Category Archive: 5) Global Macro

Donald Trump needs redemption, says an American Christian conservative | The Economist

The Republican Party is at war with itself. Abigail Skeans, a evangelical Christian and conservative, discusses the current state of politics, and where the American Right goes from here Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: “I’m Abigail Skeans, I’m a Christian evangelical and I identify as conservative. My faith is everything …

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An undocumented immigrant explains what is at stake in America’s election | The Economist

The 2016 American presidential election is especially important for the millions of undocumented immigrants. Lalo Mendez, who was brought to America from Mexico in the trunk of a car, shares his personal perspective on what is at stake Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: In 2012 President Obama introduced the Deferred …

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Rapper Son of Nun wants the US presidential candidates to talk about race

Baltimore rapper Son of Nun is an activist against police brutality and racial injustice. He offers his personal perspective on the US presidential election and what—if anything—it will mean for his community Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: Check out Economist Films: Check out The Economist’s full video catalogue: …

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Emerging Market: Week Ahead Preview

EM ended the week on a soft note, as markets were taken off guard by news that the FBI was reopening its investigation of Hillary Clinton’s emails. Risk off trading hit MXN particularly hard. FOMC meeting this week should be a non-event, but markets are likely to remain volatile ahead of the November 8 elections in the US.

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Free trade and politics as drawn by our cartoonist KAL | The Economist

Free trade—a principle upon which The Economist was founded 173 years ago—is severely under threat. Our KAL cartoonist illustrates the state of trade in our latest offering, “Daily Watch” Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: From the time we are children, we swap things with others. We give and take for …

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The Bankrupt U.S. Healthcare System

The mainstream became mainstream because it worked: the mainstream advice to "go to college and you'll get a good job" worked, the mainstream financial plan of buying a house to build equity to pass on to your children worked, the mainstream of government regulation worked to the public's advantage at modest cost to taxpayers and the mainstream media, despite being cozy with government agencies such as the C.I.A. and operating as a profit machine...

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Emerging Markets: What has Changed

GDP, Consumer Inflation and Current Accounts
Chinese President Xi has strengthened his grip on power. Mozambique said it is in “debt distress” and hired advisors for a debt restructuring. South Africa revised its macro forecasts in the Finance Ministry’s Medium-Term Budget Program.Chile’s ruling center-left coalition lost municipal elections.In the EM equity space as measured by MSCI, Poland (+3.2%), Chile (+3.1%), and Hungary (+0.9%) have outperformed this week, while the Philippines...

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Could Inflation Break the Back of the Status Quo?

Political resistance to the oligarchy's financialization skimming operations will eventually cripple central bank giveaways to the financial sector and corporate oligarchs. That inflation and interest rates will remain near-zero for a generation is accepted as "obvious" by virtually the entire mainstream media.

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Daily Watch: mind-stretching short films from The Economist

Introducing Daily Watch: mind-stretching short films during the working week. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: Check out Economist Films: Check out The Economist’s full video catalogue: Like The Economist on Facebook: Follow The Economist on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram:...

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Ending a Taking Economy and Creating a Giving Economy Part 2

There no longer seems to be a rational alignment between economic cost and value. This means questioning so-called conventional wisdom and critically considering whether or not to own property or even to go to college.

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CHARLES HUGH SMITH | The Entire Economic System Is One Big Illusion

Today’s Guest: Charles Hugh Smith Website: Of Two Minds Books: Why Our Status Quo Failed And Is Beyond Reform . Economic collapse and financial crisis is rising any moment. Getting informed about collapse and crisis may earn you, or prevent to lose money. Do you want to . The Entire Economic System Is One Big …

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End Of The Bond Bull – Better Hope Not

It’s been really busy as of late to cover all of the topics I have wanted to address. One topic, in particular, is the bond market and the ongoing concerns of a “bond bubble” due to historically low interest rates in the U.S. and, by direct consequence, historically high bond prices.

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The Secrets of Self-Employment: Overhead and Capital Accumulation

There are still opportunities to not just earn a wage, but the overhead, profit and capital skimmed by global corporations. So how can someone earning $15 an hour as an employee get ahead? The short answer is: they can't. One worker earning $15/hour will struggle to get ahead, which I define as building capital that generates an income stream.

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Two Sets of Solutions as the Status Quo Crumbles

Two charts illustrate Why Our Status Quo Failed and Is Beyond Reform: this chart of the S-Curve of financialization, leverage, debt, central planning, regulatory capture and globalization--that is, the engines of modern "growth"--depicts the inevitable stagnation and decline of these dynamics as overcapacity, debt saturation and diminishing returns take hold.

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Ever wondered where Britain’s royal family go shopping? | The Economist

David Morgan Hewitt takes us on a Royal Warrant shopping experience, where he creates his very own perfume. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: Passport is an original travel series for the intellectually and culturally curious, exploring some of the most exciting city destinations in the world. The insiders’ guide to …

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Fed GDP Projections

“It is not surprising the Fed once again failed to take action as their expectations for economic growth were once again lowered. In fact, as I have noted previously, the Federal Reserve are the worst economic forecasters on the planet.

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The Ruling Elite Has Lost the Consent of the Governed

Brimming with hubris and self-importance, the ruling Elite and mainstream media cannot believe they have lost the consent of the governed. Every ruling Elite needs the consent of the governed: even autocracies, dictatorships and corporatocracies ultimately rule with the consent, however grudging, of the governed.

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Welcome to Neocolonialism, Exploited Peasants!

In my latest interview with Max Keiser, Max asked a question of fundamental importance: (I paraphrase, as the interview has not yet been posted): now that the current iteration of capitalism has occupied every corner of the globe, where can it expand to for its "growth"?

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Discover London: royal shopping and wild-swimming | The Economist

London is the most visited city destination in the world, but in PASSPORT three quirky locals will show you the hidden gems they think everyone should see – if only you know where to look. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: Discover Hyderabad: Discover Colombo: Discover Buenos Aires: …

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Financial Repression Is Now “In Play”

A FALLING MARKET CANNOT BE ALLOWED – at any cost! The Central Bankers have clearly painted themselves into a corner as a result of their self-inflicted, extended period of “cheap money”. Their policies have fostered malinvestment, excessive leverage and a speculative casino approach to investments. Investors forced to take on excess risk for yield and scalp speculative investment returns, must operate in an unstable financial environment ripe for...

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