Category Archive: 5) Global Macro

What is the future of the British monarchy?

In today’s world the idea of the monarchy is outdated, but it thrived under Queen Elizabeth II. The Economist’s Editor-in chief, Zanny Minton Beddoes, and Britain correspondent, Catherine Nixey, discuss what the Queen’s death means for the future of the crown. 00:00 - How has Britain reacted to her death? 02:36 - The impact of her death worldwide 03:48 - What is the future of the British monarchy? 04:45 - The new king will face challenges Find...

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WION Fineprint | Putin to Xi: Russia values China’s ‘balanced position’ on Ukraine

Russia's President Vladimir Putin told Chinese leader Xi Jinping that Moscow backs Beijing's "One China" policy, opposes "provocations" by the United States in the Taiwan Strait and values China's "balanced position" on Ukraine.

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Why America’s murder rate has spiked

In 2020 the murder rate in the US rose by nearly 30%—the country’s largest-ever recorded annual increase. It has not fallen significantly since. What is it about America that led to this jump, and what can be done to reduce the violence? 00:00 - America’s murder rate soared in 2020 01:15 - How violence interrupters work to reduce shootings 02:51 - Will the high murder rate become the new normal? 04:26 - What leads to violent crime? 05:28 - Did...

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Fed says, ‘Quantitative Tightening does Nothing (QE too)’ [Ep. 288, Eurodollar University]

A study by the Federal Reserve finds that quantitative tightening has a statistically significant effect on rates and yields. Too bad the effect is IMMATERIAL in the EXTREME! Also, same study notes that quantitative easing is similarly a big, 'nothing burger' (their words; ok, ok - my words).

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Gravitas: Another mystery death in Russia

Another businessman has died mysteriously in Russia. Reports say - at least 9 Russian executives and oligarchs have died this year. Are these mysterious deaths connected? Molly Gambhir tells you more.

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The Fourth Turn, Turn, Turn

The cycles of The Fourth Turning, Fischer and Turchin are all in alignment at this point in history.. The 1997 book The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy proposed a cyclical pattern of four 20-year generations which culminate in a national crisis every 80 years.

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Ukraine continues its counter-offensive, Kyiv claims 6,000 sq km of land retaken

Ukraine claims to have taken back control of nearly 2000 sq. km of land from Russian troops, including 20 villages ad towns and the strategic city of Izium. Russian troops continue to control early a fifth of Ukraine.

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Is the war in Ukraine nearing its end?

Ukraine’s surprise counter-attack has inflicted a huge defeat on Vladimir Putin’s forces. Has the tide turned in the war? Our correspondents discuss the latest developments, what they might mean for Putin’s grip on power in Russia and whether a Ukrainian victory is possible. 00:00 - How effective has the Ukrainian counter-offensive been? 02:01 - How have Western-supplied weapons helped Ukraine? 03:20 - How has the Kremlin reacted? 06:20 - Is a...

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Russian invasion: Ukraine continues its counter-offensive, claims 6,000 sq km of land retaken

Ukraine continues its counter-offensive against Russia after reeling under Russian strikes for almost seven months, Ukraine is fighting back to regain its territory. The war-torn country has now claimed that it has taken back six thousand square kilometers of the area which was captured by Moscow after the war began in the month of February.

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Why This Recession Is Different

All of these are structural dynamics that won't go away in a few months or years.Let's explore what's different now compared to recessions of the past 60 years.1. Deglobalization is inflationary. Offshoring production to low-cost countries imported deflation (product prices remained flat or declined) and boosted corporate profits.

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SMART BOURSE – L’invité de la mi-journée : Thomas Costerg (Pictet WM)

Lundi 12 septembre 2022, SMART BOURSE reçoit Thomas Costerg (Économiste senior US, Pictet WM)

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Weekly Market Pulse: No News Is…

Nothing happened last week. Stocks and bonds and commodities continued to trade and move around in price but there was no news to which those movements could be attributed. The economic news was a trifle and what there was told us exactly nothing new about the economy.

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Rapid advance of Ukrainian forces take Russia by surprise | Latest International News | WION

As Russia's invasion continues in Ukraine, Ukraine forces Russian troops to retreat from Izium. Meanwhile, Russia is planning to 'regroup' its troops as Izium had become key strategic city for Russian troops.

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Russia pulls back from Izium; Ukraine encircles regions around Kharkiv | International News | WION

As Russia's invasion continues in Ukraine, Russia pulled out troops from Izium. Meanwhile, Russia has regrouped its troops in east as Izium had become key strategic city for Russian troops.

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Is a Post-Dollar World Coming—Soon? [Ep. 284, Eurodollar University]

A Financial Times opinion column avers not only is a "post-dollar world coming" but that it is "near" and that the "decline could last... longer". We review the argument, disagree, and note no discussion of the global monetary order. Also, a prediction where the dollar is headed next.

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Ukraine claims responsibility for Crimea attacks, took 10 Russian warplanes out of action | WION

After months of denial, Ukraine has claimed responsibility for a series of airstrikes on Crimea. One of the attacks which took place in early August targeted Russia's Saky military base and killed one person. Ukraine initially refused to admit any responsibility. Its defense minister even blamed russian soldiers smoking in the wrong place for triggering the blasts.

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Gravitas: Why your oil bills could spike again

The OPEC Plus has decided to start cutting oil production in October by 100,000 barrels. Western sanctions on countries like Iran and Venezuela could squeeze oil supplies further. Palki Sharma tells you more.

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What to expect from King Charles III

King Charles III has very large shoes to fill. How will he change the British royal family? 00:00 - Britain has a new king 01:08 - The English constitution 01:57 - The importance of religion 03:56 - Charles has big shoes to fill 06:09 - Slimming down the monarchy 07:21 - Will Charles be a meddling king? 08:44 - Could there be a constitutional crisis? 10:35 - The future of the British monarchy What will Charles do now?

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The EU’s Crisis Is Global

The EU's crisis isn't limited to energy. It is a manifestation of the global breakdown of Neocolonialism, Financialization and Globalization. The European Union (EU) was seen as the culmination of a centuries-long process of integration that would finally put an end to the ceaseless conflicts that had led to disastrous wars in the 20th century that had knocked Europe from global preeminence.

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Be Sure to Read the Medicare Fine Print

Medicare. The government defines it as “The federal health insurance program for people 65 and older.” That seems simple enough. But there’s more to it than meets the eye because Medicare, like so many other things, has fine print that could end up costing you a lot of money if you don’t know about it.

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