: Strip-Mining the Upper Middle Class

This Neofeudal structure is unstable by its very nature. I have often examined the Neofeudalist structure of the U.S. economic hierarchy, and the many social and financial fault lines running through this creaking structure.

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04 08 15 – MACRO ANALYTICS – Nature of Work – w/ Charles Hugh Smith

Video Content Abstract at: LINK

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How Many Slots Are Open in the Upper Middle Class? Not As Many As You Might Think

Not only are there not that many slots in the upper middle class, the number of open slots is considerably lower. If America is the Land of Opportunity, why are so many parents worried that their princeling/princess might not get into the "right" pre-school, i.e. the first rung on the ladder to the Ivy League-issued "ticket to the upper middle class"? The obsessive focus on getting your kids into the "right" pre-school, kindergarten and prep...

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03 09 15 – MACRO ANALYTICS – What The Trends Suggest – w/ Charles Hugh Smith

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US Economic Indicators

The four best US economic indicators, in form of concurrent indicators, can be seen at Doug Short, here in detail.

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Charles Hugh Smith–The Emperor Of Lies Has No Clothes #2525

Charles Hugh Smith has written about the we are living in An Empire of Lies. We discuss what that means and why it must eventually end. The surprising thing is how long it has lasted. This is why it’s so important to go back to the local investing and keep the money in your community … Continue reading...

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2014 Posts on Global Macro

11 10 14 – MACRO ANALYTICS – Following Japan’s Failed Economic Model w/Charles Hugh Smith

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Charles Hugh Smith: Wealth Inequality by the Fed Now Mainstream Issue

Nov 4 – Cris Sheridan welcomes Charles Hugh Smith, author of the Of Two Minds blog. Charles notes that the Federal Reserve has been seen as all-powerful, but believes that perception is now waning.

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Place of Birth of New Ukrainian Leaders Cement the Country’s Move to the West and the EU

The place of birth of the Ukrainian leaders give us hints where the country is headed. Most of them come from the very West of Ukraine, from places that formerly were part of the Austrian-Hungarian empire, of Poland or Romania.

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Charles Hugh Smith–Central Bankers Have Reached A Fork In The Road-They Should Take It #2313

Never before have quasi-omnipotent financial gods had so few powers. A lot is being written about central bank policies now as the Federal Reserve ends its primary quantitative easing (QE) program and the limitations of central bank easing become increasingly apparent in Europe and Japan. Markets across the globe are in utter turmoil. Oil is …

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10 03 14 – Macro Analytics – America’s Terminal Political Dysfunction – w/ Charles Hugh Smith

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The Dollar, the ISM, Buy American and Irrational Exuberance

In this Cross Asset Global Macro Analysis we name our reasons for the current dollar strength. The main causes are ECB’s euro “downtalk”, tight monetary policy in Emerging Markets, rising savings of the aging populations. This leads to weak global spending and growth. With the help of Fed-financed higher asset prices and falling gasoline prices, …

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Stock Indices and Exposure to Emerging Markets

Monetary policy is and remains tight in Emerging Markets, in particular since many of their currencies collapsed in summer 2013. This created inflation and led to lower spending. We want to find out which stock indices in the developed world have which exposure to Emerging Markets.

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The Best Contrarian Macro Investment: Russia?

We name thirteen macro-economic reasons why Russia is currently the best place for contrarian investments.

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Can Sanctions Stop Putin? Russian Resource Rent versus Declining Oil Price

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Malaysian MH17: Ukrainian&Western Propaganda against Russian Propaganda. Who is Best?

strong suspicion that Ukrainian air control deliberately facilitated and enabled the shot-down. Combining Western and Ukrainian propaganda with pro-Russian propaganda helps. In each piece of "manufactured or exaggerated news" there might be a bit of truth. Still there is only one party to this conflict that has to gain from a deliberate blowing up of MH17, this is not Russia or the so-called "Donezk People's Republic".

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Of Two Minds blogger, prolific author, and pundit Charles Hugh Smith in an impromptu coffeehouse promo for his latest book Get a Job, Build a Real Career and Defy a Bewildering Economy.

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