Category Archive: 5) Global Macro

The Unintended Consequences of Unintended Consequences

Decades of central bank distortions and regulatory / market-share capture by cartels and monopolies have completely gutted "markets," destroying their self-correcting dynamics. Unintended consequences introduce unexpected problems that may not have easy solutions.

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SMART BOURSE – L’invité de la mi-journée : Thomas Costerg (Pictet WM)

Lundi 7 novembre 2022, SMART BOURSE reçoit Thomas Costerg (Économiste senior US, Pictet WM)

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Why Belgium is now the cocaine capital of Europe

With record seizures of cocaine at Belgian ports, the country has become Europe’s cocaine-trafficking capital. As the flow of drugs increases, local authorities are struggling with corruption and violence. 00:00 - Antwerp: Europe’s cocaine trafficking capital 01:48 - How much cocaine gets seized? 03:18 - Why do traffickers choose the port of Antwerp? 05:54 - The entrepreneurial Balkan mafias 07:35 - How do cocaine mafias make a profit? 08:16 -...

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Climate change: can money stop deforestation?

Rampant deforestation has driven economic growth, but accelerates climate change. How do you put a price on trees, to make them worth more alive than dead? Film supported by Bain and Company 00:00 - Can money grow on trees? 00:55 - What Costa Rica can teach us 01:52 - Down with the trees: rapid deforestation around the world 03:15 - Why tree-planting schemes aren’t always the answer 04:24 - Paying for existing trees: carbon credits 06:38 - How to...

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Lula beats Bolsonaro: what happens now?

President Bolsonaro has lost the Brazilian election to former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva by a razor-thin margin. Will Bolsonaro and his supporters accept the result, and what does Lula’s win mean for Brazil, and for the world? 00:00 - Lula wins the Brazilian election 00:55 - How might Bolsonaro react? 01:50 - What will this mean for Lula? 03:08 - What will this mean for the world? Sign up to The Economist’s daily newsletter:...

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Is Vladimir Putin ill? We investigate

Rumours about Vladimir Putin’s health were circulating before the war in Ukraine. We investigate the claims #russia #Putin #Ukraine #shorts

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What Does Liberation Mean in the Real World?

Liberation in the real world is the result of self-reliance and investing in our own well-being.Liberation has many contexts. It can mean being freed from imprisonment or servitude, freedom from gnawing want or oppression, or being liberated from prisons of the mind.

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Ukraine war: Russia warned against false flag operation | Latest World News | WION

In his latest warning to the Russian President Vladimir Putin, US President Joe Biden has said that Russia would be making a serious mistake if it deploys a tactical nuclear weapon in Ukraine.

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Russia-Ukraine War: NATO’s AWACS inside Poland border track Ukraine’s battlefield | Latest | WION

War in Ukraine rages on and a lot has been said about a fierce resistance put up by Kyiv. The Russian military has suffered multiple setbacks at battlefield and it’s the hidden hand of the West which has armed the Ukrainian soldiers.

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Russia-Ukraine war: Ukrainians expect a tough fight for Kherson

It has been several months since the Russian invasion of Ukraine has been raging on and scores of civilians have lost their lives in the conflict. Now, Ukrainians expect a tough fight for Kherson.

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The Cleanest Dirty Shirt

It’s easy to overestimate the problems the United States faces while underestimating its strengths. The challenges are certainly significant. Politics have seldom been so divisive. The government is running an annual deficit of over a trillion dollars, with a total debt many times that. Inflation has spiked. The Fed has been hiking interest rates at a pace that could imperil the economy.

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Incels: how online extremism is changing

“Incels” are an online community of mostly young men, some of whom promote violent hatred of women. In the online world, violent extremism is evolving in ever more fluid ways — with fatal consequences in the real world. Film supported by @Mishcon de Reya LLP See more from our Now & Next series: 00:00 - How the internet is changing violent extremism 01:10 - The radicalisation superhighway 02:50 - The...

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The End of the "Growth" Road

Everyone caught by surprise that the infinite road actually has an end will face a bewildering transition. The End of the "Growth" Road is upon us, though the consensus continues to hold fast to the endearing fantasy of infinite expansion of consumption.

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Rishi Sunak makes his first speech as Britain’s PM, promises to lead UK out of economic turmoil

Rishi Sunak has become Britain's third Prime Minister this year. During his speech at 10 Downing Street, the new Prime Minister pledged to lead the country out of the profound economic crisis that the country finds itself in.

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Now That Housing Is Rolling Over, Is That Fixer-Upper a Deal?

So-called "cosmetic work" can cost tens of thousands of dollars.Now that housing is finally rolling over due to rising mortgage rates and bubble valuations, many of those who have been priced out of the market are hoping to take advantage of lower prices.

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Russia pushes dirty bomb claims, submits formal letter to UN | Latest World News | WION

After a series of accusations, Russia has submitted a formal letter to the United Nations, the latter discussed the claims in a closed-door meeting. The start of this week saw a blame game that roped the United Nations and the West, Moscow has accused Kyiv of planning to deploy a dirty bomb on its own land in return Ukraine has counter accused the Kremlin of planning a false flag operation.

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Home prices are now falling, piling on the Fed pivot from near and dear to the FOMC (models).

As if there aren't enough suspects which could end the Fed's rate hikes regime (more importantly represent serious threats to the economy and markets), now we have confirmed falling home prices to add to the already-toxic environment.

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Gravitas | Ukraine war: Russia raises dirty bomb threat at UN

Russia has sent a letter to the UN - repeating its claim that Ukraine is preparing to use a dirty bomb on its territory. Do Moscow's allegations have any merit? Priyanka Sharma tells you more.

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WION Fineprint | Russian court rejects Brittney Griner’s appeal

A Russian court rejected U.S. basketball star Brittney Griner's appeal for a reduced sentence. The American was sent to prison for carrying Cannabis Oil. Neha Khanna tells you more.

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Powell’s Epiphany: There is No Free Lunch p2 Neutralizing the Money is Inflationary

Pandemic Wealth Effect. The top 1% of the US made about $14T or $4.2M per person. The next 19% made about $20T or $318,000 per person. The next 30% made about $5T or $50,000 per person. The bottom 50% made about $1T or $6,000 per person. The resulting inflation is at a 40yr high and Powell wants the money back.

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